Package com.atlassian.jira.cluster

Interface Summary
ClusterManager Manages the cluster - addition of nodes, removal, etc
ClusterMessageConsumer The interface to be implemented by classes wishing to listen to messages sent to a cluster.
ClusterMessagingService Service responsible for notifying ClusterMessageConsumer instances when messages are waiting to be processed.
ClusterNodeProperties This is used to lookup cluster properties from the underlying properties file.
ClusterServicesManager Start and stop clustered services
ClusterServicesRegistry Holds the cluster specific services
MessageHandlerService Synchronously send and receive messages
NodeStateManager Manage the state of nodes in the HA Cluster.
NodeStateService A service relating to the state of nodes within a JIRA cluster.

Class Summary
ClusterMessage Represents a message sent from a node
ClusterNodePropertiesImpl Responsible for loading the cluster properties from file, if it exists
DatabaseClusterMessagingService Provides an implementation for the ClusterMessagingService that wraps an existing MessageHandlerService in order to provide an API that can be consumed by plugins.
DefaultClusterManager Manages the cluster - addition of nodes, removal, etc
DefaultClusterServicesManager Starts and stops clustering specific services - checks to see if clustered
DefaultClusterServicesRegistry Simple registry for clustered services.
DefaultNodeStateManager Manage the state of the current node.
DefaultNodeStateService The NodeStateService implementation.
EhCacheConfigurationFactory Builder for our EhCacheConfiguration.
EventMessageConsumer Consumes cluster messages and pushes them out to the EventPublisher.
Message Represents the set of messages that can be sent in the cluster
Node Represents a node in the cluster
OfBizClusterMessageStore Responsible for storing and retrieving cluster messages in the underlying database.
OfBizClusterNodeStore Responsible for storing and retrieving ClusterNode state in the underlying database
OfBizMessageHandlerService Provides an implementation for the ClusterMessagingService that uses OfBiz to manage the message queue in the database and holds any listeners via a weak reference so that it doesn't keep listeners alive across plugin restarts, etc.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
ClusterStateException A generic exception for cluster related problems
NotClusteredException Thrown when a cluster-specific operation is attempted but the target instance is not part of a cluster.

Annotation Types Summary
ClusterSafe Marker annotation to indicate that an item, such as a cache, is cluster safe, even though it uses a pattern, e.g.

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