Class DebugListener

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.AbstractIssueEventListener
      extended by com.atlassian.jira.event.listeners.DebugListener
All Implemented Interfaces:
IssueEventListener, JiraListener, UserEventListener, EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DebugListener
extends AbstractIssueEventListener
implements UserEventListener

A listener for debugging - prints everything it 'hears' to System.err

Useful for debuggin when certain events are fired, and the content of those events.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void customEvent(IssueEvent event)
          Implement this method to deal with any custom events within the system
 String[] getAcceptedParams()
          Returns the parameters used by this listener.
 String getDescription()
          Returns a textual description of the listener.
 void init(Map params)
          Initialises the listener with the given parameters.
 boolean isInternal()
          Indicates whether this listener is internal, meaning it cannot be removed by an administrator.
 void issueAssigned(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is assigned or unassigned.
 void issueClosed(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is closed.
 void issueCommented(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when a user comments on an issue.
 void issueCreated(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is created.
 void issueDeleted(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is deleted.
 void issueGenericEvent(IssueEvent event)
          Fired for all other events, eg.
 void issueMoved(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is moved.
 void issueReopened(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is reopened.
 void issueResolved(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is resolved.
 void issueUpdated(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when an issue is updated.
 void issueWorkLogged(IssueEvent event)
          Fired when work is logged against an issue.
 boolean isUnique()
          Indicates whether JIRA should only create one instance of this listener.
 void userCannotChangePassword(UserEvent event)
          Fired when a user tries to change their password, and the password cannot be updated
 void userCreated(UserEvent event)
          Fired when a user is created automatically
 void userForgotPassword(UserEvent event)
          Fired when a user indicates they have forgotten their password
 void userForgotUsername(UserEvent event)
          Fired when a user indicates they have forgotten their username
 void userSignup(UserEvent event)
          Fired when a user signs up manually
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.AbstractIssueEventListener
getI18NBean, issueCommentDeleted, issueCommentEdited, issueStarted, issueStopped, issueWorklogDeleted, issueWorklogUpdated, workflowEvent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DebugListener()
Method Detail


public void init(Map params)
Description copied from interface: JiraListener
Initialises the listener with the given parameters.

Specified by:
init in interface JiraListener
init in class AbstractIssueEventListener
params - the initialisation parameters given in the Listener Properties


public String[] getAcceptedParams()
Description copied from interface: JiraListener
Returns the parameters used by this listener.

Specified by:
getAcceptedParams in interface JiraListener
getAcceptedParams in class AbstractIssueEventListener
a non-null array (can be empty)


public void issueAssigned(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is assigned or unassigned.

Check the issue assignee to work out which is the case.

Specified by:
issueAssigned in interface IssueEventListener
issueAssigned in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueClosed(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is closed.

The closure comment (if there is one) will be attached to the event as an action.

Specified by:
issueClosed in interface IssueEventListener
issueClosed in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueCreated(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is created.

Specified by:
issueCreated in interface IssueEventListener
issueCreated in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueResolved(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is resolved.

The resolution comment (if there is one) will be attached to the event as an action.

Specified by:
issueResolved in interface IssueEventListener
issueResolved in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueReopened(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is reopened.

Specified by:
issueReopened in interface IssueEventListener
issueReopened in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueUpdated(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is updated.

The update changelog will be attached to the event as an action.

Specified by:
issueUpdated in interface IssueEventListener
issueUpdated in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueCommented(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when a user comments on an issue.

The comment will be attached to the event as an action.

Specified by:
issueCommented in interface IssueEventListener
issueCommented in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueDeleted(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is deleted.

Specified by:
issueDeleted in interface IssueEventListener
issueDeleted in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueMoved(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when an issue is moved.

Specified by:
issueMoved in interface IssueEventListener
issueMoved in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueWorkLogged(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired when work is logged against an issue.

The work log will be attached to the event as an action.

Specified by:
issueWorkLogged in interface IssueEventListener
issueWorkLogged in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void issueGenericEvent(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from interface: IssueEventListener
Fired for all other events, eg. those fired from new workflow transitions.

Specified by:
issueGenericEvent in interface IssueEventListener
issueGenericEvent in class AbstractIssueEventListener


public void customEvent(IssueEvent event)
Description copied from class: AbstractIssueEventListener
Implement this method to deal with any custom events within the system

Specified by:
customEvent in interface IssueEventListener
customEvent in class AbstractIssueEventListener
event - IssueEvent


public void userSignup(UserEvent event)
Description copied from interface: UserEventListener
Fired when a user signs up manually

Specified by:
userSignup in interface UserEventListener
event - the event in play


public void userCreated(UserEvent event)
Description copied from interface: UserEventListener
Fired when a user is created automatically

Specified by:
userCreated in interface UserEventListener
event - the event in play


public void userForgotPassword(UserEvent event)
Description copied from interface: UserEventListener
Fired when a user indicates they have forgotten their password

Specified by:
userForgotPassword in interface UserEventListener
event - the event in play


public void userForgotUsername(UserEvent event)
Description copied from interface: UserEventListener
Fired when a user indicates they have forgotten their username

Specified by:
userForgotUsername in interface UserEventListener
event - the event in play


public void userCannotChangePassword(UserEvent event)
Description copied from interface: UserEventListener
Fired when a user tries to change their password, and the password cannot be updated

Specified by:
userCannotChangePassword in interface UserEventListener
event - the event in play


public boolean isInternal()
Description copied from interface: JiraListener
Indicates whether this listener is internal, meaning it cannot be removed by an administrator.

Specified by:
isInternal in interface JiraListener
isInternal in class AbstractIssueEventListener
true if this is an Atlassian listener, otherwise false


public boolean isUnique()
Description copied from interface: JiraListener
Indicates whether JIRA should only create one instance of this listener. For example, having multiple mail listeners would be fine if you wanted multiple mails sent out. For other listeners, such as cache listeners, it makes no sense to have multiple instances.

Specified by:
isUnique in interface JiraListener
isUnique in class AbstractIssueEventListener
whether this listener should be a singleton


public String getDescription()
Description copied from interface: JiraListener
Returns a textual description of the listener. You can include HTML if required, but do not use tables or DHTML, as the description may be displayed inside tables or frames.

A good description will describe what this listener does and explain the parameters required for configuring it.

Specified by:
getDescription in interface JiraListener
getDescription in class AbstractIssueEventListener
a description of the listener, or null if no description is appropriate

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