Package com.atlassian.jira.util

Interface Summary
BuildUtilsInfo An interface based reprentation of the static BuildUtils.
CacheMap<K,V> An object that caches values that are mapped under keys.
Closeable A Closeable is a source or destination of data that can be closed.
ComponentFactory A factory that allows objects to be created through constructor dependency injection at runtime.
ComponentLocator A locator that allows components to be looked up at runtime.
Consumer<T> Consume the object a Supplier produces.
EmailFormatter Returned email address appropriately masked/hidden for the current user.
ErrorCollection A very simple interface to collect errors.
FileFactory Interface for file operations.
Function<D,R> A Function that resolves Descriptors (of type D) to a Resource (of type R).
I18nHelper I18nHelper is the main interface for finding internationalised text in JIRA.
I18nHelper.BeanFactory Ths BeanFactory is used to instantiate I18nHelper instances
JiraDurationUtils.DurationFormatter This interface defines methods for formatting time duration
MessageSet Used to communicate error and warning messages.
Predicate<T> Evaluate an input and return true or false.
Resolver<I,O> A interface to resolve some input object into an output object.
Shutdown Used to shut something down.
Supplier<T> A Supplier of objects of a single type.
UserAgentUtil Utility class for sniffer UserAgents

Class Summary
AbstractMessageSet Base class for the message set.
AttachmentUtils Static utilities for working with the attachment files and their directories.
AttachmentUtils.AttachmentAdapter We need some of this utility to code to work for both Attachments and ExternalAttachments (from Project Import).
Base64InputStreamConsumer Basic slurp implementation of an InputStream Consumer which provides Base64 encoded output.
BugzillaImportHelper Copyright 2007 Atlassian Software.
BuildUtils Deprecated. you shouldn't be using this class directly, use BuildUtilsInfo instead.
BuildUtilsInfoImpl This class gives access to build-time properties at runtime.
CaseFolding Utility for case folding Java Strings.
CompositeShutdown TODO: Document this class / interface here
ConcurrentCacheMap<K,V> An implementation of CacheMap that allows null keys and values.
CustomMantisImportBean A variant of the MantisImportBean meeting some special customer requirements: A log (/tmp/attachments.txt) is kept of where attachments are created.
DelegateComponentAdapter<T> Used to register a single class instance against multiple keys in a PicoContainer.
DelegateComponentAdapter.Builder<T> Builder for easily creating and registering DelegateComponentAdapter
DelimeterInserter This can take an input string and look into it for occurences of given terms.
EasyList A replacement for UtilMisc.toList().
EncodingMap EncodingMap is a convenience class which handles conversions between IANA encoding names and Java encoding names, and vice versa.
EvaluateAllPredicate<T> A predicate that checks that all the given predicates evaulate to true for the specified input.
ExceptionInterpreterUtil This util will feed an exception through the exception interpreter chain of responsibility.
Functions Useful standard functions.
GlobalPermissionGroupAssociationUtil This is a utility class to find out information about Permissions.ADMINISTER and Permissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN global permission information.
ImportUtils Utility code originally written to support various importers.
IOUtil General IO Stream manipulation.
JiraComponentFactory Default implementation of ComponentFactory that uses JiraUtils.loadComponent(Class, java.util.Collection) and JiraUtils.loadComponent(Class).
JiraComponentLocator Implementation of the ComponentLocator interface.
JiraDurationUtils Util class reponsible for printing durations in various formats.
JiraDurationUtils.DaysDurationFormatter This formatter formats time duration to days only.
JiraDurationUtils.HoursDurationFormatter This formatter formats time duration to hours only.
JiraDurationUtils.PrettyDurationFormatter This formatter formats time duration to "pretty" format, such as 3 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes.
JiraUrlCodec Class to wrap around the encoding of query strings.
JiraUtils Miscellaneous utility methods.
JiraUtilsBean A bean version of JiraUtils that can be mocked out out
JiraVelocityHelper A simple class store methods we want to expose to velocity templates
JiraVelocityUtils Helper class that contains a number of utility methods for velocity templates.
ListOrderedMessageSetImpl Is a message set that keeps the messages and warnings in the order in which they were added.
LocaleParser Static utility to parse locale Strings into Locale objects.
Lock Used to lock resources using a file system file as a lock
LuceneUtils A simple utility class for our common Lucene usage methods.
MantisImportBean Mantis importer.
MantisImportBean.DefaultMappingBean Class mapping Mantis ids (see lang/strings_english.txt in the Mantis source) to JIRA IDs
MapUtils Utility methods that work on Maps.
MeridianHour Holder of a 12 hour time with a meridian indicator (am/pm).
MessageSet.MessageLink A simple class for holding link text and a link url.
MessageSetImpl Message set implementation that uses the messages natural ordering to sort the messages that are added.
OracleDataSizeExceptionInterpreter This implementation of ExceptionInterpreter shows links to confluence howto's on how to fix the oracle large string problem.
ParameterUtils This class can be used to "parse" values from a map of parameters.
PathUtils This class contains utility methods for manipulating paths.
PortUtil Class that validates the value of a TCP/UDP port.
Predicates.FalsePredicate<T> A predicate that always returns false.
Predicates.TruePredicate<T> A predicate that always returns true.
RealClock A clock implementation the returns the current time.
SimpleToCronUtil Helper class to carry out various cron conversion tasks.
StreamCopyingConsumer Copies an InputStream to the configured OutputStream.
TempDirectoryUtil This util class was added to be able to create a "temporary" directory.
UnsupportedBrowserManager Contains a map of unsupported browsers and error message keys.
UriValidator Verify that a url is not executable Needs to be instantiated to support testing - oh PowerMock wherefore art thou
UriValidatorFactory Instantiates an UriValidator using the encoding defined in the ApplicationProperties
UrlBuilder Build a URL from parameters.
URLCodec Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding.
UserAgentUtilImpl Default Implementation for Sniffing User Agents.
XmlReader This handles several XML-related tasks that normal Readers don't support, inluding use of IETF standard encoding names and automatic detection of most XML encodings.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
LockException Thrown when a timeout has been reached while trying to obtain a lock
RuntimeInterruptedException Convenience class for re-throwing InterruptedException.
RuntimeIOException An IOException was encountered and the stupid programmer didn't know how to recover, so this got thrown instead.
ValidationFailureException A validation exception is essentially a "throwable" error collection.

Annotation Types Summary
InjectableComponent The annotated type (a component), field (a component dependency for another class), or constructor was designed to be compatible with injection, meaning that: for Types, other classes can confidently access an instance of this type as a dependency via auto-wired injection; for Fields, they can be instantiated via auto-wired dependency injection; for Constructors, there are no parameters declared which are NonInjectableComponents, and thus should be satisfiable under default dependency injection circumstances
NonInjectableComponent The annotated type (a component), field (a component dependency for another class), or constructor was not designed to be compatible with injection, meaning that: for Types, other classes should not attempt to access an instance of this type as a dependency via auto-wired injection, as instances of this type retain instance-specific state; for Fields, they should be instantiated manually; for Constructors, the parameters declared in them include components which are NonInjectableComponents, and thus would not be satisfiable under default dependency injection circumstances
NotNull The annotated field, method result, parameter or local variable must not be null.

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