Package com.atlassian.jira

Interface Summary
ComponentManager.State The state of the ComponentManager.
InitializingComponent Similar to InitializingBean in Spring - this should be implemented by a component where you want to do some work immediately after registration
JiraApplicationContext High level component that represents the single instance of JIRA.
JiraDataType Defines a domain specific data type.
JiraManager Deprecated. This interface is meaningless.

Class Summary
AbstractSimpleI18NBean A simple java bean that returns i18n name and description values.
ComponentManager This component manager uses PicoContainer to resolve all the dependencies between components.
DefaultHostContextAccessor This is necessary to provide a generic way for SAL to access a component that may not have been published the plugins 2.0 way.
DefaultJiraApplicationContext Default singleton production implementation.
JiraDataTypeImpl Each data type can specify a collection of actual java types, represented via their Class, that this type is.
JiraDataTypes Defines the known data types.
LockServiceRegistrar Registers the ClusterLockService as a JIRA component.
ManagerFactory Deprecated. Use ComponentAccessor instead.
MultipleKeyRegistrant<T> Helper utility which helps to create single instance of object exposed under multiple keys
NoopCacheEventListenerFactory Work-around for CACHE-95 / EHC-1089.
WrappedComponentContainer This class holds reference to ComponentContainer used to instantiate objects

Exception Summary

Annotation Types Summary
EventComponent A class annotated with this will be registered automatically with JIRA's EventPublisher to listen for events.

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