Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractJiraCondition

Uses of AbstractJiraCondition in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.viewissue.conditions

Subclasses of AbstractJiraCondition in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.viewissue.conditions
 class ShowDescriptionCondition
          Shows the description field if the issue-nav-plugin and inline edit is enabled OR we have a value.

Uses of AbstractJiraCondition in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.conditions

Subclasses of AbstractJiraCondition in com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.conditions
 class AbstractHasVersionsCondition
 class AbstractIssueCondition
          Deprecated. Extend AbstractIssueWebCondition instead. Since v6.0.
 class AbstractJiraPermissionCondition
          Deprecated. Use AbstractPermissionCondition instead. Since v6.0. This class was previously in jira-core but has been moved into the API (and deprecated) to protect third-party plugins that were using it. See JRA-30983 and JRA-32058.
 class BrowseUsersPermissionCondition
          Only display a web-fragment if a User has permission to browse/pick users.
 class CanAttachFileToIssueCondition
          Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a file to the current issue.
 class CanAttachScreenshotToIssueCondition
          Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a screenshot to the current issue.
 class CanConvertToIssueCondition
          Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current subtask to an issue.
 class CanConvertToSubTaskCondition
          Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current issue to a sub task.
 class CanCreateSharedObjectsCondition
          Checks if the logged in user has the rights to create shared objects.
 class CanManageAttachmentsCondition
          Condition that determines whether the current user can mange attachments

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

 class ExternalUserManagementDisabledCondition
          Condition returns true if APKeys.JIRA_OPTION_USER_EXTERNALMGT is disabled.
 class HasLastSearchRequestCondition
          Condition that checks if a user has a current search.
 class HasLinkTypesAvailableCondition
          Condition to check whether there are any link types available.
 class HasSelectedProjectCondition
          Checks if a project is selected
 class HasSubTasksAvailableCondition
          Condition to check whether the issue has any sub task types available.
 class HasVersionsReleasedCondition
          Checks if there are any released versions for the selected project.
 class HasVersionsUnreleasedCondition
          Checks if there are any unreleased versions for the selected project.
 class HasVotedForIssueCondition
          Condition to check whether the current user has voted for the current issue

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

 class IsAdminModeCondition
          Checks if we're in admin mode
 class IsFieldHiddenCondition
          Checks if the specified IsFieldHiddenCondition.field is hidden in at least one scheme associated with the selected project and IsFieldHiddenCondition.issuetype
 class IsIssueEditableCondition
          Condition to check if the issue is currently editable

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

 class IsIssueReportedByCurrentUserCondition
          Condition to check whether the current user reported the current issue

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

 class IsIssueUnresolvedCondition
          Condition to determine whether an issue is Unresolved

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

 class IsKeyboardShortcutsEnabledCondition
          Condition to check if keyboard shortcuts are enabled.
 class IsSubTaskCondition
          Condition to determine whether an issue is a subtask

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params.

 class IsWatchingIssueCondition
          Condition that determines whether the current user is watching the current issue.
 class LinkingEnabledCondition
          Condition to determine whether linking is enabled
 class NotVersionContextCondition
          This condition specifies that the item should only be displayed if the supplied JiraHelper is not of type VersionHelper i.e.
 class SmtpMailServerConfiguredCondition
          Only displays a WebItemModuleDescriptor if an SMTP mail server is configured.
 class SubTasksEnabledCondition
          Condition to determine whether Subtasks are turned on or not
 class TimeTrackingEnabledCondition
          Condition to determine whether time tracking is turned on or not
 class UserHasIssueHistoryCondition
          Checks if there are any history issue's
 class UserIsProjectAdminCondition
          Checks that the current user is a project admin for at least one project.
 class UserIsSysAdminCondition
          Will return shouldDisplay of true if the user has the Permissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN global permission.
 class UserIsTheLoggedInUserCondition
          Used to determine if the logged in user is the same as the profile user in the jira helper.
 class UserLoggedInCondition
          Checks if this user is logged in
 class VotingEnabledCondition
          Returns true if voting is enabled.
 class WatchingEnabledCondition
          Returns true if watching is enabled.

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