Class | Description |
AbstractProjectImportProgress<V extends Serializable> |
Base class for the progress screens.
AbstractProjectImportUsersMissing |
Base class that exports a list of users to xml.
ProjectImportBackupOverviewProgress |
Used to show a progress bar for the long running tasks after the Select Backup action.
ProjectImportBean |
Data object that is stored in the HTTP Session and used in various stages of the Project Import Wizard.
ProjectImportMappingProgress |
Progress action for the 2nd phase of the import which creates the project mappings.
ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersCannotCreate |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system and are mandatory
ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersExtMgmt |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system, are mandatory, and we can't create them automatically.
ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersCannotCreate |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system, are optional, and we can't create them automatically.
ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersExtMgmt |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system and are in use
ProjectImportMissingUsersAutoCreate |
Used to display the users that will be automatically created as part of the Project Import.
ProjectImportProgress |
Used to show a progress bar for the long running tasks while we are doing the actual import.
ProjectImportProgressTrackerUtil |
This provides functions to create the Progress Tracker element on the Project Import Pages
ProjectImportResultsAction |
Action that manages the final results screen for a project import.
ProjectImportSelectBackup |
Action that controls the first step of the project import wizard.
ProjectImportSelectProject |
Action that is used to display the project information contained in the backup XML selected in the
ProjectImportSelectBackup action and to submit the selected project to be processed by the importer.
ProjectImportSummary |
Action that controls the summary screen before a project import occur
ProjectImportWebAnalyticsEvent |
Project Import Web analytics event.
ProjectImportWebAnalyticsService |
Helper service for publishing project import web analytics events.
Enum | Description |
ProjectImportProgressTrackerUtil.Page |
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