public interface ConfluenceSoapService extends SecureRpc
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
addAnonymousPermissionsToSpace(String token,
String[] permissions,
String spaceKey)
Add Space Permissions for anonymous users
boolean |
addAnonymousPermissionToSpace(String token,
String permission,
String spaceKey)
Add a Space Permission for anonymous users
boolean |
addAnonymousUsePermission(String token) |
boolean |
addAnonymousViewUserProfilePermission(String token)
This permission can only be set if the anonymous user already has 'use' permission.
RemoteAttachment |
addAttachment(String token,
long contentId,
RemoteAttachment attachment,
byte[] attachmentData)
Add a new attachment to a ContentEntityObject.
RemoteComment |
addComment(String token,
RemoteComment comment)
Adds a comment to a page or blog post
boolean |
addGlobalPermission(String token,
String permission,
String remoteEntityName)
Add global permissions for a user or group
boolean |
addGlobalPermissions(String token,
String[] permissions,
String remoteEntityName)
Add a global permission for a user or group
boolean |
addGroup(String token,
String groupname)
Adds a new group
boolean |
addLabelById(String token,
long labelId,
long objectId)
Adds a label with the given ID to the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
boolean |
addLabelByName(String token,
String labelName,
long objectId)
Adds a label to the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
boolean |
addLabelByNameToSpace(String token,
String labelName,
String spaceKey)
Adds a label to the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
boolean |
addLabelByObject(String token,
RemoteLabel labelObject,
long objectId)
Adds the given label object to the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
boolean |
addPermissionsToSpace(String token,
String[] permissions,
String remoteEntityName,
String spaceKey)
Add Space Permissions for a user or group
boolean |
addPermissionToSpace(String token,
String permission,
String remoteEntityName,
String spaceKey)
Add a Space Permission for a user or group
RemoteSpace |
addPersonalSpace(String token,
RemoteSpace space,
String username) |
RemoteSpace |
addPersonalSpaceWithDefaultPermissions(String token,
RemoteSpace space,
String username) |
boolean |
addProfilePicture(String token,
String userName,
String fileName,
String mimeType,
byte[] pictureData)
Add a profile picture to a user's profile
RemoteSpace |
addSpace(String token,
RemoteSpace space) |
RemoteSpaceGroup |
addSpaceGroup(String token,
RemoteSpaceGroup spaceGroup)
since 5.9.
RemoteSpace |
addSpaceWithDefaultPermissions(String token,
RemoteSpace space) |
void |
addUser(String token,
RemoteUser remoteUser,
String password)
Adds a user with the given RemoteUser object and password
void |
addUser(String token,
RemoteUser remoteUser,
String password,
boolean notifyUser)
Adds a user with the given RemoteUser object and password
boolean |
addUserToGroup(String token,
String username,
String groupname) |
boolean |
changeMyPassword(String token,
String oldPass,
String newPass)
Change the current user's password
boolean |
changeUserPassword(String token,
String username,
String newPass)
Change a user's password
boolean |
clearIndexQueue(String token) |
String |
convertWikiToStorageFormat(String token,
String markup)
Converts a string from wiki markup to the XHTML based storage format.
boolean |
deactivateUser(String token,
String username)
Deactivates the given user
RemoteComment |
editComment(String token,
RemoteComment comment)
Updates a comment
boolean |
editUser(String token,
RemoteUser remoteUser)
Edits a user with the values in the given RemoteUser object
Boolean |
emptyTrash(String token,
String spaceKey) |
String |
exportSite(String token,
boolean exportAttachments) |
String |
exportSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
String exportType) |
String |
exportSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
String exportType,
boolean exportAll) |
boolean |
flushIndexQueue(String token) |
String[] |
getActiveUsers(String token,
boolean viewAll)
Returns a list of the current system users
RemotePageSummary[] |
getAncestors(String token,
long pageId)
Returns all direct ancestor pages of the page with the given pageId the user authenticated by token is
allowed to view.
RemoteAttachment |
getAttachment(String token,
long contentId,
String fileName,
int version)
Retrieve information about an attachment.
byte[] |
getAttachmentData(String token,
long contentId,
String fileName,
int version)
Retrieve the contents of an attachment.
RemoteAttachment[] |
getAttachments(String token,
long pageId) |
RemoteBlogEntrySummary[] |
getBlogEntries(String token,
String spaceKey) |
RemoteBlogEntry |
getBlogEntry(String token,
long entryId) |
RemoteBlogEntry |
getBlogEntryByDateAndTitle(String token,
String spaceKey,
int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth,
String postTitle)
Retrieves a blog post in the given space, with the title and date as specified.
RemoteBlogEntry |
getBlogEntryByDayAndTitle(String token,
String spaceKey,
int dayOfMonth,
String postTitle)
Retrieves a blog post in the Space with the given spaceKey, with the title 'postTitle' and posted on the day 'dayOfMonth'
RemotePageSummary[] |
getChildren(String token,
long pageId)
Returns all child pages of the page with the given pageId the user authenticated by token is
allowed to view.
RemoteClusterInformation |
getClusterInformation(String token) |
RemoteNodeStatus[] |
getClusterNodeStatuses(String token) |
RemoteComment |
getComment(String token,
long commentId)
Retrieves a comment with the given ID
RemoteComment[] |
getComments(String token,
long pageId)
Retrieves the comments for a given abstract page
RemoteContentPermissionSet |
getContentPermissionSet(String token,
long contentId,
String permissionType)
Get the content permission set of a certain type for a particular piece of content
RemoteContentPermissionSet[] |
getContentPermissionSets(String token,
long contentId)
Get the content permission sets for a particular piece of content
RemotePageSummary[] |
getDescendents(String token,
long pageId)
Returns all descendent pages of the page with the given pageId the user authenticated by token is
allowed to view.
String[] |
getGroups(String token)
Retrieves a list of user groups
RemoteSearchResult[] |
getLabelContentById(String token,
long labelId)
Returns the content for a given label ID
RemoteSearchResult[] |
getLabelContentByName(String token,
String labelName)
Returns the content for a given label name
RemoteSearchResult[] |
getLabelContentByObject(String token,
RemoteLabel labelObject)
Returns the content for a given label object
RemoteLabel[] |
getLabelsByDetail(String token,
String labelName,
String namespace,
String spaceKey,
String owner)
Retrieves the labels matching the given labelName, namespace or owner.
RemoteLabel[] |
getLabelsById(String token,
long objectId)
Returns all labels for the given ContentEntityObject ID.
RemoteLabel[] |
getMostPopularLabels(String token,
int maxCount)
Returns the most popular labels for the Confluence instance, with a specified maximum number
of results.
RemoteLabel[] |
getMostPopularLabelsInSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
int maxCount)
Returns the most popular labels for the given spaceKey, with a specified maximum number
of results.
RemotePage |
getPage(String token,
long pageId) |
RemotePage |
getPage(String token,
String spaceKey,
String pageTitle) |
RemotePageHistory[] |
getPageHistory(String token,
long pageId) |
RemotePermission[] |
getPagePermissions(String token,
long pageId) |
RemotePageSummary[] |
getPages(String token,
String spaceKey)
Returns all pages of the space with the given spaceKey the user authenticated by token is
allowed to view.
RemotePageSummary |
getPageSummary(String token,
long pageId) |
RemotePageSummary |
getPageSummary(String token,
String spaceKey,
String pageTitle) |
String[] |
getPermissions(String token,
String spaceKey) |
String[] |
getPermissionsForUser(String token,
String spaceKey,
String userName) |
RemoteLabel[] |
getRecentlyUsedLabels(String token,
int maxResults)
Returns the recently used labels for the Confluence instance, with a specified maximum number
of results.
RemoteLabel[] |
getRecentlyUsedLabelsInSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
int maxResults)
Returns the recently used labels for the given spaceKey, with a specified maximum number
of results.
RemoteLabel[] |
getRelatedLabels(String token,
String labelName,
int maxResults)
Returns the labels related to the given label name, with a specified maximum number
of results.
RemoteLabel[] |
getRelatedLabelsInSpace(String token,
String labelName,
String spaceKey,
int maxResults)
Returns the labels related to the given label name for the given spaceKey, with a specified maximum number
of results.
RemoteServerInfo |
getServerInfo(String token) |
RemoteSpace |
getSpace(String token,
String spaceKey) |
RemoteSpaceGroup |
getSpaceGroup(String token,
String spaceGroup)
since 5.9.
RemoteSpaceGroup[] |
getSpaceGroups(String token)
since 5.9.
String[] |
getSpaceLevelPermissions(String token) |
RemoteSpacePermissionSet |
getSpacePermissionSet(String token,
String spaceKey,
String permissionType) |
RemoteSpacePermissionSet[] |
getSpacePermissionSets(String token,
String spaceKey) |
RemoteSpaceSummary[] |
getSpaces(String token) |
RemoteSpace[] |
getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(String token,
String labelName)
Returns all Spaces that have content labelled with labelName
RemoteSpaceSummary[] |
getSpacesInGroup(String token,
String spaceGroupKey) |
String |
getSpaceStatus(String token,
String spaceKey) |
RemoteSpace[] |
getSpacesWithLabel(String token,
String labelName)
Returns an array of Spaces that have been labelled with labelName
RemotePageSummary[] |
getTopLevelPages(String token,
String spaceKey)
Returns all top level pages of the space with the given spaceKey the user authenticated by token is
allowed to view.
RemoteContentSummaries |
getTrashContents(String token,
String spaceKey,
int offset,
int count) |
RemoteConfluenceUser |
getUserByKey(String token,
String userKey)
Retrieves a user with the given user key.
RemoteConfluenceUser |
getUserByName(String token,
String username)
Retrieves a user with the given username.
String[] |
getUserGroups(String token,
String username)
Retrieves the groups that a given user belongs to
RemoteUserInformation |
getUserInformation(String token,
String username)
Retrieves a user's information
boolean |
getUserPreferenceBoolean(String token,
String username,
String key)
Get a user preference as a boolean value.
long |
getUserPreferenceLong(String token,
String username,
String key)
Get a user preference as a long integer value.
String |
getUserPreferenceString(String token,
String username,
String key)
Get a user preference as a String value.
RemoteUser[] |
getWatchersForPage(String token,
long pageId)
Returns the list of users watching the page or blog post with the given ID.
RemoteUser[] |
getWatchersForSpace(String token,
String spaceKey)
Returns the list of users watching the space with the given key.
boolean |
hasGroup(String token,
String groupname)
Determines whether a group exists
boolean |
hasUser(String token,
String username)
Determines whether a user exists
boolean |
importSpace(String token,
byte[] importData)
Import a space in a compressed XML format
boolean |
installPlugin(String token,
String pluginFileName,
byte[] pluginData)
Installs a plugin.
boolean |
isActiveUser(String token,
String username)
Checks if a given user is active.
boolean |
isDarkFeatureEnabled(String token,
String key) |
boolean |
isPluginEnabled(String token,
String pluginKey)
Returns true if the specified plugin is enabled.
boolean |
isPluginInstalled(String token,
String pluginKey)
Returns true if the specified plugin is installed.
boolean |
isWatchingPage(String token,
long pageId,
String username)
Returns true if the specified user is watching the page or blog post with the given ID, otherwise false.
boolean |
isWatchingSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
String username)
Returns true if the specified user is watching the space with the given key, otherwise false.
boolean |
isWatchingSpaceForType(String token,
String spaceKey,
String contentType,
String username)
Returns true if the specified user is watching the specified type of content in space with the given key,
otherwise false.
String |
login(String username,
String password) |
boolean |
logout(String token) |
boolean |
moveAttachment(String token,
long originalContentId,
String originalFileName,
long newContentId,
String newFileName)
Move or rename an attachment
Boolean |
movePage(String token,
long sourcePageId,
long targetPageId,
String position) |
Boolean |
movePageToTopLevel(String token,
long pageId,
String targetSpaceKey) |
String |
performBackup(String token,
boolean exportAttachments) |
Boolean |
purgeFromTrash(String token,
String spaceKey,
long pageId) |
boolean |
reactivateUser(String token,
String username)
Reactivates the given user
boolean |
recoverMainIndex(String token) |
boolean |
removeAllPermissionsForGroup(String token,
String groupname)
Deletes all global and space permissions for the given group
boolean |
removeAnonymousPermissionFromSpace(String token,
String permission,
String spaceKey)
Removes a Space Permission for anonymous users
boolean |
removeAnonymousUsePermission(String token)
Remove anonymous use permission.
boolean |
removeAnonymousViewUserProfilePermission(String token) |
boolean |
removeAttachment(String token,
long contentId,
String fileName)
Remove an attachment.
boolean |
removeComment(String token,
long commentId)
Removes a comment with the given ID
boolean |
removeGlobalPermission(String token,
String permission,
String remoteEntityName)
Remove a global permission
boolean |
removeGroup(String token,
String groupname,
String defaultGroupName)
Removes an existing group
boolean |
removeLabelById(String token,
long labelId,
long objectId)
Removes the label with the given ID from the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
boolean |
removeLabelByName(String token,
String labelName,
long objectId)
Removes the given label from the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
boolean |
removeLabelByNameFromSpace(String token,
String labelName,
String spaceKey)
Removes the given label from the given Space
boolean |
removeLabelByObject(String token,
RemoteLabel labelObject,
long objectId)
Removes the given label object from the object with the given ContentEntityObject ID.
Boolean |
removePage(String token,
long pageId) |
Boolean |
removePageVersionById(String token,
long historicalPageId)
Remove a historical version of a page.
Boolean |
removePageVersionByVersion(String token,
long pageId,
int version)
Remove the identified version of a page.
boolean |
removePageWatch(String token,
long pageId)
Remove a watch for the current user on the page or blog post with the specified page ID.
boolean |
removePageWatchForUser(String token,
long pageId,
String username)
Removes a watch from a specific page or blog post for a particular user.
boolean |
removePermissionFromSpace(String token,
String permission,
String remoteEntityName,
String spaceKey)
Removes a Space Permission for a user or group
Boolean |
removeSpace(String token,
String spaceKey) |
boolean |
removeSpaceGroup(String token,
String spaceGroupKey)
since 5.9.
boolean |
removeSpaceWatch(String token,
String spaceKey)
Removes a watch for the current user on the space with the specified space key.
boolean |
removeUser(String token,
String username)
Removes a user with the given username
boolean |
removeUserFromGroup(String token,
String username,
String groupname)
Removes the given user from a group
boolean |
renameUser(String token,
String oldUsername,
String newUsername)
Change user's username
String[] |
renameUsers(String token,
Map<String,String> oldUsernamesToNewUsernames)
Change usernames for a set of users
String |
renderContent(String token,
String spaceKey,
long pageId,
String newContent) |
String |
renderContent(String token,
String spaceKey,
long pageId,
String newContent,
Map renderParameters) |
RemoteSearchResult[] |
search(String token,
String query,
int maxResults)
Search Confluence for the supplied query String.
RemoteSearchResult[] |
search(String token,
String query,
Map params,
int maxResults)
Search Confluence for the supplied query String.
boolean |
setContentPermissions(String token,
long contentId,
String permissionType,
RemoteContentPermission[] remoteContentPermissions)
Set the content permissions for a particular permission type on some content.
boolean |
setEnableAnonymousAccess(String token,
boolean value) |
Boolean |
setSpaceStatus(String token,
String spaceKey,
String status) |
boolean |
setUserInformation(String token,
RemoteUserInformation userInfo)
Updates a user's information
boolean |
setUserPreferenceBoolean(String token,
String username,
String key,
boolean value)
Set a user preference to a boolean value.
boolean |
setUserPreferenceLong(String token,
String username,
String key,
long value)
Set a user preference to an long integer value.
boolean |
setUserPreferenceString(String token,
String username,
String key,
String value)
Set a user preference to a String value.
boolean |
startActivity(String token,
String key,
String user)
Call startActivity on the heartbeat manager bean
boolean |
stopActivity(String token,
String key,
String user)
Call stopActivity on the heartbeat manager bean
RemoteBlogEntry |
storeBlogEntry(String token,
RemoteBlogEntry blogEntry) |
RemotePage |
storePage(String token,
RemotePage page) |
RemoteSpace |
storeSpace(String token,
RemoteSpace remoteSpace)
Allows for modifying space details via the remote API.
RemotePage |
updatePage(String token,
RemotePage page,
RemotePageUpdateOptions options) |
boolean |
watchPage(String token,
long pageId)
Adds a watch for the current user on the page or blog post with the specified page ID.
boolean |
watchPageForUser(String token,
long pageId,
String username)
Adds a watch to a specific page or blog post for a particular user.
boolean |
watchSpace(String token,
String spaceKey)
Adds a watch for the current user on the space with the specified space key.
static final String VIEW_PERMISSION
static final String MODIFY_PERMISSION
static final String COMMENT_PERMISSION
static final String ADMIN_SPACE_PERMISSION
String login(String username, String password) throws RemoteException
in interface SecureRpc
boolean logout(String token) throws RemoteException
in interface SecureRpc
RemoteSpaceSummary[] getSpaces(String token) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpaceSummary[] getSpacesInGroup(String token, String spaceGroupKey) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpace addSpaceWithDefaultPermissions(String token, RemoteSpace space) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpace addSpace(String token, RemoteSpace space) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpace storeSpace(String token, RemoteSpace remoteSpace) throws RemoteException
- RemoteException
@Deprecated RemoteSpaceGroup addSpaceGroup(String token, RemoteSpaceGroup spaceGroup) throws RemoteException
and related classes like
will be removed.
Please do not use them.
- the authentication tokenspaceGroup
- the spacegroup to addNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionInvalidSessionException
- if a group with the same key already existsRemoteException
@Deprecated RemoteSpaceGroup getSpaceGroup(String token, String spaceGroup) throws RemoteException
and related classes like
will be removed.
Please do not use them.
@Deprecated RemoteSpaceGroup[] getSpaceGroups(String token) throws RemoteException
and related classes like
will be removed.
Please do not use them.
@Deprecated boolean removeSpaceGroup(String token, String spaceGroupKey) throws RemoteException
and related classes like
will be removed.
Please do not use them.
- the authentication tokenspaceGroupKey
- the id of the spacegroup to be removedRemoteException
RemoteSpace addPersonalSpace(String token, RemoteSpace space, String username) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpace addPersonalSpaceWithDefaultPermissions(String token, RemoteSpace space, String username) throws RemoteException
Boolean removeSpace(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpace getSpace(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
String getSpaceStatus(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
Boolean setSpaceStatus(String token, String spaceKey, String status) throws RemoteException
String[] getPermissions(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
String[] getPermissionsForUser(String token, String spaceKey, String userName) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpacePermissionSet[] getSpacePermissionSets(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
RemoteSpacePermissionSet getSpacePermissionSet(String token, String spaceKey, String permissionType) throws RemoteException
boolean addPermissionToSpace(String token, String permission, String remoteEntityName, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpermission
- the Space Permission to addremoteEntityName
- the name of the user or groupspaceKey
- the key of the Space affected by this actionRemoteException
- if the Space Permission is nullRemoteException
- if the Space does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
- if the remoteEntityName is null or does not match a user or groupboolean addPermissionsToSpace(String token, String[] permissions, String remoteEntityName, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpermissions
- the Space Permissions to addremoteEntityName
- the name of the user or groupspaceKey
- the key of the Space affected by this actionRemoteException
- if the Space Permissions array is nullRemoteException
- if the Space does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
- if the remoteEntityName is null or does not match a user or groupboolean removePermissionFromSpace(String token, String permission, String remoteEntityName, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpermission
- the Space Permission to removeremoteEntityName
- the name of the user or groupspaceKey
- the key of the Space affected by this actionRemoteException
- if the Space does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
- if the remoteEntityName is null or does not match a user or groupboolean addAnonymousPermissionToSpace(String token, String permission, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpermission
- the Space Permission to addspaceKey
- the key of the Space affected by this actionRemoteException
- if the Space Permission is nullRemoteException
- if the Space does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
- if the remoteEntityName is null or does not match a user or groupboolean addAnonymousPermissionsToSpace(String token, String[] permissions, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpermissions
- the Space Permissions to addspaceKey
- the key of the Space affected by this actionRemoteException
- if the Space Permissions array is nullRemoteException
- if the Space does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
- if the remoteEntityName is null or does not match a user or groupboolean removeAnonymousPermissionFromSpace(String token, String permission, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpermission
- the Space Permission to removespaceKey
- the key of the Space affected by this actionRemoteException
- if the Space does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
- if the remoteEntityName is null or does not match a user or groupRemotePermission[] getPagePermissions(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
String[] getSpaceLevelPermissions(String token) throws RemoteException
RemotePageSummary[] getPages(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenspaceKey
- the key of the space which pages are to be returnedRemoteException
RemotePage getPage(String token, String spaceKey, String pageTitle) throws RemoteException
RemotePageSummary getPageSummary(String token, String spaceKey, String pageTitle) throws RemoteException
RemotePage getPage(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
RemotePageSummary getPageSummary(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
RemotePage storePage(String token, RemotePage page) throws RemoteException
RemotePage updatePage(String token, RemotePage page, RemotePageUpdateOptions options) throws RemoteException
Boolean movePageToTopLevel(String token, long pageId, String targetSpaceKey) throws RemoteException
Boolean movePage(String token, long sourcePageId, long targetPageId, String position) throws RemoteException
Boolean removePage(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
Boolean removePageVersionById(String token, long historicalPageId) throws RemoteException
removePage(String, long)
- historicalPageId
- the id of a historical version of a pageNotPermittedException
Boolean removePageVersionByVersion(String token, long pageId, int version) throws RemoteException
- pageId
- the id of the page which you want to remove a version from.version
- the version of the page to be removed (with 1 being the first).NotPermittedException
RemoteContentSummaries getTrashContents(String token, String spaceKey, int offset, int count) throws RemoteException
Boolean purgeFromTrash(String token, String spaceKey, long pageId) throws RemoteException
Boolean emptyTrash(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
RemotePageSummary[] getTopLevelPages(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenspaceKey
- the key of the space which pages are to be returnedRemoteException
RemotePageSummary[] getAncestors(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpageId
- the id of the page which child pages are to be returnedRemoteException
RemotePageSummary[] getChildren(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpageId
- the id of the page which child pages are to be returnedRemoteException
RemotePageSummary[] getDescendents(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpageId
- the id of the page which child pages are to be returnedRemoteException
RemoteAttachment[] getAttachments(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
RemotePageHistory[] getPageHistory(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
boolean watchPage(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- if the watch could not be addedboolean watchSpace(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- if the watch could not be addedboolean watchPageForUser(String token, long pageId, String username) throws RemoteException
- if the watch could not be added, or the current user does not have permission to add itboolean removePageWatch(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- if the watch could not be removedboolean removeSpaceWatch(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- if the watch could not be removedboolean removePageWatchForUser(String token, long pageId, String username) throws RemoteException
- if the watch could not be removed, or the current user does not have permission to remove itboolean isWatchingPage(String token, long pageId, String username) throws RemoteException
- if the current user does not have permission to see the page or administer the space, or
if the page or user does not existboolean isWatchingSpace(String token, String spaceKey, String username) throws RemoteException
- if the current user does not have permission to administer the space, or if the user does
not existboolean isWatchingSpaceForType(String token, String spaceKey, String contentType, String username) throws RemoteException
Note that this method will return false if the user is watching the entire space and not just the given type.
- if the current user does not have permission to administer the space, or if the user does
not existRemoteUser[] getWatchersForPage(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- if the current user does not have permission to see the page or administer the space, or
if the page does not existRemoteUser[] getWatchersForSpace(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- if the current user does not have permission to administer the space, or if the space does not existString renderContent(String token, String spaceKey, long pageId, String newContent) throws RemoteException
String renderContent(String token, String spaceKey, long pageId, String newContent, Map renderParameters) throws RemoteException
String convertWikiToStorageFormat(String token, String markup) throws RemoteException
RemoteAttachment addAttachment(String token, long contentId, RemoteAttachment attachment, byte[] attachmentData) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokencontentId
- the id of the ContentEntityObject to receive the new attachment.attachment
- RemoteAttachment object containing attachment informationattachmentData
- a byte[] continaing the contents of the attachment.RemoteException
RemoteAttachment getAttachment(String token, long contentId, String fileName, int version) throws RemoteException
- the authentication token.contentId
- the id of the ContentEntityObject the attachemt belongs to.fileName
- the name of the attachment.version
- the version number of the attachment.RemoteException
byte[] getAttachmentData(String token, long contentId, String fileName, int version) throws RemoteException
- the authentication token.contentId
- the id of the ContentEntityObject the attachemt belongs to.fileName
- the name of the attachment.version
- the version number of the attachment.RemoteException
boolean removeAttachment(String token, long contentId, String fileName) throws RemoteException
- the authentication token.contentId
- the id of the ContentEntityObject the attachment belongs to.fileName
- the name of the attachment.RemoteException
boolean moveAttachment(String token, long originalContentId, String originalFileName, long newContentId, String newFileName) throws RemoteException
- the authentication token.originalContentId
- the id of the ContentEntityObject the attachment belongs to.originalFileName
- the name of the attachment.newContentId
- the id of the ContentEntityObject the attachment is to be moved to.newFileName
- the name the attachment is to be renamed to.RemoteException
RemoteComment[] getComments(String token, long pageId) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenpageId
- the content ID of the abstract pageInvalidSessionException
- if the object for the pageId is null, or the user lacks permissionsRemoteComment getComment(String token, long commentId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usercommentId
- The ID of the comment to be retrievedInvalidSessionException
- if the comment cannot be foundRemoteException
- if the comment cannot be viewed by the userRemoteException
- if the page the comment is on cannot be viewed by the userRemoteException
- if the retrieved object is not a commentRemoteComment addComment(String token, RemoteComment comment) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usercomment
- The RemoteComment object containing the comment informationInvalidSessionException
- if the user does not have permission to view the page the comment is being posted to, or it does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user is unable to post the commentRemoteComment editComment(String token, RemoteComment comment) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usercomment
- The RemoteComment object containing the comment informationInvalidSessionException
- if the user does not have permission to view the page the comment is being posted to, or it does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user is unable to edit the commentboolean removeComment(String token, long commentId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usercommentId
- The ID of the comment to removeInvalidSessionException
- if the user does not have permission to view the page the comment is on, or it does not existRemoteException
- if the comment does not existNotPermittedException
- if the user does not have permission to remove the commentRemoteSearchResult[] search(String token, String query, int maxResults) throws RemoteException
Search Confluence for the supplied query String. Please be sensible in your use of the maxResults parameter. Too large a value will result in this call taking a long time.
- the authentication tokenquery
- the query term for the searchmaxResults
- the maximum number of results to be returned.RemoteSearchResult
s. If there are no results then an empty array will be returned.RemoteException
RemoteSearchResult[] search(String token, String query, Map params, int maxResults) throws RemoteException
Search Confluence for the supplied query String. Please be sensible in your use of the maxResults parameter.
A Map of search criteria can be specified. The following keys are understood -
for a list of understood representations.
- the authentication tokenparams
- a Mapquery
- the query term for the searchmaxResults
- the maximum number of results to be returned.RemoteSearchResult
s. If there are no results then an empty array will be returned.RemoteException
RemoteBlogEntry getBlogEntryByDayAndTitle(String token, String spaceKey, int dayOfMonth, String postTitle) throws RemoteException
- the authentication tokenspaceKey
- the key of the Space the blog post belongs todayOfMonth
- the day of the month the blog post was madepostTitle
- the title of the blog postRemoteException
- if the user does not have permission to view the blog post, or it does not existRemoteBlogEntry getBlogEntryByDateAndTitle(String token, String spaceKey, int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, String postTitle) throws RemoteException
- if the user does not have permission to view the blog post or it does not existRemoteBlogEntry getBlogEntry(String token, long entryId) throws RemoteException
RemoteBlogEntrySummary[] getBlogEntries(String token, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
RemoteBlogEntry storeBlogEntry(String token, RemoteBlogEntry blogEntry) throws RemoteException
RemoteServerInfo getServerInfo(String token) throws RemoteException
String exportSpace(String token, String spaceKey, String exportType) throws RemoteException
String exportSpace(String token, String spaceKey, String exportType, boolean exportAll) throws RemoteException
String exportSite(String token, boolean exportAttachments) throws RemoteException
String performBackup(String token, boolean exportAttachments) throws RemoteException
boolean importSpace(String token, byte[] importData) throws RemoteException
- The authentication tokenimportData
- The contents of the Space export fileRemoteException
- If the space exists or the export file is invalidboolean flushIndexQueue(String token) throws RemoteException
boolean clearIndexQueue(String token) throws RemoteException
boolean recoverMainIndex(String token) throws RemoteException
RemoteClusterInformation getClusterInformation(String token) throws RemoteException
RemoteNodeStatus[] getClusterNodeStatuses(String token) throws RemoteException
String[] getGroups(String token) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerRemoteException
boolean hasGroup(String token, String groupname) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current usergroupname
- the group to look upInvalidSessionException
boolean addGroup(String token, String groupname) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usergroupname
- The name of the group to be addedNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerInvalidSessionException
boolean removeGroup(String token, String groupname, String defaultGroupName) throws RemoteException
If a valid defaultGroupName is specified, users will be added to the new group (defaultGroupName).
- The token identifying the current usergroupname
- The name of the group to be removeddefaultGroupName
- The name of the group that users will be moved toNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerInvalidSessionException
- if the given groupname does not existRemoteException
- if the given defaultGroupName does not existboolean removeAllPermissionsForGroup(String token, String groupname) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usergroupname
- The group to delete permissions forNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerRemoteException
- if the given groupname does not existString[] getUserGroups(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username to retrieve groups forNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerInvalidSessionException
- if the given username does not existboolean addUserToGroup(String token, String username, String groupname) throws RemoteException
- username
- groupname
- NotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerInvalidSessionException
- if the given username does not existRemoteException
- if the given groupname does not existboolean removeUserFromGroup(String token, String username, String groupname) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username to remove from a groupgroupname
- The name of the group the user is to be removed fromNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permission to administerInvalidSessionException
- if the given username does not existRemoteException
- if the given groupname does not existRemoteConfluenceUser getUserByName(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username of the user to be retrievedInvalidSessionException
- if a user with the given username cannot be foundRemoteConfluenceUser getUserByKey(String token, String userKey) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current useruserKey
- The user key of the user to be retrievedInvalidSessionException
- if a user with the given user key cannot be foundboolean setUserPreferenceBoolean(String token, String username, String key, boolean value) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userkey
- The user preference keyvalue
- The valueInvalidSessionException
- If the rpc token expiredRemoteException
- If any other exception occurredboolean getUserPreferenceBoolean(String token, String username, String key) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userkey
- The user preference keyInvalidSessionException
- If the rpc token expiredRemoteException
- If any other exception occurred (including not being able to find the key)boolean setUserPreferenceLong(String token, String username, String key, long value) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userkey
- The user preference keyvalue
- The valueInvalidSessionException
- If the rpc token expiredRemoteException
- If any other exception occurredlong getUserPreferenceLong(String token, String username, String key) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userkey
- The user preference keyInvalidSessionException
- If the rpc token expiredRemoteException
- If any other exception occurred (including not being able to find the key)boolean setUserPreferenceString(String token, String username, String key, String value) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userkey
- The user preference keyvalue
- The valueInvalidSessionException
- If the rpc token expiredRemoteException
- If any other exception occurredString getUserPreferenceString(String token, String username, String key) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userkey
- The user preference keyInvalidSessionException
- If the rpc token expiredRemoteException
- If any other exception occurred (including not being able to find the key)boolean hasUser(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the current userusername
- the username to look upInvalidSessionException
void addUser(String token, RemoteUser remoteUser, String password) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userremoteUser
- The object containing the user informationpassword
- The password of the userNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permissions to create new usersInvalidSessionException
- if a user with the given username cannot be foundvoid addUser(String token, RemoteUser remoteUser, String password, boolean notifyUser) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userremoteUser
- The object containing the user informationpassword
- The password of the usernotifyUser
- Whether or not you want the new user to be notified of their new accountNotPermittedException
- if the current user lacks permissions to create new usersInvalidSessionException
- if a user with the given username cannot be foundboolean removeUser(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username of the user to be removedInvalidSessionException
- if the current user lacks the permission to remove usersRemoteException
- if the given username cannot be foundRemoteException
- if the user has authored contentboolean editUser(String token, RemoteUser remoteUser) throws RemoteException
Currently this will only update the user's full name and email
- The token identifying the current userremoteUser
- The object containing the user informationNotPermittedException
- if the current user cannot administer users or is not the actual userInvalidSessionException
- if a user with the given username cannot be foundboolean deactivateUser(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username of the user to deactivateNotPermittedException
- if the current user does not have permissions to perform the actionInvalidSessionException
- if the given username cannot be foundRemoteException
- if the user has already been deactivatedboolean reactivateUser(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username of the user to reactivateNotPermittedException
- if the current user does not have permissions to perform the actionInvalidSessionException
- if the given username cannot be foundRemoteException
- if the user is already activeboolean isActiveUser(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The username to checkRemoteException
- If the username does not existString[] getActiveUsers(String token, boolean viewAll) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userviewAll
- Whether all users should be shown. When it is false, all users in the default users group will be returned.
Otherwise, every registered user is returned.NotPermittedException
- if the current user does not have administration permissionsInvalidSessionException
boolean setUserInformation(String token, RemoteUserInformation userInfo) throws RemoteException
Currently this will only update a user's "description", stored in the 'content' attribute
- The token identifying the current useruserInfo
- A RemoteUserInformation object, containing the username, email, fullname, url and informationNotPermittedException
- if the current user cannot administer users or is not the actual userInvalidSessionException
- if there was an error saving the personal informationRemoteUserInformation getUserInformation(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The name of the user to get information onInvalidSessionException
- if a user with the given username cannot be foundboolean changeMyPassword(String token, String oldPass, String newPass) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current useroldPass
- The old password of the user, required for security purposesnewPass
- The new password for the userNotPermittedException
- if newPass was incorrectInvalidSessionException
- if oldPass does not match the user's passwordRemoteException
- if newPass is null or an empty StringRemoteException
- if there are problems setting the password in the UserAccessorboolean changeUserPassword(String token, String username, String newPass) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userusername
- The username of the user we are changing the password fornewPass
- The new password for the userNotPermittedException
- if the current user does not have permission to administer the userInvalidSessionException
- if the user cannot be foundRemoteException
- if newPass is null or an empty StringRemoteException
- if there are problems setting the password in the UserAccessorboolean addProfilePicture(String token, String userName, String fileName, String mimeType, byte[] pictureData) throws RemoteException
- The user name of the profilefileName
- File name of the picturemimeType
- Image mime type (must be from image/*)pictureData
- The image dataNotPermittedException
- Principal is not permitted to add pictures to the specified profileInvalidSessionException
- if the user can not be foundRemoteException
- if the mimeType is not from image/*RemoteException
- if the image can not be processedboolean renameUser(String token, String oldUsername, String newUsername) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current useroldUsername
- current username of the usernewUsername
- new username of the userNotPermittedException
- if the current user does not have permissions to perform the actionInvalidSessionException
- if the new username does not meet username requirementsRemoteException
- if the user could not be renamedString[] renameUsers(String token, Map<String,String> oldUsernamesToNewUsernames) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current useroldUsernamesToNewUsernames
- mapping of current usernames to new usernames of usersNotPermittedException
- if the current user does not have permissions to perform the actionInvalidSessionException
- if a new username does not meet username requirementsRemoteException
- if a user could not be renamedRemoteLabel[] getLabelsById(String token, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will retrieve the labels forRemoteException
- if the object cannot be retrieved from the ContentEntityManagerRemoteException
- if the given user does not have VIEW permissions for the objectRemoteLabel[] getMostPopularLabels(String token, int maxCount) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usermaxCount
- The maximum number of labels to return. A maxCount of 0 means there is no limit.RemoteException
RemoteLabel[] getMostPopularLabelsInSpace(String token, String spaceKey, int maxCount) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userspaceKey
- The key of the space to limit the labels tomaxCount
- The maximum number of labels to return. A maxCount of 0 means there is no limit.RemoteException
- if the space cannot be retrieved from the SpaceManagerNotPermittedException
- if the given user does not have VIEW permissions for the spaceRemoteLabel[] getRecentlyUsedLabels(String token, int maxResults) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current usermaxResults
- The maximum number of labels to return. A value of 0 means the default is used.RemoteException
RemoteLabel[] getRecentlyUsedLabelsInSpace(String token, String spaceKey, int maxResults) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userspaceKey
- The key of the space to limit the labels tomaxResults
- The maximum number of labels to return. A value of 0 means the default is used.RemoteException
- if the space does not exist, or the user lacks permission to view itNotPermittedException
- if the given user does not have VIEW permissions for the spaceRemoteSpace[] getSpacesWithLabel(String token, String labelName) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label (namespace prefixes permitted)InvalidSessionException
- if labelName is an empty string or nullRemoteException
- if labelName contains an invalid namespace prefixRemoteException
- if a label named labelName cannot be foundRemoteLabel[] getRelatedLabels(String token, String labelName, int maxResults) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label (namespace prefixes permitted)maxResults
- The maximum number of labels to return. A value of 0 means the default is used.RemoteException
- if labelName is an empty string or nullRemoteException
- if labelName contains an invalid namespace prefixRemoteException
- if a label named labelName cannot be foundRemoteLabel[] getRelatedLabelsInSpace(String token, String labelName, String spaceKey, int maxResults) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label (namespace prefixes permitted)spaceKey
- The key of the space to limit the labels tomaxResults
- The maximum number of labels to return. A maxCount of 0 means the default is used.RemoteException
- if labelName is an empty string or nullRemoteException
- if labelName contains an invalid namespace prefixRemoteException
- if a label named labelName cannot be foundRemoteException
- if the Space does not exist, or the user does not have VIEW permissionsRemoteLabel[] getLabelsByDetail(String token, String labelName, String namespace, String spaceKey, String owner) throws RemoteException
This method can be used to retrieve labels of a specfic type, such as personal labels, by setting the namespace.
Parameters with empty strings are ignored.
- the authentication token for the userlabelName
- the name of the label to search for (not parsed for prefixes)namespace
- the namespace to restrict byspaceKey
- the key of the space to restrict byowner
- the owner of the labelsInvalidSessionException
- if labelName is an empty string or nullRemoteException
- if labelName contains an invalid namespace prefixRemoteException
- if a label named labelName cannot be foundRemoteException
- if the Space does not exist, or the user does not have VIEW permissionsRemoteException
- if the owner is not a valid userNamespace
RemoteSearchResult[] getLabelContentById(String token, long labelId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelId
- The ID of the labelRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteSearchResult[] getLabelContentByName(String token, String labelName) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of a label (namespace prefixes permitted)RemoteException
- if the label name is nullRemoteException
- if the label name is an empty StringRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteSearchResult[] getLabelContentByObject(String token, RemoteLabel labelObject) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelObject
- The RemoteLabel objectRemoteException
- if the RemoteLabel object is nullRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteSpace[] getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(String token, String labelName) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The label to retrieve the content for (namespace prefixes permitted)InvalidSessionException
- if labelName is an empty string or nullRemoteException
- if labelName contains an invalid namespace prefixRemoteException
- if a label named labelName cannot be foundboolean addLabelByName(String token, String labelName, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label(s) to be added to the ContentEntityObject, in the form of a space-separated stringobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will act onRemoteException
- if the label name is null or an empty StringRemoteException
- if the split label name is invalid (as determined by LabelUtil.split())RemoteException
- if the object was not validRemoteException
- if the user does not have VIEW permissions for the objectRemoteException
- if the label could not be createdNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the objectboolean addLabelById(String token, long labelId, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelId
- The ID of the label to be added to the ContentEntityObjectobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will act onRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteException
- if the object was not validRemoteException
- if the user lacks VIEW permissions for the objectNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the objectboolean addLabelByObject(String token, RemoteLabel labelObject, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelObject
- The label to be added to the ContentEntityObjectobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will act onRemoteException
- if the given RemoteLabel object is nullRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteException
- if the object was not validRemoteException
- if the user lacks VIEW permissions for the objectNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the objectboolean addLabelByNameToSpace(String token, String labelName, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label(s) to be added to the Space, in the form of a space-separated stringspaceKey
- The Space to add the label toRemoteException
- if the label name is null or an empty StringRemoteException
- if the split label name is invalid (as determined by LabelUtil.split())RemoteException
- if the space does not exist, or the user does not have VIEW permissionsRemoteException
- if the label could not be createdNotPermittedException
- if the user does not have permission to add the labelboolean removeLabelByName(String token, String labelName, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label(s) to be removed from the ContentEntityObject, in the form of a space-separated StringobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will act onRemoteException
- if the label name is nullRemoteException
- if the label name is an empty StringRemoteException
- if one of the given label names does not exist (occurs before removing labels)RemoteException
- if the object was not validRemoteException
- if the user lacks VIEW permissions for the objectNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the objectboolean removeLabelById(String token, long labelId, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelId
- The ID of the label to be removed from the ContentEntityObjectobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will act onRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteException
- if the object was not validRemoteException
- if the user lacks VIEW permissions for the objectNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the objectboolean removeLabelByObject(String token, RemoteLabel labelObject, long objectId) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelObject
- The label to be removed from the ContentEntityObjectobjectId
- The ID of the ContentEntityObject the method will act onRemoteException
- if the RemoteLabel object is nullRemoteException
- if a Label could not be retrieved for the given IDRemoteException
- if the object was not validRemoteException
- if the user lacks VIEW permissions for the objectNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the objectboolean removeLabelByNameFromSpace(String token, String labelName, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException
- The token identifying the current userlabelName
- The name of the label(s) to be removed from the Space, in the form of a space-separated StringspaceKey
- The Space the method will act onRemoteException
- if the label name is nullRemoteException
- if the label name is an empty StringRemoteException
- if one of the given label names does not exist (occurs before removing labels)RemoteException
- if the space does not exist, or the user lacks VIEW permissionsNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks EDIT permissions for the SpaceRemoteContentPermissionSet[] getContentPermissionSets(String token, long contentId) throws RemoteException
- the login token for the current usercontentId
- the content ID of the content to be looked upNotPermittedException
- if the content can not be found, or can not be accessed by the current userInvalidSessionException
- if no login session can be found for the supplied tokenRemoteException
- if something random goes wrongRemoteContentPermissionSet getContentPermissionSet(String token, long contentId, String permissionType) throws RemoteException
- the login token for the current usercontentId
- the content ID of the content to be looked uppermissionType
- type of content permissionNotPermittedException
- if the content can not be found, or can not be accessed by the current userInvalidSessionException
- if no login session can be found for the supplied tokenRemoteException
- if something random goes wrongboolean setContentPermissions(String token, long contentId, String permissionType, RemoteContentPermission[] remoteContentPermissions) throws RemoteException
- the login tokencontentId
- the id of the content to have permissions set on itpermissionType
- the type of the permissions (one of the constants from ContentPermission
- the permissions to setNotPermittedException
- if the content can not be found or can not be accessed by the current userInvalidSessionException
- if no login session can be found for the supplied tokenRemoteException
- if something random goes wrongboolean addGlobalPermission(String token, String permission, String remoteEntityName) throws RemoteException
- the login tokenpermission
- the Space Permission to addremoteEntityName
- the name of the user or groupNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
boolean addGlobalPermissions(String token, String[] permissions, String remoteEntityName) throws RemoteException
- the login tokenpermissions
- Array of permissions to addremoteEntityName
- the name of the user or groupNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
boolean removeGlobalPermission(String token, String permission, String remoteEntityName) throws RemoteException
- the login tokenpermission
- the Space Permission to addremoteEntityName
- the name of the user or groupNotPermittedException
- if the user lacks permissions to perform the actionRemoteException
boolean addAnonymousUsePermission(String token) throws RemoteException
boolean removeAnonymousUsePermission(String token) throws RemoteException
- the login tokenRemoteException
boolean addAnonymousViewUserProfilePermission(String token) throws RemoteException
- the login tokenRemoteException
boolean removeAnonymousViewUserProfilePermission(String token) throws RemoteException
boolean setEnableAnonymousAccess(String token, boolean value) throws RemoteException
boolean isPluginEnabled(String token, String pluginKey) throws RemoteException
boolean isPluginInstalled(String token, String pluginKey) throws RemoteException
boolean installPlugin(String token, String pluginFileName, byte[] pluginData) throws RemoteException
- the original filename of the plugin. It should end with the correct file extension .xml or .jar.pluginData
- a byte[] containing the contents of the plugin xml or jar file.RemoteException
boolean isDarkFeatureEnabled(String token, String key) throws RemoteException
boolean startActivity(String token, String key, String user) throws RemoteException
- rpc authentication tokenkey
- the activity key to startuser
- the username of the user starting the activityRemoteException
boolean stopActivity(String token, String key, String user) throws RemoteException
- rpc authentication tokenkey
- the activity key to stopuser
- the username of the user stopping the activityRemoteException
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