Class DecoratedResult

    • Method Detail

      • decorateChainResult

        public static @Nullable DecoratedResult decorateChainResult​(@NotNull
                                                                    @NotNull PlanExecutionManager planExecutionManager,
                                                                    @NotNull ChainResultsSummary resultsSummary,
                                                                    @NotNull DecoratedPlan decoratedPlan,
                                                                    @NotNull DecoratedNavObjectFactory decoratedNavObjectFactory)
        resultsSummary - summary to decorate
        decoratedPlan - decorated plan the results summary is a result for. Must have the same key.
        decoratedNavObjectFactory -
        a contextual decorator around resultsSummary or null if the job is an orphan.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the resultsSummary and decoratedPlan do not match.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
      • getType

        public @NotNull String getType()
        Specified by:
        getType in interface DecoratedNavObject
        plantype associated with this object.
      • isResult

        public boolean isResult()
        Specified by:
        isResult in interface DecoratedNavObject
        true if the nav object represents a result otherwise false
      • replaceKey

        public @Nullable String replaceKey​(String url,
                                           DecoratedNavObject originalObject)
        Description copied from interface: DecoratedNavObject
        Given an existing url (may be directly from the originalObject or may be with a static ${planKey} reference) generate the new url for this object
        Specified by:
        replaceKey in interface DecoratedNavObject
        url - - to manipulate
        originalObject - - the object the original url may have belonged to
        the new url referencing this object
      • getPlanKey

        public String getPlanKey()
      • getBuildNumber

        public int getBuildNumber()
      • getProjectKey

        public String getProjectKey()
      • getProjectName

        public String getProjectName()
      • getFullName

        public String getFullName()
      • getStageResults

        public abstract<DecoratedStageResult> getStageResults()
      • getBuildDate

        public Date getBuildDate()
      • getBranchName

        public @Nullable String getBranchName()
      • getLinkedJiraIssue

        public @Nullable String getLinkedJiraIssue()
      • isRemoteJiraLinkRequired

        public boolean isRemoteJiraLinkRequired()
      • isSuspendedFromBuilding

        public boolean isSuspendedFromBuilding()