Interface | Description |
AdminTabs |
A page object useful for retrieving what tabs are currently shown in the admin section.
AdvancedApplicationProperties |
A Page Object useful for retrieving and setting advanced application properties
Attachments |
Grouping of admin tasks related to the Attachments section
ConfigureScreen |
Represents functionality of the 'Configure screen' page
CustomFields |
Actions for administering the custom fields in JIRA.
EditNotifications |
Represents functionality of the 'Edit notifications' screen.
EditPopServerConfiguration |
Represents the form used to edit the configuration of a POP/IMAP Server.
FieldConfigurations |
Actions to be performed on the field configurations in JIRA's administration.
FieldConfigurations.FieldConfiguration |
Represents a field configuration that actions can be carried out on
FieldConfigurationSchemes |
Actions to be performed on the Field Configuration Schemes in JIRA's administration interface.
FieldConfigurationSchemes.FieldConfigurationScheme |
Represents a field configuration scheme that actions can be carried out on
FieldScreenAssociations |
A class to help configure associations of one particular field to screens.
GeneralConfiguration |
Allows you to perform admin actions that happen in the GeneralConfiguration section of the admin section.
IssueLinking |
Represents the Issue Linking administration page.
IssueSecurityLevel |
API to manage JIRA administrative tasks with regard to
issue security level.
IssueSecuritySchemes |
Actions to be performed on the issue security schemes in JIRA's administration.
IssueSecuritySchemes.IssueSecurityScheme |
API for managing issue security scheme data in JIRA.
MailServerAdministration |
Represents the Mail Servers Administration Page
MailServerAdministration.PopMailServerAdministration |
Represents the POP/IMAP Mail Server Panel in the Mail Servers Administration Page.
MailServerAdministration.SendTestEmail |
Represents the 'Send test Email' panel in the Mail Servers Administration Page.
MailServerAdministration.SmtpMailServerAdministration |
Represents the Smtp Mail Server Panel in the Mail Servers Administration Page.
NotificationSchemes |
Represents 'Notification schemes' administration section of JIRA.
PermissionSchemes |
Actions to be performed on the permission schemes in JIRA's administration.
PermissionSchemes.PermissionScheme |
Represents a permission scheme that actions can be carried out on
Project |
Framework for manipulating projects
ProjectImport |
Framework for executing project imports.
Resolutions |
Framework for manipulating resolutions
RoleDetails |
Responsible for editing the details (name and description) of a project role.
Roles |
Responsible for representing the Project Roles Browser.
SendBulkMail |
Represents the Send Bulk Mail Page available in the administration section.
Subtasks |
Grouping of admin tasks related to the Sub-Tasks section
TimeTracking |
Time tracking configuration in JIRA's Administration interface.
UsersAndGroups |
Admin operations for users and groups.
ViewFieldScreens |
Represents functionality of the 'Screens' admin page.
ViewWorkflows |
Represents operations on the 'Workflows' page in administration.
WorkflowInitialStep |
Represents the 'Initial Action' page functionality
WorkflowSteps |
Represents the 'Workflow steps' page functionality
WorkflowTransition |
Represents functionality of the workflow transition configuration page.
Enum | Description |
DefaultIssueEvents |
Enumeration of default issue events.
GeneralConfiguration.CommentVisibility | |
GeneralConfiguration.EmailVisibility |
Options for user email visibility
IssueSecurityLevel.IssueSecurity | |
NotificationType |
Represents notification type in the 'Edit notifications' admin section.
TimeTracking.Format |
Represents the "format" which Time Tracking information can be displayed in.
TimeTracking.Mode |
Represents a "mode" in which the Time Tracking module operates.
TimeTracking.Unit |
Represnts the default unit to use for time tracking.
ViewWorkflows.WorkflowState | |
WorkflowTransition.Tabs |
Exception | Description |
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