Interface MapperEntityRegister

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GroupMapper, SimpleProjectImportIdMapperImpl, StatusMapper

public interface MapperEntityRegister

Interface that defines the simple way to register values in the Project Import file. Some objects, eg Issue Type, may need a more complicated method.


Method Summary
 void registerOldValue(String oldId, String oldKey)
          This method registers a value from the backup system as a value that can then be mapped in this Mapper.

Method Detail


void registerOldValue(String oldId,
                      String oldKey)
This method registers a value from the backup system as a value that can then be mapped in this Mapper. If the value is used by the backup data then the appropriate flagValueAsRequired() method should be called.

oldId - the string representation of the id of the backup value
oldKey - the string representation of a descriptive value (key) representing the id (e.g. HSP-1 for an issue, or Bug for an issue type).

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