Class DefaultWatcherService

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.watcher.DefaultWatcherService
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultWatcherService
extends Object
implements WatcherService

Implementation of WatcherService.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.watcher.WatcherService
Constructor Summary
DefaultWatcherService(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, I18nHelper.BeanFactory i18n, PermissionManager permissionManager, WatcherManager watcherManager, UserManager userManager)
          Creates a new DefaultWatcherService with the given dependencies.
Method Summary
 ServiceOutcome<List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>> addWatcher(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User watcher)
          Adds a watcher to an issue's list of watchers, returning the updated list of watchers.
 WatcherService.BulkWatchResult addWatcherToAll(Collection<Issue> issues, ApplicationUser remoteUser, ApplicationUser watcher)
          Adds a watcher to all of the supplied issues.
 WatcherService.BulkWatchResult addWatcherToAll(Collection<Issue> issues, ApplicationUser remoteUser, ApplicationUser watcher, Context taskContext)
          Adds a watcher to all of the supplied issues.
protected  boolean canEditWatcherList(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
          Returns true iff the given User has permission to edit the watcher list of the issue.
 boolean canUnwatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues, ApplicationUser remoteUser)
          Whether the specified user can unwatch all the specified issues.
 boolean canUnwatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
 boolean canWatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues, ApplicationUser applicationUser)
          Whether the specified user can watch all the specified issues.
 boolean canWatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
protected  void checkModifyWatchersPermission(Issue issue, ApplicationUser remoteUser, ApplicationUser watcher)
          Ensures that the given remoteUser has permission to add or remove the given watcher to/from the issue.
<T extends com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>
convertUsers(Pair<Integer,List<String>> watchers,<String,T> function)
          Converts the usernames into User objects using the given function.
protected  List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User> getCurrentWatchersFor(Issue issue)
          Returns a List containing the users that are currently watching an issue.
 ServiceOutcome<Pair<Integer,List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>>> getWatchers(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
          Returns a the total number of watchers for a given issue in the first element of the returned Pair, and the list of visible watchers in the second element of the Pair.
protected  Pair<Integer,List<String>> getWatcherUsernames(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
          Returns a pair containing the watcher count and the watcher usernames for a given issue.
 boolean hasViewWatcherListPermission(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
          Returns true iff the given User has permission to view the watcher list of the issue.
 boolean isWatchingEnabled()
          Returns true iff watching is enabled.
 ServiceOutcome<List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>> removeWatcher(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User watcher)
          Removes a watcher from an issue's list of watchers, returning the updated list of watchers.
 WatcherService.BulkWatchResult removeWatcherFromAll(Collection<Issue> issues, ApplicationUser remoteUser, ApplicationUser watcher)
          Removes a watcher from all of the supplied issues.
 WatcherService.BulkWatchResult removeWatcherFromAll(Collection<Issue> issues, ApplicationUser remoteUser, ApplicationUser watcher, Context taskContext)
          Removes a watcher from all of the supplied issues.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultWatcherService(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties,
                             I18nHelper.BeanFactory i18n,
                             PermissionManager permissionManager,
                             WatcherManager watcherManager,
                             UserManager userManager)
Creates a new DefaultWatcherService with the given dependencies.

applicationProperties - an ApplicationProperties
i18n - a I18nBean
permissionManager - a PermissionManager
watcherManager - a WatcherManager
userManager - a UserManager
Method Detail


public ServiceOutcome<Pair<Integer,List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>>> getWatchers(Issue issue,
                                                                                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
                                                                                      throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Returns a the total number of watchers for a given issue in the first element of the returned Pair, and the list of visible watchers in the second element of the Pair. Note that if the remote user does not have permission to view the list of watchers, it is possible for the number of elements in the returned user list to be less than the returned number of watchers.

Specified by:
getWatchers in interface WatcherService
issue - the Issue to find watchers for
remoteUser - the calling User
a ServiceOutcome containing the total number of watchers, and a list of visible watchers
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public ServiceOutcome<List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>> addWatcher(Issue issue,
                                                                              com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                              com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User watcher)
                                                                       throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Adds a watcher to an issue's list of watchers, returning the updated list of watchers.

Specified by:
addWatcher in interface WatcherService
issue - the issue to update
remoteUser - the remote user on behalf of which the operation is performed
watcher - the watcher to add
a ServiceOutcome containing a list of User
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public WatcherService.BulkWatchResult addWatcherToAll(Collection<Issue> issues,
                                                      ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                                      ApplicationUser watcher)
                                               throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Adds a watcher to all of the supplied issues.

If there is partial success, the issues which we can modify will be modified and the ones we cannot will be returned in a BulkWatchResult.

Specified by:
addWatcherToAll in interface WatcherService
issues - the list of issues to update
remoteUser - the remote user on behalf of which the operation is performed
watcher - the watcher to add
a BulkWatchResult containing the issues that could not be modified
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public WatcherService.BulkWatchResult addWatcherToAll(Collection<Issue> issues,
                                                      ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                                      ApplicationUser watcher,
                                                      Context taskContext)
                                               throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Adds a watcher to all of the supplied issues.

If there is partial success, the issues which we can modify will be modified and the ones we cannot will be returned in a BulkWatchResult.

Specified by:
addWatcherToAll in interface WatcherService
issues - the list of issues to update
remoteUser - the remote user on behalf of which the operation is performed
watcher - the watcher to add
taskContext - a context through which progress can be reported back
a BulkWatchResult containing the issues that could not be modified
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public ServiceOutcome<List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User>> removeWatcher(Issue issue,
                                                                                 com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                                 com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User watcher)
                                                                          throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Removes a watcher from an issue's list of watchers, returning the updated list of watchers.

Specified by:
removeWatcher in interface WatcherService
issue - the Issue to update
remoteUser - a User indicating the user on behalf of whom this operation is being performed
watcher - a User representing the User to remove from the watcher list
a ServiceOutcome containing a list of User
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public WatcherService.BulkWatchResult removeWatcherFromAll(Collection<Issue> issues,
                                                           ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                                           ApplicationUser watcher)
                                                    throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Removes a watcher from all of the supplied issues.

If there is partial success, the issues which we can modify will be modified and the ones we cannot will be returned in a BulkWatchResult.

Specified by:
removeWatcherFromAll in interface WatcherService
issues - the list of Issues to update
remoteUser - an ApplicationUser indicating the user on behalf of whom this operation is being performed
watcher - an ApplicationUser representing the user to remove from the watcher list for each issue
a BulkWatchResult containing the issues that could not be modified
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public WatcherService.BulkWatchResult removeWatcherFromAll(Collection<Issue> issues,
                                                           ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                                           ApplicationUser watcher,
                                                           Context taskContext)
                                                    throws WatchingDisabledException
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Removes a watcher from all of the supplied issues.

If there is partial success, the issues which we can modify will be modified and the ones we cannot will be returned in a BulkWatchResult.

Specified by:
removeWatcherFromAll in interface WatcherService
issues - the list of Issues to update
remoteUser - an ApplicationUser indicating the user on behalf of whom this operation is being performed
watcher - an ApplicationUser representing the user to remove from the watcher list for each issue
taskContext - a context through which progress can be reported back
a BulkWatchResult containing the issues that could not be modified
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is currently disabled


public boolean canWatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues,
                                      com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)

Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Whether the specified user can watch all the specified issues.

Specified by:
canWatchAll in interface WatcherService
issues - The list of issues to check
remoteUser - The user to execute this check for
true; if the specified user can watch all the specified issues; otherwise, false is returned.


public boolean canWatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues,
                           ApplicationUser applicationUser)
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Whether the specified user can watch all the specified issues.

Specified by:
canWatchAll in interface WatcherService
issues - The list of issues to check
applicationUser - The user to execute this check for
true; if the specified user can watch all the specified issues; otherwise, false is returned.


public boolean canUnwatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues,
                                        com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)

Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Whether the specified user can unwatch all the specified issues.

Specified by:
canUnwatchAll in interface WatcherService
issues - The list of issues to check
remoteUser - The user to execute this check for
true; if the specified user can unwatch all the specified issues; otherwise, false is returned.


public boolean canUnwatchAll(Iterable<Issue> issues,
                             ApplicationUser remoteUser)
Description copied from interface: WatcherService
Whether the specified user can unwatch all the specified issues.

Specified by:
canUnwatchAll in interface WatcherService
issues - The list of issues to check
remoteUser - The user to execute this check for
true; if the specified user can unwatch all the specified issues; otherwise, false is returned.


public boolean isWatchingEnabled()
Returns true iff watching is enabled.

Specified by:
isWatchingEnabled in interface WatcherService
true iff watching is enabled


public boolean hasViewWatcherListPermission(Issue issue,
                                            com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
Returns true iff the given User has permission to view the watcher list of the issue.

Specified by:
hasViewWatcherListPermission in interface WatcherService
issue - an Issue
remoteUser - a User
a boolean indicating whether the user can view the watch list


protected Pair<Integer,List<String>> getWatcherUsernames(Issue issue,
                                                         com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
                                                  throws WatchingDisabledException
Returns a pair containing the watcher count and the watcher usernames for a given issue.

issue - the Issue
remoteUser - the calling User
a Pair containing the watcher count and the watcher usernames for a given issue
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is disabled


protected List<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User> getCurrentWatchersFor(Issue issue)
Returns a List containing the users that are currently watching an issue.

issue - the Issue to get the watcher list for
a List of users that are watching the issue


protected boolean canEditWatcherList(Issue issue,
                                     com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser)
Returns true iff the given User has permission to edit the watcher list of the issue.

issue - an Issue
remoteUser - a User
a boolean indicating whether the user can edit the watch list


protected <T extends com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User> Pair<Integer,List<T>> convertUsers(Pair<Integer,List<String>> watchers,
                                                                                     <String,T> function)
Converts the usernames into User objects using the given function.

watchers - a Pair of watcher count and watcher usernames
function - a Function used for conversion
a Pair of watcher count and User object


protected void checkModifyWatchersPermission(Issue issue,
                                             ApplicationUser remoteUser,
                                             ApplicationUser watcher)
                                      throws com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.watcher.DefaultWatcherService.PermissionException,
Ensures that the given remoteUser has permission to add or remove the given watcher to/from the issue. Throws an exception if the user does not have permission.

issue - an Issue
remoteUser - a User representing the caller
watcher - a User representing the watcher to add or remove
PermissionException - if the caller does not have permission to manage watchers, or cannot see the issue
WatchingDisabledException - if watching is disabled

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