Package com.atlassian.jira.bulkedit.operation

Interface Summary
BulkMoveOperation Operation for moving parent issues and their sub-tasks from one or many contexts to a single target context.
BulkOperation Deprecated. Since 6.3.6 use ProgressAwareBulkOperation
ProgressAwareBulkOperation This interface allows bulk operations to perform bulk operations and report back the progress.

Class Summary
AbstractBulkOperation Deprecated. Since 6.3.6 use ProgressAwareBulkOperation
BulkEditTaskContext Context for bulk edit operations.
BulkMigrateOperation Operation to Move issues from differing contexts to multiple target contexts.
BulkMoveOperationImpl Operation for moving parent and their sub-takks issues from one or many contexts to a single target context.
BulkUnwatchOperation Represents an operation able to make an user no longer the watcher on the list of selected issues in a BulkEditBean.
BulkWatchOperation Represents an operation able to make an user the watcher on the list of selected issues in a BulkEditBean.
UnavailableBulkEditAction Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved.

Exception Summary

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