ComponentsContextProvider |
Context provider for
ComponentsSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides the context to velocity needed to display the components summary panel on the view project page.
ComponentsSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleComponent |
ContextProviderHelper |
Abstract Context Provider for project config.
ContextProviderUtils |
Provides common utilities aimed at context providers, such as retrieving the current project.
FieldsSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides context for the field configs summary panel, in particular the field config scheme
and field configs (fieldLayouts), etc.
FieldsSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleFieldConfig |
HeaderContextProvider |
Context provider for the header.
HeaderContextProvider.SimpleViewableProjectOperation |
IssueTypeConfigContextProvider |
Context Provider for rendering the list of Issue Types in the project admin sidebar.
IssueTypeConfigContextProvider.IssueTypeConfigData |
IssueTypesSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides context for the issue types summary panel, in particular the "issueTypes" object
containing the list of a project's IssueType s.
NotificationsSummaryPanelContextProvider |
NotificationsSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleNotificationScheme |
PermissionsSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides data to the permissions summary template, on the project configuration page
PermissionsSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleIssueSecurityScheme |
PermissionsSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleProjectPermissionsScheme |
ProjectFieldsContextProvider |
Context Provider for the fields panel
ProjectFieldsContextProvider.SimpleFieldConfig |
ProjectFieldsContextProvider.SimpleFieldLayoutItem |
ProjectIssueSecurityContextProvider |
Context Provider for the issue securities panel
ProjectIssueSecurityContextProvider.IssueSecurity |
ProjectIssueTypeContextProvider |
Context Provider for the issuetypes panel
ProjectIssueTypeContextProvider.ProjectIssueType |
ProjectNotificationContextProvider |
Context Provider for the notifications panel
ProjectNotificationContextProvider.Notification |
ProjectPeopleContextProvider |
Provides context for the people tab.
ProjectPermissionContextProvider |
ContextProvider for the Permissions Tab in project Config
ProjectRoleContextProvider |
ProjectScreensContextProvider |
Context Provider for the notifications panel
ProjectScreensContextProvider.SimpleFieldScreen |
ProjectScreensContextProvider.SimpleIssueTypeScreenScheme |
ProjectScreensContextProvider.SimpleScreenScheme |
ProjectScreenViewContextProvider |
ReturnToConfigContextProvider |
Context Provider for the "Back to Project Config link"
RolesSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides context for the roles summary panel (formerly known as the people summary panel), in particular the project
lead username, default assignee and other booleans indicating if the project lead user exists, etc.
ScreensSummaryPanelContextProvider |
ScreensSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleIssueTypeScreenScheme |
ScreensSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleScreenScheme |
SettingsSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides velocity context for the "settings" summary panel.
SummaryContextProvider |
Provides context for the main summary page, in particular the list of SimplePanel columns via leftColumn and
rightColumn objects.
VersionsSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Provides the context to velocity needed to display the versions summary panel on the view project page.
VersionsSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleVersion |
WorkflowContextProvider |
Context provider for the workflow tab.
WorkflowSummaryPanelContextProvider |
Produces the velocity context for the workflow summary panel.
WorkflowSummaryPanelContextProvider.SimpleWorkflow |