Interface BuildTriggerCondition

All Superinterfaces:
BambooPluginModule, BuildConfigurationAwarePlugin, InitablePluginModule
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BuildTriggerCondition
extends BuildConfigurationAwarePlugin

Provides the ability to gate whether a build should be triggered or not. Uses a preference system so plugins can behave nicer with each other.

Nested Class Summary
static class BuildTriggerCondition.ExecutionPreference
Method Summary
 BuildTriggerCondition.ExecutionPreference getExecutionPreference(Plan plan)
          Use to indicate preference for whether this plugin things the plan should execute.
Methods inherited from interface
addDefaultValues, getEditHtml, getViewHtml, prepareConfigObject, validate
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.InitablePluginModule

Method Detail


BuildTriggerCondition.ExecutionPreference getExecutionPreference(Plan plan)
Use to indicate preference for whether this plugin things the plan should execute. Whether the build actually will execute will follow the above order

plan - the plan that will be executed
the execution preference of this plan, will be overridden if another plugin returns with a higher preference

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