Package com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.navigator

Interface Summary
NavigatorCondition Represents a condition in a Navigator Search.
SearchResultsCondition A way for specifying conditions on which to assert the state of the issue navigator results.

Class Summary
AssigneeCondition Condition that can be used to interact with the "assignee" navigator UI.
ColumnsCondition Checks that the passed columns appear in the issue navigator.
ComponentCondition Navigator condition that can be used to specify components to search for.
ContainsIssueKeysCondition A condition which asserts that the table containing search results specifies the issue keys in the correct order.
DoesNotContainIssueKeyCondition A condition which asserts that the table containing search results does not contain the specified issue key.
IssueTypeCondition Navigator condition that can be used to select condition types.
MultiSelectCondition Represents a navigator condition in a multi-select box.
NavigatorSearch Represents a navigator search.
NavigatorSearchBuilder Can be used to create NavigatorSearch objects.
NumberOfIssuesCondition A condition which asserts that the number of results returned by a search matches an exact number.
ProjectCondition Represents a selection of projects in a Navigator search.
QuerySearchCondition Represents the "Text Search" condition in Navigator.
ReporterCondition Condition that can be used to interact with the "reporter" navigator UI.
UserGroupPicker A parameter that can be used work with User/Group selector navigator components.
VersionCondition A version condition for FixVersions and AffectedVersions form field in the issue navigator simple search.

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