Package com.atlassian.confluence.pages

Interface Summary
BreadcrumbsManager Deprecated. use GlobalHelper instead to retrieve breadcrumbs and PageHelper to retrieve ellipsis breadcrumbs.
CommentManager Manager for page comments.
DelegatingAttachmentManager Classes that implement this interface perform some sort of delegation of AttachmentManager calls
DraftManager Saves, retrieves and merges drafts of Confluence content.
PageManager Manages the retrieval and manipulation both pages and blog entries.
TrashManager Operations on the Trash

Class Summary
AbstractPage Parent of the concrete Page and BlogPost classes
AttachmentData This class encapsulates Attachment metadata and maintains an InputStream that represents the data for the Attachment object.
AttachmentUtils All versions of attachments in confluence are stored under a folder labeled with the name with the name of the attachment.
BlogPostsCalendar Helper bean that turns a list of blog posts into a monthly calendar.
ChildPositionComparator Deprecated. use Page.CHILD_POSITION_COMPARATOR A comparator used to sort pages based on the Page Ordering sort rules.
ContentTree Stores a list of root ContentNodes.
DefaultAttachmentManager Default implementation of AttachmentManager.
DefaultBreadcrumbsManager Deprecated. use GlobalHelper instead to retrieve breadcrumbs and PageHelper to retrieve ellipsis breadcrumbs.
DefaultCommentManager Manager for page comments.
DefaultDraftManager This implementation supports anonymous drafts using session-based storage.
DefaultTrashManager This class provides utility methods for operating on the Trash
DelegatorAttachmentManager This class delegates attachment manager requests to the appropriate attachment manager implementation based on certain Confluence configuration options
DraftData A data transfer object used purely to capture and hold a draft's data so it can be sent across the wire by DWR
ManualTotalPaginationSupport This class allows us to set the total number of items without reading the size of the items list.
NaturalStringComparator A comparator makes string comparisons based on their natural order.
Page Represents a Page within Confluence.
UploadedResource Resource wrapper for uploaded files.
WebDavAttachmentManager Deprecated. since 2.7 WebDav attachment storage is no longer supported

Exception Summary
AttachmentDataExistsException This exception should be used when attachment data was found, when it should not have existed.
AttachmentDataNotFoundException This exception can be used when no Attachment data was found, but was expected.
DuplicateDataRuntimeException A RuntimeException thrown when an operation is being called with some duplicate data

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