Class IssueLinksSystemField

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractField
      extended by com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractOrderableField
          extended by com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.IssueLinksSystemField
All Implemented Interfaces:
Field, HideableField, NavigableField, OrderableField, RequirableField, RestAwareField, RestFieldOperations, SearchableField, Comparable

public class IssueLinksSystemField
extends AbstractOrderableField
implements HideableField, RequirableField, NavigableField, RestAwareField, RestFieldOperations

Nested Class Summary
static interface IssueLinksSystemField.IssueLinkingValue
          This interface is used as a value object for IssueLinking information.

Field Summary
static String PARAMS_LINK_TYPE
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractField
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.NavigableField
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.OrderableField
Constructor Summary
IssueLinksSystemField(VelocityTemplatingEngine templatingEngine, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext, PermissionManager permissionManager, IssueLinkService issueLinkService, UserHistoryManager userHistoryManager, IssueLinkManager issueLinkManager, IssueLinksBeanBuilderFactory issueLinkBeanBuilderFactory, I18nHelper.BeanFactory i18nFactory, IssueLinkTypeFinder issueLinkTypeFinder, JiraBaseUrls jiraBaseUrls)
Method Summary
 String availableForBulkEdit(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)
          Determines whether the field is available for bulk editing given the BulkEditBean.
 boolean canRemoveValueFromIssueObject(Issue issue)
          Returns true if a call to OrderableField.removeValueFromIssueObject(com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue) will actually remove the value.
 void createValue(Issue issue, Object value)
          Create the value of the issue in the data store.
 String getBulkEditHtml(OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, Map displayParameters)
          Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being bulk edited.
 String getColumnCssClass()
 String getColumnHeadingKey()
 String getColumnViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Map displayParams, Issue issue)
 String getCreateHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
          Returns the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.
 String getDefaultSortOrder()
          The order in which to sort the field when it is sorted for the first time.
 Object getDefaultValue(Issue issue)
          The value that should be set on the issue if the field is not shown for some reason.
 String getEditHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
          Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.
 FieldTypeInfo getFieldTypeInfo(FieldTypeInfoContext fieldTypeInfoContext)
          Returns lower level Information about the field.
 String getHiddenFieldId()
          Returns the id of the field to check for visibility.
 JsonData getJsonDefaultValue(IssueContext issueCtx)
          Return The default data for this system field.
 FieldJsonRepresentation getJsonFromIssue(Issue issue, boolean renderedVersionRequired, FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem)
          Return a FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.
 JsonType getJsonSchema()
          Return a description of the shape of this field when represented as JSON.
protected  Object getRelevantParams(Map<String,String[]> inputParameters)
          This is implemented in response to use being an AbstractOrderableField.
 RestFieldOperationsHandler getRestFieldOperation()
          A sortComparatorSource object to be used for sorting columns in a table.
 LuceneFieldSorter getSorter()
          A sorter to be used when sorting columns in a table.
 List<> getSortFields(boolean sortOrder)
          Return a list of Lucene SortFields to be used for sorting search results.
 Object getValueFromParams(Map fieldValueHolder)
          This is called from BulkEdit/BulkWorkflowTransition to get an value object from a input set of values.
 String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
 String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, webwork.action.Action action, Issue issue, Object value, Map displayParameters)
 boolean hasValue(Issue issue)
          Determines if the field has a value for the given issue.
 boolean isShown(Issue issue)
          Tests field specific way to determine if it should be shown or not.
 MessagedResult needsMove(Collection originalIssues, Issue targetIssue, FieldLayoutItem targetFieldLayoutItem)
          Used to determine if the field needs input from user to be moved to the new project and/or issue type.
 void populateDefaults(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)
          We don't return any default for the field.
 void populateForMove(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder, Issue originalIssue, Issue targetIssue)
          Used to populate the fieldValueHolder with parameters for move issue screen.
 void populateFromIssue(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)
          This is called to populate the field values holder with the current state of the Issue object.
 void populateParamsFromString(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder, String stringValue, Issue issue)
          This is called by Jelly code to map a value into a field values holder.
 String prettyPrintChangeHistory(String changeHistory)
 String prettyPrintChangeHistory(String changeHistory, I18nHelper i18nHelper)
          Used for email notification templates - allows changelog to be displayed in language of the recipient.
 void removeValueFromIssueObject(MutableIssue issue)
          Removes the field value from the given MutableIssue object.
 void updateIssue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, MutableIssue issue, Map fieldValueHolder)
           This is called to back update the MutableIssue with the value object we previously stuffed into the field values holder.
 void updateValue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Issue issue, ModifiedValue modifiedValue, IssueChangeHolder issueChangeHolder)
          This is called after the issue has been stored on disk and allows us a chance to create change records for the update.
 void validateParams(OperationContext operationContext, ErrorCollection errorCollection, I18nHelper i18n, Issue issue, FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem)
          Ensure that the parameters are valid
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractOrderableField
createAssociatedSearchHandler, getApplicationProperties, getCreateHtml, getEditHtml, getPermissionManager, getVelocityParams, getVelocityParams, getViewHtml, hasBulkUpdatePermission, hasParam, hasPermission, isHidden, populateFromParams, rendererTypesEqual, renderTemplate, valuesEqual
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractField
compareTo, equals, getAuthenticationContext, getId, getName, getNameKey, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.Field
getId, getName, getNameKey
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Field Detail


public static final String PARAMS_ISCREATEISSUE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PARAMS_LINK_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PARAMS_ISSUE_KEYS
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public IssueLinksSystemField(VelocityTemplatingEngine templatingEngine,
                             ApplicationProperties applicationProperties,
                             JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext,
                             PermissionManager permissionManager,
                             IssueLinkService issueLinkService,
                             UserHistoryManager userHistoryManager,
                             IssueLinkManager issueLinkManager,
                             IssueLinksBeanBuilderFactory issueLinkBeanBuilderFactory,
                             I18nHelper.BeanFactory i18nFactory,
                             IssueLinkTypeFinder issueLinkTypeFinder,
                             JiraBaseUrls jiraBaseUrls)
Method Detail


public LuceneFieldSorter getSorter()
Description copied from interface: NavigableField
A sorter to be used when sorting columns in a table. This sort uses the Lucene Document Collection and is therefore a lot faster than sorting the issues in memory.

Specified by:
getSorter in interface NavigableField
A sorter that can be used to sort this field, or null depending on the value of NavigableField.getSortComparatorSource()
See Also:
DocumentIssueImpl, MappedSortComparator


public List<> getSortFields(boolean sortOrder)
Description copied from interface: NavigableField
Return a list of Lucene SortFields to be used for sorting search results. Using this method allows the field to specify the most performant way to perform a search. If a field can be sorted directly using the term in the index then this should just return a singleton list with the sort field.

return Collections.singletonList(new SortField(fieldName, sortOrder));

The default implementation builds this using the FieldComparatorSource returned by NavigableField.getSortComparatorSource() If you implement this method there is no need to implement NavigableField.getSortComparatorSource().

Specified by:
getSortFields in interface NavigableField
The name of the indexed term to be used for native Lucene sorting.


public String getColumnViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                                Map displayParams,
                                Issue issue)
Specified by:
getColumnViewHtml in interface NavigableField


public String getCreateHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                            OperationContext operationContext,
                            webwork.action.Action action,
                            Issue issue,
                            Map displayParameters)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Returns the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.

Specified by:
getCreateHtml in interface OrderableField
fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
operationContext - OperationContext
action - Action
issue - Issue
displayParameters - Map of display parameters.
the HTML that should be shown when the issue is being created.


public String getEditHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                          OperationContext operationContext,
                          webwork.action.Action action,
                          Issue issue,
                          Map displayParameters)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.

Specified by:
getEditHtml in interface OrderableField
fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
operationContext - OperationContext
action - Action
issue - Issue
displayParameters - Map of display parameters.
HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.


public String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                          webwork.action.Action action,
                          Issue issue,
                          Map displayParameters)
Specified by:
getViewHtml in interface OrderableField


public String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                          webwork.action.Action action,
                          Issue issue,
                          Object value,
                          Map displayParameters)
Specified by:
getViewHtml in interface OrderableField


public String getBulkEditHtml(OperationContext operationContext,
                              webwork.action.Action action,
                              BulkEditBean bulkEditBean,
                              Map displayParameters)
Description copied from class: AbstractOrderableField
Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being bulk edited. By default calls the OrderableField.getEditHtml(com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutItem, com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.OperationContext, webwork.action.Action, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, java.util.Map) method with null for FieldLayoutItem and the first issue in the collection}

Specified by:
getBulkEditHtml in interface OrderableField
getBulkEditHtml in class AbstractOrderableField
operationContext - OperationContext
action - Action
bulkEditBean - BulkEditBean
displayParameters - Map of display parameters.
HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.


public void createValue(Issue issue,
                        Object value)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Create the value of the issue in the data store.

Specified by:
createValue in interface OrderableField
issue - Issue this field is part of
value - Value to store in this field (eg. Collection for Version fields). Cannot be null.


public Object getDefaultValue(Issue issue)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
The value that should be set on the issue if the field is not shown for some reason.

For example: The user does not have permission to see the field, or the field is not part of the create screen.

Specified by:
getDefaultValue in interface OrderableField
issue - the Issue.
The default Value.


public void populateDefaults(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder,
                             Issue issue)
We don't return any default for the field.

Specified by:
populateDefaults in interface OrderableField
fieldValuesHolder - The fieldValuesHolder Map to be populated.
issue - The issue in play.


public void populateParamsFromString(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder,
                                     String stringValue,
                                     Issue issue)
                              throws FieldValidationException
This is called by Jelly code to map a value into a field values holder.

Specified by:
populateParamsFromString in interface OrderableField
fieldValuesHolder - Map of field Values.
stringValue - user friendly string value.
issue - the issue in play.
FieldValidationException - if cannot convert to a value from the given string


public void populateForMove(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder,
                            Issue originalIssue,
                            Issue targetIssue)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Used to populate the fieldValueHolder with parameters for move issue screen. This field is only called if the issue needs to be updated during move, i.e. OrderableField.needsMove(java.util.Collection,com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue,com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutItem) returned true, and the remote user (the one performing the move) has the permission to actually update this field.

Specified by:
populateForMove in interface OrderableField
fieldValuesHolder - Map of field Values.
originalIssue - orignal Issue
targetIssue - target Issue


protected Object getRelevantParams(Map<String,String[]> inputParameters)
This is implemented in response to use being an AbstractOrderableField. It is actually called via populateFromParams so that we can place our relevant value object into the field values holder map. See above for the code entry point.

Specified by:
getRelevantParams in class AbstractOrderableField
inputParameters - the input parameters.
the object to be placed into a field values holder map under our id.


public void populateFromIssue(Map<String,Object> fieldValuesHolder,
                              Issue issue)
This is called to populate the field values holder with the current state of the Issue object. For example this will be called when the issue is edited.

Specified by:
populateFromIssue in interface OrderableField
fieldValuesHolder - The fieldValuesHolder Map to be populated.
issue - The issue in play.


public void validateParams(OperationContext operationContext,
                           ErrorCollection errorCollection,
                           I18nHelper i18n,
                           Issue issue,
                           FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Ensure that the parameters are valid

Specified by:
validateParams in interface OrderableField
operationContext - OperationContext
errorCollection - ErrorCollection to add to.
i18n - I18nHelper
issue - This is passed to get the value of other fields that may or may not have been modified.
fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem - FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem


public Object getValueFromParams(Map fieldValueHolder)
This is called from BulkEdit/BulkWorkflowTransition to get an value object from a input set of values.

Specified by:
getValueFromParams in interface OrderableField
fieldValueHolder - the map of parameters.
a parsed long or null if not in the input.


public void updateIssue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                        MutableIssue issue,
                        Map fieldValueHolder)

This is called to back update the MutableIssue with the value object we previously stuffed into the field values holder.

This is called prior to the issue being stored on disk.

Specified by:
updateIssue in interface OrderableField
fieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem in play.
issue - MutableIssue in play.
fieldValueHolder - Field Value Holder Map.
See Also:
OrderableField.updateValue(com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutItem, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, com.atlassian.jira.issue.ModifiedValue, com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.IssueChangeHolder)


public void updateValue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem,
                        Issue issue,
                        ModifiedValue modifiedValue,
                        IssueChangeHolder issueChangeHolder)
This is called after the issue has been stored on disk and allows us a chance to create change records for the update.

Specified by:
updateValue in interface OrderableField
fieldLayoutItem - for this field within this context.
issue - Issue this field is part of.
modifiedValue - new value to set field to. Cannot be null.
issueChangeHolder - an object to record any changes made to the issue by this method.


public MessagedResult needsMove(Collection originalIssues,
                                Issue targetIssue,
                                FieldLayoutItem targetFieldLayoutItem)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Used to determine if the field needs input from user to be moved to the new project and/or issue type. This method is called only if the field is visible in the target project/issue type.

Specified by:
needsMove in interface OrderableField
originalIssues - Collection of original Issues.
targetIssue - Target Issue.
targetFieldLayoutItem - FieldLayoutItem
A MessagedResult with result=true if the field needs input to be moved.


public void removeValueFromIssueObject(MutableIssue issue)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Removes the field value from the given MutableIssue object.

Note that this operation does not actually persist the change, it just clears the value from the given Issue object. The caller will still need to call #updateValue() in order to persist the change.

Some Fields may choose to quietly ignore this request. eg The SecurityLevel Field will not remove Security Level from subtasks because the subtask must always take the Security Level of its parent issue.

Specified by:
removeValueFromIssueObject in interface OrderableField
issue - The issue object to be effected.
See Also:
OrderableField.canRemoveValueFromIssueObject(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue), OrderableField.updateValue(com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutItem, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, com.atlassian.jira.issue.ModifiedValue, com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.IssueChangeHolder)


public boolean isShown(Issue issue)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Tests field specific way to determine if it should be shown or not.

Specified by:
isShown in interface OrderableField
issue - The Issue.
true if it should be shown.


public boolean canRemoveValueFromIssueObject(Issue issue)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Returns true if a call to OrderableField.removeValueFromIssueObject(com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue) will actually remove the value.

There a few different reasons why this method may return false:

In general it is safe to call removeValueFromIssueObject() even if this method returns false, as the request will be silently ignored. However there are a couple of special fields where calling removeValueFromIssueObject() will throw an UnsupportedOperationException - eg if you try to remove the Project.

Specified by:
canRemoveValueFromIssueObject in interface OrderableField
issue - The Issue object.
true if a call to OrderableField.removeValueFromIssueObject(com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue) will actually remove the value.
See Also:


public boolean hasValue(Issue issue)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Determines if the field has a value for the given issue.

Specified by:
hasValue in interface OrderableField
issue - the Issue.
true if the given Issue has a value for this field.


public String availableForBulkEdit(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)
Description copied from interface: OrderableField
Determines whether the field is available for bulk editing given the BulkEditBean.

Specified by:
availableForBulkEdit in interface OrderableField
bulkEditBean - holds the state of the bulk-edit wizard (e.g. the selected issues for bulk editing)
null if the field is available for bulk-editing or an i18n key of the error message to show as why the field is not available.


public String getColumnHeadingKey()
Specified by:
getColumnHeadingKey in interface NavigableField


public String getColumnCssClass()
Specified by:
getColumnCssClass in interface NavigableField


public String getDefaultSortOrder()
Description copied from interface: NavigableField
The order in which to sort the field when it is sorted for the first time.

Specified by:
getDefaultSortOrder in interface NavigableField
Either NavigableField.ORDER_ASCENDING or NavigableField.ORDER_DESCENDING


public getSortComparatorSource()
Description copied from interface: NavigableField
A sortComparatorSource object to be used for sorting columns in a table. In most cases this will use a MappedSortComparator using the NavigableField.getSorter() method. However, fields can provide any sorting mechanism that they wish. If a field can be sorted directly using terms in the Lucene index then the field should implement NavigableField.getSortFields(boolean sortOrder) rather than this method. In large installations custom sorting may incur a maor performance penalty.

Specified by:
getSortComparatorSource in interface NavigableField
A SortComparatorSource that can be used to sort, or null if this field does not use custom sorting


public String getHiddenFieldId()
Description copied from interface: NavigableField
Returns the id of the field to check for visibility. For example, with original estimate field need to ensure that the timetracking field is not hidden. With most fields, this is the same as their id.

Specified by:
getHiddenFieldId in interface NavigableField


public String prettyPrintChangeHistory(String changeHistory)
Specified by:
prettyPrintChangeHistory in interface NavigableField


public String prettyPrintChangeHistory(String changeHistory,
                                       I18nHelper i18nHelper)
Description copied from interface: NavigableField
Used for email notification templates - allows changelog to be displayed in language of the recipient.

Specified by:
prettyPrintChangeHistory in interface NavigableField
String change history formatted according to locale in i18nHelper


public FieldTypeInfo getFieldTypeInfo(FieldTypeInfoContext fieldTypeInfoContext)
Description copied from interface: RestAwareField
Returns lower level Information about the field. This information contains allowed values and/or the autocomplete url

Specified by:
getFieldTypeInfo in interface RestAwareField
fieldTypeInfoContext - the FieldTypeInfoContext contains context information that is relevant to generate the FieldTypeInfo


public JsonType getJsonSchema()
Description copied from interface: RestAwareField
Return a description of the shape of this field when represented as JSON.

Specified by:
getJsonSchema in interface RestAwareField


public FieldJsonRepresentation getJsonFromIssue(Issue issue,
                                                boolean renderedVersionRequired,
                                                FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem)
Description copied from interface: RestAwareField
Return a FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.

Specified by:
getJsonFromIssue in interface RestAwareField
issue - to get field data from
renderedVersionRequired - whether the use requested the return of rendered/pretty data as well as raw data
fieldLayoutItem - field layout for this field. Will only be supplied if the field is also an ordereable field.
FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.


public RestFieldOperationsHandler getRestFieldOperation()
Specified by:
getRestFieldOperation in interface RestFieldOperations
the RestFieldOperationsHandler for this field.


public JsonData getJsonDefaultValue(IssueContext issueCtx)
Description copied from interface: RestFieldOperations
Return The default data for this system field. May be null if there is no default.

Specified by:
getJsonDefaultValue in interface RestFieldOperations
issueCtx - Issue (This should really only need to be an issue context, but for historical reasons we need an issue object.

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