Interface I18nHelper
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AboutPage, AbstractAddScheme, AbstractAddWorkflowTransitionDescriptor, AbstractAddWorkflowTransitionDescriptorParams, AbstractAdministerFilter, AbstractBrowser, AbstractBulkOperationAction, AbstractBulkOperationDetailsAction, AbstractBulkWatchOperationAction, AbstractCommentableAssignableIssue, AbstractCommentableIssue, AbstractConfigureFieldLayout, AbstractConstantAction, AbstractConvertIssue, AbstractCopyScheme, AbstractDashboardAdministration, AbstractDeleteConstant, AbstractDeleteScheme, AbstractDeleteWorkflowTransitionDescriptor, AbstractEditConfigurationItemAction, AbstractEditConstant, AbstractEditFieldLayoutItem, AbstractEditFieldLayoutSchemeAction, AbstractEditScheme, AbstractEditWorkflowTransitionDescriptorParams, AbstractFieldLayoutAction, AbstractFieldScreenAction, AbstractFieldScreenSchemeAction, AbstractFieldScreenSchemeItemAction, AbstractFilterAction, AbstractGroupToRoleAction, AbstractImportEntity, AbstractImportIssue, AbstractIssueLinkAction, AbstractIssueSelectAction, AbstractManageIssueTypeOptionsAction, AbstractMergeAction, AbstractPluggableTabPanelAction, AbstractProjectAction, AbstractProjectAndSchemeAwareAction, AbstractProjectImportProgress, AbstractProjectImportUsersMissing, AbstractProjectRole, AbstractRoleActorAction, AbstractRoleActors, AbstractSchemeAware, AbstractSchemeAwareAction, AbstractSchemePickerAction, AbstractSchemePurgeAction, AbstractSchemeToolAction, AbstractSelectProjectScheme, AbstractSetupAction, AbstractTrustedApplicationAction, AbstractViewConstants, AbstractViewIssue, AbstractViewSchemes, AbstractViewWorkflowMetaAttributes, AbstractWorkflowAction, AbstractWorkflowDraftResultAction, AbstractWorkflowStep, AbstractWorkflowTransition, AbstractWorkflowTransitionAction, AbstractWorklogAction, AcknowledgeTask, AddComment, AddComponent, AddFieldConfiguration, AddFieldConfigurationScheme, AddFieldScreenSchemeItem, AddIssueSecurity, AddIssueTypeScreenScheme, AddIssueTypeScreenScreenSchemeAssociation, AddIssueTypeToFieldConfigurationAssociation, AddNewIssueTypeToScheme, AddNotification, AddPermission, AddPortalPage, AddProject, AddProjectCategory, AddScheme, AddScheme, AddScheme, AddScheme, AddUser, AddVersion, AddWebLink, AddWorkflowTransition, AddWorkflowTransitionCondition, AddWorkflowTransitionConditionParams, AddWorkflowTransitionFunctionParams, AddWorkflowTransitionPostFunction, AddWorkflowTransitionValidator, AddWorkflowTransitionValidatorParams, AdjustFavourite, AdvancedApplicationProperties, AllUsersRememberMeCookies, AssignIssue, AssociateFieldToScreens, AssociateIssueTypeSchemes, AssociateIssueTypeSchemesWithDefault, AttachFile, AttachScreenshot, AttachTemporaryFile, BackingI18n, BrowseComponent, BrowseProject, BrowseProjects, BrowseVersion, BulkCancelWizard, BulkChooseOperation, BulkDelete, BulkEdit, BulkEdit1, BulkEditUserGroups, BulkMigrate, BulkMove, BulkUnwatch, BulkWatch, BulkWorkflowTransition, CantBrowseCreatedIssue, ChangePassword, ChangeSharedDashboardOwner, ChangeSharedFilterOwner, CleanData, ClearRememberMeCookies, CloneIssueDetails, CloneWorkflow, CommentAssignIssue, ConfigureCrowdServer, ConfigureCustomField, ConfigureFieldLayout, ConfigureFieldLayoutScheme, ConfigureFieldScreen, ConfigureFieldScreenScheme, ConfigureIssueTypeOptionScheme, ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme, ConfigureLogging, ConfigureOptionScheme, ConfigurePortalPages, ConfigureReport, ConfirmNewInstallationWithOldLicense, ContactAdministrators, ConvertIssueToSubTask, ConvertSubTaskToIssue, CopyFieldLayout, CopyFieldLayoutScheme, CopyScheme, CopyScheme, CopyScheme, CopyScheme, CreateCustomField, CreateDraftWorkflow, CreateIssue, CreateIssueDetails, CreateSubTaskIssue, CreateSubTaskIssueDetails, CreateWorklog, CurrentUsersList, Dashboard, DeleteAttachment, DeleteComment, DeleteCustomField, DeleteFilter, DeleteGroup, DeleteIssue, DeleteIssueSecurity, DeleteIssueSecurityLevel, DeleteIssueType, DeleteLink, DeleteLinkType, DeleteNotification, DeleteOptionScheme, DeletePermission, DeletePortalPage, DeletePriority, DeleteProject, DeleteProjectCategory, DeleteProjectEntity, DeleteProjectRole, DeleteRemoteIssueLink, DeleteResolution, DeleteScheme, DeleteScheme, DeleteScheme, DeleteScheme, DeleteScheme, DeleteSharedDashboard, DeleteSharedFilter, DeleteStatus, DeleteSubTaskIssueType, DeleteTrustedApplication, DeleteUser, DeleteUserProperty, DeleteWorkflowStep, DeleteWorkflowTransitionCondition, DeleteWorkflowTransitionPostFunction, DeleteWorkflowTransitions, DeleteWorkflowTransitionValidator, DeleteWorklog, DisableSubTasks, EditAnnouncementBanner, EditApplicationProperties, EditAttachmentSettings, EditComment, EditCrowdApplication, EditCustomField, EditCustomFieldDefaults, EditCustomFieldOptions, EditDarkFeatures, EditDefaultDashboard, EditDefaultFieldLayoutItem, EditFieldLayout, EditFieldLayoutItem, EditFieldLayoutItemRenderer, EditFieldLayoutItemRendererConfirmation, EditFieldLayoutScheme, EditFieldScreen, EditFieldScreenScheme, EditFieldScreenSchemeItem, EditFilter, EditIndexRecoverySettings, EditIssue, EditIssueSecurities, EditIssueType, EditIssueTypeScreenScheme, EditLabels, EditLinkType, EditListener, EditLookAndFeel, EditNestedGroups, EditNotifications, EditPermissions, EditPortalPage, EditPriority, EditProfile, EditProject, EditProjectCategory, EditProjectLeadAndDefaultAssignee, EditProjectRole, EditResolution, EditScheme, EditScheme, EditScheme, EditService, EditStatus, EditSubTaskIssueTypes, EditTrustedApplication, EditUser, EditUserDefaultSettings, EditUserGroups, EditUserProjectRoles, EditUserProperties, EditUserProperty, EditWorkflow, EditWorkflowDispatcher, EditWorkflowScheme, EditWorkflowStep, EditWorkflowTransition, EditWorkflowTransitionConditionParams, EditWorkflowTransitionPostFunctionParams, EditWorkflowTransitionValidatorParams, Error404, FavouriteFilters, FilterPickerPopup, FilterSubscription, ForgotLoginDetails, GenericEditProfile, GlobalPermissions, GroupBrowser, GroupPickerBrowser, GroupRoleActorAction, I18nBean, IconPicker, ImportAll, ImportResult, ImportWorkflow, IndexAdminImpl, IndexOptimize, IndexProject, IntegrityChecker, IssueActionSupport, IssuePicker, JellyRunner, JiraActionSupport, JiraCreditsPage, JiraWebActionSupport, JiraWizardActionSupport, LeaveAdmin, LinkConfluencePage, LinkExistingIssue, LinkJiraIssue, ListEventTypes, ListWorkflows, Logout, MailQueueAdmin, ManageAttachments, ManageConfigurationScheme, ManageFilters, ManageIssueTypeSchemes, ManageSubscriptions, ManageSubTasks, ManageWatchers, MapColumns, MapCustomFields, MapIssueTypes, MapPriorities, MapResolutions, MapStatuses, MapUsers, MapValidateImport, MigrateIssueTypes, MockAbstractBrowser, MockI18nBean, MockI18nHelper, MockI18nHelper, MoveIssue, MoveIssueConfirm, MoveIssueSubtasks, MoveIssueUpdateFields, MoveIssueUpdateWorkflow, MoveSubTask, MoveSubTaskChooseOperation, MoveSubTaskParent, MyJiraHome, NoopI18nHelper, PreparedReferenceAction, ProjectActionSupport, ProjectEmail, ProjectImportBackupOverviewProgress, ProjectImportMappingProgress, ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersCannotCreate, ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersExtMgmt, ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersCannotCreate, ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersExtMgmt, ProjectImportMissingUsersAutoCreate, ProjectImportProgress, ProjectImportResultsAction, ProjectImportSelectBackup, ProjectImportSelectProject, ProjectImportSummary, ProjectRoleUsageAction, PublishDraftWorkflow, QuickSearch, RecentIssueHistory, ReferenceAction, ReferenceComponentAction, ReferenceComponentImportAction, ReferenceModuleTypeAction, ReferenceResourceAction, ReferenceSoyAction, ReleaseNote, ResetFailedLoginCount, ResetPassword, RestoreDefaultDashboard, SaveAsFilter, SaveFilter, SchedulerAdmin, SchemeAwareIssueSecurityAction, SchemeAwareNotificationAction, SchemeAwarePermissionAction, SchemeComparisonPickerAction, SchemeComparisonToolAction, SchemeGroupToRoleMapperAction, SchemeGroupToRolePickerAction, SchemeGroupToRoleResultAction, SchemeGroupToRoleTransformerAction, SchemeMergeAction, SchemeMergePreviewAction, SchemeMergeResultAction, SchemePurgeToolPreviewAction, SchemePurgeToolResultsAction, SchemePurgeTypePickerAction, SchemeToolsAction, SchemeTypePickerAction, SearchDescriptionEnabledAction, SelectComponentAssignees, SelectFieldLayoutScheme, SelectIssueTypeSchemeForProject, SelectIssueTypeScreenScheme, SelectProjectCategory, SelectProjectIssueSecurityScheme, SelectProjectPermissionScheme, SelectProjectScheme, SelectProjectSecuritySchemeStep2, SelectProjectWorkflowScheme, SelectProjectWorkflowSchemeStep2, SelectProjectWorkflowSchemeStep3, SendBulkMail, ServiceExecutor, SessionTimeoutMessage, SetGlobalEmailPreference, SetPassword, SetSelectedIssue, SetupAdminAccount, SetupAnalytics, SetupApplicationProperties, SetupBonfire, SetupComplete, SetupDatabase, SetupGreenHopper, SetupImport, SetupLicense, SetupMailNotifications, ShowConstantsHelp, ShowTimeTrackingHelp, Signup, SimpleWorkflowAction, SiteDarkFeatures, TimeTrackingAdmin, TranslateCustomField, UpdateMyJiraHome, UpdateUserPreferences, UpdateWorklog, UploadXmlFile, UserBrowser, UserPickerBrowser, UserProperty, UserRememberMeCookies, UserRoleActorAction, VersionAction, ViewApplicationProperties, ViewAttachmentSettings, ViewCustomFields, ViewDefaultProjectRoleActors, ViewFieldLayouts, ViewFieldScreens, ViewFieldScreenSchemes, ViewGroup, ViewInstrumentation, ViewIssueFields, ViewIssueTypes, ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemes, ViewKeyboardShortcuts, ViewLicense, ViewLinkTypes, ViewListeners, ViewLogging, ViewMemoryInfo, ViewPriorities, ViewProfile, ViewProject, ViewProjectRoleActors, ViewProjectRoles, ViewProjects, ViewResolutions, ViewSchemes, ViewSchemes, ViewSchemes, ViewSchemes, ViewSchemes, ViewServices, ViewSharedDashboards, ViewSharedFilters, ViewStatuses, ViewSubtaskFragmentAction, ViewSystemInfo, ViewTranslations, ViewTrustedApplications, ViewUpgradeHistory, ViewUser, ViewUserDefaultSettings, ViewUserHover, ViewUserPreferences, ViewUserProjectRoles, ViewVoters, ViewWorkflowStep, ViewWorkflowStepMetaAttributes, ViewWorkflowSteps, ViewWorkflowTransition, ViewWorkflowTransitionConditionalResult, ViewWorkflowTransitionMetaAttributes, ViewWorkflowXml, VoteOrWatchIssue, WebSudoAuthenticate, WikiRendererHelpAction, WorkflowUIDispatcher, XmlBackup, XsrfErrorAction
public interface I18nHelper
I18nHelper is the main interface for finding internationalised text in JIRA.
Since JIRA 6.0 you can have an I18nHelper injected directly into any JIRA or plugin component (this will use
the locale if the currently logged in user, or the default locale if there is no logged in user).
In versions prior to 6.0 you should only use the i18nHelper in your code which generally you get from JiraAuthenticationContext.getI18nHelper()
or I18nHelper.BeanFactory
. Both of
these are available in PICO to be dependency injected or available from ComponentAccessor.getI18nHelperFactory()
or ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext()
You MUST never directly instantiate the underlying I18nBean. You will get it wrong and miss out on cool stuff like
flyweight caching.
You SHOULD NOT hold onto this Helper for any extended period of time for 2 reasons. Firstly you will be using a
cached Locale and values, so the Locale is now locked in for the duration of holding onto the helper. Secondly you are holding onto a
large memory resource for longer than needed. Instead you should keep hold of the JiraAuthenticationContext
or the I18nHelper.BeanFactory
and retrieve the helper when needed.
- See Also:
Method Summary |
ResourceBundle |
Returns the default ResourceBundle within JIRA, which does not include translations provided by plugins. |
Set<String> |
getKeysForPrefix(String prefix)
Given a prefix for an i18n key, this method will return all keys that start with the prefix specified. |
Locale |
ResourceBundle |
Returns the consolidated ResourceBundle for this I18nHelper, which includes translations provided by plugins. |
String |
getText(String key)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
Object parameters)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found. |
String |
getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5,
Object value6)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5,
Object value6,
Object value7)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5,
Object value6,
Object value7,
Object value8)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
String value1)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3,
String value4)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3,
String value4,
String value5,
String value6,
String value7)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key |
String |
getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3,
String value4,
String value5,
String value6,
String value7,
String value8,
String value9)
Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getUnescapedText(String key)
Called to return the un-formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found |
String |
getUntransformedRawText(String key)
Same as getUnescapedText(String) but does not apply any TranslationTransform s. |
boolean |
isKeyDefined(String key)
For the given key, checks whether such a key is defined in the locale context represented by this helper
instance. |
Locale getLocale()
- Returns:
- the
that is associated with this I18nHelper
ResourceBundle getDefaultResourceBundle()
- Returns the default
within JIRA, which does not include translations provided by plugins.
For use cases where non-English translations are required, call getResourceBundle()
- Returns:
- a non-null bundle
- See Also:
String getUnescapedText(String key)
- Called to return the un-formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n message
- Returns:
- the un-formatted, translated, text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getUntransformedRawText(String key)
- Same as
but does not apply any TranslationTransform
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n message
- Returns:
- the un-formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
boolean isKeyDefined(String key)
For the given key, checks whether such a key is defined in the locale context represented by this helper
instance. Note that the actual translation may be in the 'fallback' default locale rather than the current
The contract of this is method is correlated with
, whereby if this
method returns false
, getUntransformedRawText(String)
will return the key provided as an
argument, and if this method returns true
, getUntransformedRawText(String)
will generally
return the translation, which in some very unlikely cases may be equal to the key.
- Parameters:
- translation key
- Returns:
, if any translation for such key exists, false
String getText(String key)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
String value1)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3,
String value4)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue5
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5,
Object value6)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue5
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue6
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5,
Object value6,
Object value7)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue5
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue6
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue7
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3,
String value4,
String value5,
String value6,
String value7)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue5
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue6
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue7
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object value1,
Object value2,
Object value3,
Object value4,
Object value5,
Object value6,
Object value7,
Object value8)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue5
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue6
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue7
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue8
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
String value1,
String value2,
String value3,
String value4,
String value5,
String value6,
String value7,
String value8,
String value9)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messagevalue1
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue2
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue3
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue4
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue5
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue6
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue7
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue8
- a value to be substituted into the messagevalue9
- a value to be substituted into the message
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
String getText(String key,
Object parameters)
- Called to return the formatted text of the specified i18n key or the key itself if no message can be found.
The object passed in can be an array, a
} or a single parameter object. It will be then
used as substitution parameters within the message.
- Parameters:
- the key of the i18n messageparameters
- This can be an Array, a List
and Array or a single object parameter
- Returns:
- the formatted text or the key itself if no i18n message can be found
Set<String> getKeysForPrefix(String prefix)
- Given a prefix for an i18n key, this method will return all keys that start with the prefix specified.
- Parameters:
- The prefix for i18n keys. May not be null
- Returns:
- An immutable set of translation keys that start with the prefix specified.
- Since:
- 4.0.1
ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
- Returns the consolidated ResourceBundle for this I18nHelper, which includes translations provided by plugins.
- Returns:
- a non-null bundle
- See Also:
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