Class DefaultFieldManager

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.DefaultFieldManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultFieldManager
extends Object
implements FieldManager

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.FieldManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Set<NavigableField> getAllAvailableNavigableFields()
          Returns a set of Fields that are NOT hidden in AT LEAST ONE project in the system.
 Set<SearchableField> getAllSearchableFields()
          Return all the searchable fields in the system.
 Set<CustomField> getAvailableCustomFields(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, Issue issue)
          Retrieves custom fields in scope for the given issue
 Set<NavigableField> getAvailableNavigableFields(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
          Returns a set of Fields that are NOT hidden in AT LEAST ONE project that the remote user can see (has Permissions.BROWSE permission for).
 Set<NavigableField> getAvailableNavigableFieldsWithScope(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Gets all the available fields that the user can see, this is providing no context scope.
 Set<NavigableField> getAvailableNavigableFieldsWithScope(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, QueryContext queryContext)
          Gets all the available fields within the defined scope of the QueryContext.
 ColumnLayoutManager getColumnLayoutManager()
          Deprecated. Declare your dependency and let PicoContainer resolve it instead
 ConfigurableField getConfigurableField(String id)
 CustomField getCustomField(String key)
          Get a CustomField by its text key (eg 'customfield_10000').
 Field getField(String id)
          Get a field by its id.
 FieldLayoutManager getFieldLayoutManager()
          Deprecated. Declare your dependency and let PicoContainer resolve it instead
 HideableField getHideableField(String id)
 IssueTypeField getIssueTypeField()
          Retrieve the IssueType system Field.
 NavigableField getNavigableField(String id)
 Set<NavigableField> getNavigableFields()
 OrderableField getOrderableField(String id)
 Set<OrderableField> getOrderableFields()
 ProjectField getProjectField()
          Retrieve the Project system Field.
 RequirableField getRequiredField(String id)
 Set<SearchableField> getSystemSearchableFields()
          Return all the searchable systems fields.
 Set<Field> getUnavailableFields()
 Set<FieldLayout> getVisibleFieldLayouts(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Returns all the visible FieldLayouts for the given user.
 boolean isCustomField(Field field)
 boolean isCustomField(String key)
 boolean isFieldHidden(Set<FieldLayout> fieldLayouts, Field field)
          Checks whether the given field is hidden in all of the given Field Layouts.
 boolean isFieldHidden(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, Field field)
 boolean isFieldHidden(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, String fieldId)
          Determines whether the field with id of fieldId is NOT hidden in AT LEAST one FieldLayout that the user can see (assigned to projects for which the user has the ProjectPermissions.BROWSE_PROJECTS permission).
 boolean isHideableField(Field field)
 boolean isHideableField(String id)
 boolean isMandatoryField(Field field)
 boolean isMandatoryField(String id)
 boolean isNavigableField(Field field)
 boolean isNavigableField(String id)
 boolean isOrderableField(Field field)
 boolean isOrderableField(String id)
 boolean isRenderableField(Field field)
 boolean isRenderableField(String id)
 boolean isRequirableField(Field field)
 boolean isRequirableField(String id)
 boolean isTimeTrackingOn()
 boolean isUnscreenableField(Field field)
 boolean isUnscreenableField(String id)
 void refresh()
          Invalidates all field-related caches in JIRA.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultFieldManager()
Method Detail


public Field getField(String id)
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Get a field by its id.

Specified by:
getField in interface FieldManager
id - An IssueFieldConstants constant, or custom field key (eg. "customfield_10010")
the Field


public Set<NavigableField> getAllAvailableNavigableFields()
                                                   throws FieldException
Returns a set of Fields that are NOT hidden in AT LEAST ONE project in the system.

NOTE: This method is used in the Admin interface, as admins should be able to configure the default ColumnLayouts irrespective of their permissions. They should be able to see all fields that are not hidden in at least one FieldLayout in the system

Specified by:
getAllAvailableNavigableFields in interface FieldManager
FieldException - if cannot retrieve the projects the user can see, or if cannot retrieve the field layouts for the viewable projects


public Set<NavigableField> getAvailableNavigableFields(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
                                                throws FieldException
Returns a set of Fields that are NOT hidden in AT LEAST ONE project that the remote user can see (has Permissions.BROWSE permission for).

The returned set of fields contains all custom fields that are not hidden in AT LEAST one FieldLayout that the user can see.

NOTE: This method is primarily used for configuring user's ColumnLayout, as the user should be able to add any field (including custom field) to it that they can see in the system. THe scope of custom fields is ignored here as the user configures the ColumnLayout outside of scope.

Specified by:
getAvailableNavigableFields in interface FieldManager
remoteUser - the remote user
FieldException - if cannot retrieve the projects the user can see, or if cannot retrieve the field layouts for the viewable projects


public Set<SearchableField> getAllSearchableFields()
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Return all the searchable fields in the system. This set will included all defined custom fields.

Specified by:
getAllSearchableFields in interface FieldManager
the set of all searchable fields in the system.


public Set<SearchableField> getSystemSearchableFields()
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Return all the searchable systems fields. This set will *NOT* include defined custom fields.

Specified by:
getSystemSearchableFields in interface FieldManager
the set of all searchable systems fields defined.


public IssueTypeField getIssueTypeField()
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Retrieve the IssueType system Field.

Specified by:
getIssueTypeField in interface FieldManager
the IssueType system Field.


public ProjectField getProjectField()
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Retrieve the Project system Field.

Specified by:
getProjectField in interface FieldManager
the Project system Field.


public Set<NavigableField> getAvailableNavigableFieldsWithScope(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
                                                         throws FieldException
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Gets all the available fields that the user can see, this is providing no context scope.

Specified by:
getAvailableNavigableFieldsWithScope in interface FieldManager
user - the remote user.
a set of NavigableFields that can be show because their visibility/configuration fall within what the user can see.
FieldException - thrown if there is a problem looking up the fields


public Set<NavigableField> getAvailableNavigableFieldsWithScope(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                QueryContext queryContext)
                                                         throws FieldException
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Gets all the available fields within the defined scope of the QueryContext.

Specified by:
getAvailableNavigableFieldsWithScope in interface FieldManager
remoteUser - the user making the request
queryContext - the context of the search request.
a set of NavigableFields that can be show because their visibility/configuration fall within the specified context
FieldException - thrown if there is a problem looking up the fields


public Set<CustomField> getAvailableCustomFields(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                 Issue issue)
                                          throws FieldException
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Retrieves custom fields in scope for the given issue

Specified by:
getAvailableCustomFields in interface FieldManager
remoteUser - Remote User
issue - Issue
custom fields in scope for the given issue
FieldException - if cannot retrieve the projects the user can see, or if cannot retrieve the field layouts for the viewable projects


public boolean isFieldHidden(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                             String fieldId)
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Determines whether the field with id of fieldId is NOT hidden in AT LEAST one FieldLayout that the user can see (assigned to projects for which the user has the ProjectPermissions.BROWSE_PROJECTS permission).

Specified by:
isFieldHidden in interface FieldManager
remoteUser - the remote user.
fieldId - The Field ID


public boolean isFieldHidden(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                             Field field)
Specified by:
isFieldHidden in interface FieldManager


public Set<FieldLayout> getVisibleFieldLayouts(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Returns all the visible FieldLayouts for the given user.

This is used in conjunction with FieldManager.isFieldHidden(Set, Field) as a performance optimisation in usages that want to call FieldManager.isFieldHidden(User, Field) multiple times. Instead, it is more efficient to do something like:

     Set fieldLayouts = fieldManager.getVisibleFieldLayouts(loggedInUser);
     for (Field field: myFields)
       if (fieldManager.isFieldHidden(fieldLayouts1, field))

Specified by:
getVisibleFieldLayouts in interface FieldManager
user - the user whose project browsing permissions are used to limit visible FieldLayouts.
all the visible FieldLayouts for the given user.


public boolean isFieldHidden(Set<FieldLayout> fieldLayouts,
                             Field field)
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Checks whether the given field is hidden in all of the given Field Layouts.

This method can be used in conjunction with FieldManager.getVisibleFieldLayouts(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User) to provide a more performant way of looking up FieldManager.isFieldHidden(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, Field) multiple times. Instead, it is more efficient to do something like:

     Set fieldLayouts = fieldManager.getVisibleFieldLayouts(loggedInUser);
     for (Field field: myFields)
       if (fieldManager.isFieldHidden(fieldLayouts1, field))

Specified by:
isFieldHidden in interface FieldManager
fieldLayouts - The FieldLayouts to check
field - The field to check
true if the given field is hidden in all of the given Field Layouts.
See Also:
FieldManager.getVisibleFieldLayouts(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User), FieldManager.isFieldHidden(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, Field)


public boolean isCustomField(String key)
Specified by:
isCustomField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isCustomField(Field field)
Specified by:
isCustomField in interface FieldManager


public CustomField getCustomField(String key)
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Get a CustomField by its text key (eg 'customfield_10000').

Specified by:
getCustomField in interface FieldManager
key - Eg. 'customfield_10000'
The CustomField or null if not found.


public boolean isHideableField(String id)
Specified by:
isHideableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isHideableField(Field field)
Specified by:
isHideableField in interface FieldManager


public HideableField getHideableField(String id)
Specified by:
getHideableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isOrderableField(String id)
Specified by:
isOrderableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isOrderableField(Field field)
Specified by:
isOrderableField in interface FieldManager


public OrderableField getOrderableField(String id)
Specified by:
getOrderableField in interface FieldManager


public ConfigurableField getConfigurableField(String id)
Specified by:
getConfigurableField in interface FieldManager


public Set<OrderableField> getOrderableFields()
Specified by:
getOrderableFields in interface FieldManager


public Set<NavigableField> getNavigableFields()
Specified by:
getNavigableFields in interface FieldManager


public boolean isNavigableField(String id)
Specified by:
isNavigableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isNavigableField(Field field)
Specified by:
isNavigableField in interface FieldManager


public NavigableField getNavigableField(String id)
Specified by:
getNavigableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isRequirableField(String id)
Specified by:
isRequirableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isRequirableField(Field field)
Specified by:
isRequirableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isMandatoryField(String id)
Specified by:
isMandatoryField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isMandatoryField(Field field)
Specified by:
isMandatoryField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isRenderableField(String id)
Specified by:
isRenderableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isRenderableField(Field field)
Specified by:
isRenderableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isUnscreenableField(String id)
Specified by:
isUnscreenableField in interface FieldManager


public boolean isUnscreenableField(Field field)
Specified by:
isUnscreenableField in interface FieldManager


public RequirableField getRequiredField(String id)
Specified by:
getRequiredField in interface FieldManager


public FieldLayoutManager getFieldLayoutManager()
Deprecated. Declare your dependency and let PicoContainer resolve it instead

Specified by:
getFieldLayoutManager in interface FieldManager


public ColumnLayoutManager getColumnLayoutManager()
Deprecated. Declare your dependency and let PicoContainer resolve it instead

Specified by:
getColumnLayoutManager in interface FieldManager


public void refresh()
Description copied from interface: FieldManager
Invalidates all field-related caches in JIRA.


This method invalidates a whole lot of JIRA caches, which means that JIRA performance significantly degrades after this method has been called. For this reason, you should avoid calling this method at all costs.

The correct approach to invalidate the cache entries is to do it in the "store" inside the FooStore.updateFoo() method, where you can invalidate a single cache entry. If the cache lives in another class then the store should raise a FooUpdatedEvent which that class can listen to in order to keep its caches up to date.

If you add any calls to this method in JIRA I will hunt you down and subject you to a Spanish inquisition.

Specified by:
refresh in interface FieldManager


public boolean isTimeTrackingOn()
Specified by:
isTimeTrackingOn in interface FieldManager


public Set<Field> getUnavailableFields()
Specified by:
getUnavailableFields in interface FieldManager

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