Uses of Class

Packages that use TestJSONException

Uses of TestJSONException in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.sharing

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.sharing that throw TestJSONException
static SimpleTestSharingPermission SimpleTestSharingPermission.parseJson(TestJSONObject json)
static GroupTestSharingPermission GroupTestSharingPermission.parseJson(TestJSONObject json)
static ProjectTestSharingPermission ProjectTestSharingPermission.parseJson(TestJSONObject json)
static GlobalTestSharingPermission GlobalTestSharingPermission.parseJson(TestJSONObject json)
static Set<TestSharingPermission> TestSharingPermissionUtils.parsePermissions(String json)

Uses of TestJSONException in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.util.json

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.util.json that throw TestJSONException
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.accumulate(String key, Object value)
          Accumulate values under a key.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.append(String key, Object value)
          Append values to the array under a key.
 Object TestJSONArray.get(int index)
          Get the object value associated with an index.
 Object TestJSONObject.get(String key)
          Get the value object associated with a key.
 boolean TestJSONArray.getBoolean(int index)
          Get the boolean value associated with an index.
 boolean TestJSONObject.getBoolean(String key)
          Get the boolean value associated with a key.
 double TestJSONArray.getDouble(int index)
          Get the double value associated with an index.
 double TestJSONObject.getDouble(String key)
          Get the double value associated with a key.
 int TestJSONArray.getInt(int index)
          Get the int value associated with an index.
 int TestJSONObject.getInt(String key)
          Get the int value associated with a key.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.getJSONArray(int index)
          Get the JSONArray associated with an index.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONObject.getJSONArray(String key)
          Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONArray.getJSONObject(int index)
          Get the JSONObject associated with an index.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.getJSONObject(String key)
          Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
 long TestJSONArray.getLong(int index)
          Get the long value associated with an index.
 long TestJSONObject.getLong(String key)
          Get the long value associated with a key.
 String TestJSONArray.getString(int index)
          Get the string associated with an index.
 String TestJSONObject.getString(String key)
          Get the string associated with a key.
 String TestJSONArray.join(String separator)
          Make a string from the contents of this JSONArray.
 char c)
          Consume the next character, and check that it matches a specified character.
 String n)
          Get the next n characters.
 char TestJSONTokener.nextClean()
          Get the next char in the string, skipping whitespace and comments (slashslash, slashstar, and hash).
 String TestJSONTokener.nextString(char quote)
          Return the characters up to the next close quote character.
 Object TestJSONTokener.nextValue()
          Get the next value.
static String TestJSONObject.numberToString(Number n)
          Produce a string from a Number.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(double value)
          Append a double value.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, boolean value)
          Put or replace a boolean value in the JSONArray.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, Collection value)
          Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, double value)
          Put or replace a double value.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, int value)
          Put or replace an int value.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, long value)
          Put or replace a long value.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, Map value)
          Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONArray.put(int index, Object value)
          Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, boolean value)
          Put a key/boolean pair in the JSONObject.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, Collection value)
          Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a JSONArray which is produced from a Collection.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, double value)
          Put a key/double pair in the JSONObject.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, int value)
          Put a key/int pair in the JSONObject.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, long value)
          Put a key/long pair in the JSONObject.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, Map value)
          Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, where the value will be a JSONObject which is produced from a Map.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.put(String key, Object value)
          Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONObject.putOpt(String key, Object value)
          Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the key and the value are both non-null.
 void TestJSONTokener.syntaxError(String message)
          Make a JSONException to signal a syntax error.
 TestJSONArray TestJSONObject.toJSONArray(TestJSONArray names)
          Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject.
 TestJSONObject TestJSONArray.toJSONObject(TestJSONArray names)
          Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
 String TestJSONArray.toString(int indentFactor)
          Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
 String TestJSONObject.toString(int indentFactor)
          Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
 Writer TestJSONArray.write(Writer writer)
          Write the contents of the JSONArray as JSON text to a writer.
 Writer TestJSONObject.write(Writer writer)
          Write the contents of the JSONObject as JSON text to a writer.

Constructors in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.util.json that throw TestJSONException
TestJSONArray(Object array)
          Construct a JSONArray from an array
TestJSONArray(String source)
          Construct a JSONArray from a source JSON text.
TestJSONArray(TestJSONTokener x)
          Construct a JSONArray from a JSONTokener.
TestJSONObject(String source)
          Construct a JSONObject from a source JSON text string.
TestJSONObject(TestJSONObject jo, String[] names)
          Construct a JSONObject from a subset of another JSONObject.
TestJSONObject(TestJSONTokener x)
          Construct a JSONObject from a JSONTokener.

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