Package com.atlassian.jira

Interface Summary
ComponentManager.State The state of the ComponentManager.
InitializingComponent Similar to InitializingBean in Spring - this should be implemented by a component where you want to do some work immediately after registration
JiraApplicationContext High level component that represents the single instance of JIRA.
JiraDataType Defines a domain specific data type.
JiraManager Deprecated. This interface is meaningless.

Class Summary
AbstractSimpleI18NBean A simple java bean that returns i18n name and description values.
ComponentManager This component manager uses PicoContainer to resolve all the dependencies between components.
DefaultHostContextAccessor This is necessary to provide a generic way for SAL to access a component that may not have been published the plugins 2.0 way.
DefaultJiraApplicationContext Default singleton production implementation.
JiraDataTypeImpl Each data type can specify a collection of actual java types, represented via their Class, that this type is.
JiraDataTypes Defines the known data types.
ManagerFactory Deprecated. Use ComponentAccessor instead.
MultipleKeyRegistrant<T> Helper utility which helps to create single instance of object exposed under multiple keys
WrappedComponentContainer This class holds reference to ComponentContainer used to instantiate objects

Exception Summary

Annotation Types Summary
EventComponent A class annotated with this will be registered automatically with JIRA's EventPublisher to listen for events.

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