Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Pair<String,Boolean> |
ApplicationPropertyMetadata.getRequiredFeatureKey() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApplicationPropertyMetadata.Builder |
ApplicationPropertyMetadata.Builder.requiredFeatureKey(Pair<String,Boolean> requiredFeatureKeys) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <T extends ApplicationUser> |
DefaultWatcherService.convertUsers(Pair<Integer,List<String>> watchers,<String,T> function)
Converts the usernames into User objects using the given function.
protected Pair<Integer,List<String>> |
DefaultWatcherService.getWatcherUsernames(Issue issue,
ApplicationUser remoteUser)
Returns a pair containing the watcher count and the watcher usernames for a given issue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Pair<Issue,String>> |
Returns the details of the issues that failed the bulk watch or unwatch procedure.
ServiceOutcome<Pair<Integer,List<ApplicationUser>>> |
DefaultWatcherService.getWatchers(Issue issue,
ApplicationUser remoteUser) |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<Integer,List<ApplicationUser>>> |
WatcherService.getWatchers(Issue issue,
ApplicationUser remoteUser)
Returns a the total number of watchers for a given issue in the first element of the returned Pair, and the list
of visible watchers in the second element of the Pair.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <T extends ApplicationUser> |
DefaultWatcherService.convertUsers(Pair<Integer,List<String>> watchers,<String,T> function)
Converts the usernames into User objects using the given function.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
io.atlassian.fugue.Option<Pair<String,ErrorCollection.Reason>> |
DefaultConstantsManager.validateName(String name,
io.atlassian.fugue.Option<IssueType> issueTypeToUpdate) |
io.atlassian.fugue.Option<Pair<String,ErrorCollection.Reason>> |
ConstantsManager.validateName(String name,
io.atlassian.fugue.Option<IssueType> issueTypeToUpdate)
Validates the name of issue type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
IssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(Set<Long> issueIds)
Returns a set of project ID / issue type combinations that given issue IDs cover.
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
IssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(Set<String> issueKeys)
Returns a set of project ID / issue type combinations that given issue keys cover.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
RequestCachingIssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(Set<Long> issueIds) |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
DefaultIssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(Set<Long> issueIds) |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
RequestCachingIssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(Set<String> issueKeys) |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
DefaultIssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(Set<String> issueKeys) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
JqlIssueSupportImpl.getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(Set<Long> issueIds) |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
JqlIssueSupport.getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(Set<Long> issueIds)
Returns a set of project ID / issue type combinations that given issue IDs cover.
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
JqlIssueSupportImpl.getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(Set<String> issueKeys) |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
JqlIssueSupport.getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(Set<String> issueKeys)
Returns a set of project ID / issue type combinations that given issue keys cover.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
MockIssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(Set<Long> issueIds) |
Set<Pair<Long,String>> |
MockIssueManager.getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(Set<String> issueKeys) |
io.atlassian.fugue.Option<Pair<String,ErrorCollection.Reason>> |
MockConstantsManager.validateName(String name,
io.atlassian.fugue.Option<IssueType> issueType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Pair<String,String>> |
PerformanceSQLInterceptor.SQLPerfCache.getStatementsInCallOrder() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterable<Pair<OrderableField,Boolean>> |
IssueFields.getAllCustomFieldsWithOnAllScreensFlag(Issue issue)
Returns the a list of pairs where each pair contains a Custom Field and an indication whether that field is visible for a passed issue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static<Pair<OrderableField,Boolean>,IssueCustomFieldsResource.FieldBeanWithVisiblityFlag> |
IssueCustomFieldsResource.FieldBeanWithVisiblityFlag.toBean() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<String,Long>> |
DefaultProjectConfigWorkflowDispatcher.editWorkflow(long projectId) |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<String,Long>> |
ProjectConfigWorkflowDispatcher.editWorkflow(long projectId)
Called when the user tries to edit a workflow associated with the passed project.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceOutcome<List<Pair<String,String>>> |
ReTranslateKeysService.dryRunReTranslateAllKeys(String tableOrEntityName,
String columnOrFieldName,
String keyName)
Does a "dry run" of replacing all occurrences of
key with its default jira i18n translation in the
table & column specified by tableOrEntityName & columnOrFieldName . |
ServiceOutcome<List<Pair<String,String>>> |
ReTranslateKeysServiceImpl.dryRunReTranslateAllKeys(String tableOrEntityName,
String columnOrFieldName,
String keyName) |
ServiceOutcome<List<Pair<String,String>>> |
ReTranslateKeysService.reTranslateAllKeys(String tableOrEntityName,
String columnOrFieldName,
String keyName)
Replaces all occurrences of
key with its default jira i18n translation in the
table & column specified by tableOrEntityName & columnOrFieldName . |
ServiceOutcome<List<Pair<String,String>>> |
ReTranslateKeysServiceImpl.reTranslateAllKeys(String tableOrEntityName,
String columnOrFieldName,
String keyName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <U,V> Pair<U,V> |
Pair.nicePairOf(U first,
V second)
A pair that does allows
null values. |
static <U,V> Pair<U,V> |
Pair.of(U first,
V second)
By default we create a strict pair of non-null values.
static <U,V> Pair<U,V> |
Pair.strictPairOf(U first,
V second)
A pair that doesn't allow
null values. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Pair<String,Object>> |
ViewIssueTypes.getHiddenFields() |
List<Pair<String,Object>> |
AddNewIssueTypeToScheme.getHiddenFields() |
List<Pair<String,Object>> |
Return a list of {name, value} pairs to be added to the form as hidden fields.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<Workflow,Status>> |
WorkflowStatusesImpl.verifyStatusCanBeRemoved(@NotNull Status status,
String workflowName) |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<Workflow,Status>> |
WorkflowStatuses.verifyStatusCanBeRemoved(@NotNull Status status,
String workflowName) |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<Workflow,Status>> |
WorkflowStatusesImpl.verifyStatusCanBeRemoved(String statusId,
String workflowName) |
ServiceOutcome<Pair<Workflow,Status>> |
WorkflowStatuses.verifyStatusCanBeRemoved(String statusId,
String workflowName) |
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