Uses of Interface

Packages that use FunctTestConstants
com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status.daterange Contains the acceptance tests responsible of verifying that a user is able to query all the issues that were in a particular status in a set date range. 

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework that implement FunctTestConstants
 class FuncTestCase
          The base class for JIRA "next generation" functional test cases.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.admin

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.admin that implement FunctTestConstants
 class ViewServices
          Gives operations that can be called on the ViewServices page.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class EditService
          Represents the functionality provided by the Edit Service Page.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractSubscriptionEmailTest
          An abstract class for tests that check the integrity of subscription e-mails.
 class AbstractTestIssueNavigatorColumnsView
 class AbstractTestIssueNavigatorView
 class AbstractTestIssueNavigatorXmlView
 class EmailFuncTestCase
          This class extends FuncTestCase by adding methods to test emails being sent from JIRA.
 class JIRAWebTest
          Deprecated. This is a legacy class that evolved as a result of a 'stuff every util into the base class' approach. It is probably one of the fattest classes in the JIRA code base. It has been replaced by FuncTestCase that attempts to separate its various responsibilities into multiple helper classes. Always use FuncTestCase for new func tests and attempt to migrate old tests to use it whenever possible.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXmlRestore

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.about

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.about that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAboutPage

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAdministerUserLink
 class TestAdminMenuWebFragment
          This test asserts that the links in the admin menu is available/unavailable under various conditions.
 class TestAdminSectionVisibility
          Tests the admin/sys-admin visibility of pages in the admin section.
 class TestAdminTabs
 class TestAdvancedApplicationProperties
 class TestDataExport
          Tests that the data export does what it should (i.e.
 class TestEventTypes
 class TestGeneralConfiguration
          Func test of editing application properties.
 class TestGeneralConfigurationSecurity
          Func test of viewing general configuration pages as admin/sysadmin.
 class TestGlobalPermissions
 class TestGroupBrowser
          Test related to the admin Group Browser page
 class TestImportExport
          Test to see that importing an xml file into JIRA and then exporting from it results in an XML file Uses the following xml files: TestImportExport.xml TestImportExport2.xml
 class TestIntegrityChecker
          Ensure that all the correct integrity checks are shown in the UI.
 class TestIssueLinkCheck
 class TestIssueType
          Tests for the administration of issue types.
 class TestLookAndFeel
          A func test for the LookAndFeel pages
 class TestModz
          A func test for the ModzDetector rows in the ViewSystemInfo page
 class TestPermissionSchemes
 class TestPriorities
          Tests for the administration of priorities.
 class TestResolutions
          Tests for the administration of resolutions.
 class TestServerId
 class TestServices
          Some simple tests to make sure the services admin pages do not explode.
 class TestSiteDarkFeatures
 class TestSystemAdminAndAdminPermissions
          Tests permissions of sysadmins and admins.
 class TestSystemInfoPage
          Check that the SystemInfo page is correct, added for the new ReleaseInfo integration.
 class TestTimeTrackingAdmin
          Tests the Time Tracking Admin page

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.index

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.index that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestIndexAdmin
          Tests admin reindex page
 class TestIndexingInBackground
 class TestReindexMessages

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.issuessecurity

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.issuessecurity that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAddIssueSecurity
          Test web functionality for adding/removing issue securities to/from security levels.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.issuetypes

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.issuetypes that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestIssueTypeDeleteFieldConfig
          tests fix for JRA-14009
 class TestIssueTypes
 class TestIssueTypeSchemeMigration
 class TestIssueTypeSchemes
          Functional test issue type schemes
 class TestMultiIssueTypes

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.scheme

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.scheme that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestSchemeComparisonTool
 class TestSchemeMergeTool
 class TestSchemePurgeTool
 class TestSchemeTools

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXsrfAdminAssortedGlobalSettings
 class TestXsrfAdminCustomFields
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminFieldConfigurations
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminFieldConfigurationSchemes
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminGroups
 class TestXsrfAdminIssueLinking
 class TestXsrfAdminIssueTypeScreenSchemes
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminMailServers
 class TestXsrfAdminScreenSchemes
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminSharedDashboards
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the Shared Dashboards Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminSharedFilters
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the Shared Filters Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAdminSubTasks
 class TestXsrfAdminUserDefaults
 class TestXsrfAdminUsers
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Administration actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfAttachments
 class TestXsrfBulkOperations
 class TestXsrfEvents
 class TestXsrfGlobalPermissions
 class TestXsrfImportAndExport
 class TestXsrfManageDashboards
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the Dashboards actions are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.
 class TestXsrfOptionsAndSettings
 class TestXsrfProject
 class TestXsrfProjectCategories
 class TestXsrfSchemes
 class TestXsrfSystemOps
 class TestXsrfWorkflow

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestBackupService

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.statuses

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.statuses that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestStatuses
          Tests the Statuses administration interface

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.trustedapps

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.trustedapps that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestTrustedApplicationClient
          Test using Trusted Apps v2 and v3 Protocols.
 class TestTrustedApplicationClientVersion0
          Works as a client, tests that requests can be made securely.
 class TestTrustedApplicationClientVersion1
          Works as a client, tests that requests can be made securely using the newer protocol version.
 class TestTrustedApplications

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.upgrade

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.upgrade that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestUpgradeHistory
          Tests the display of the upgrade history records in System Info and the separate viewing page.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestActiveObjects
          Simple sanity test for AO.
 class TestActiveObjectsRestore

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.attachment

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.attachment that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractTestAttachmentsBlockSortingOnViewIssue
          TODO: Document this class / interface here
 class TestAttachFile
          Functional test for attaching files.
 class TestAttachmentEncoding
 class TestAttachmentsListSorting
          Responsible for holding tests that verify that the attachments list on the view issue page can be sorted using a key (i.e.
 class TestBrowseZipAttachmentEntries
          Responsible for verifying that a user can browse the entries in a zip file from the View Issue page.
 class TestEditAttachmentSettings
 class TestImageAttachmentsGallerySorting
          Responsible for holding tests that verify that the image attachments shown in the image gallery on the view issue page can be sorted using a key (i.e.
 class TestIssueFileAttachmentErrors
 class TestIssueFileAttachments
 class TestZipAttachmentSecurity
          Responsible for verifying that the server doesn't shut down if we attach files like:, a large compressed file, etc.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bulk

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bulk that implement FunctTestConstants
 class BulkChangeIssues
 class TestBulkChangeIssues
 class TestBulkDeleteIssues
 class TestBulkEditEnvironment
          Tests Bulk Edit of the Environment Field.
 class TestBulkEditIssues
 class TestBulkEditIssuesXss
          Tests for Xss issues in bulk edit, like This behavior was changed as a result of and OD/BTF differences XSS in custom field names will be disabled in 6.0
 class TestBulkEditUserGroups
 class TestBulkMoveAttachments
 class TestBulkMoveIssues
 class TestBulkMoveIssuesForEnterprise
 class TestBulkMoveMappingVersionsAndComponents
          JRA-8248 JRADEV-190 Bulk Move has been "improved" to allow explicit mapping of Version and Component values between projects.
 class TestBulkMoveTimeTracking
          JRADEV-2291 - although Time Tracking fields are not available for Bulk Edit, they are available for Bulk Move.
 class TestBulkMoveWithMultiContexts
 class TestBulkOperationCustomField
 class TestBulkOperationIssueNavigator
 class TestBulkOperationsIndexing
 class TestBulkTransition
 class TestBulkWorkflowTransition
 class TestEditNestedGroups

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bundledplugins2.applinks

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bundledplugins2.applinks that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAppLinksHostApplication
          Functional tests for the JIRA's InternalHostApplication implementation.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bundledplugins2.gadget

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bundledplugins2.gadget that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAssignedToMeGadget
          Tests the "Assigned to Me" gadget.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bundledplugins2.projectconfig

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bundledplugins2.projectconfig that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestProjectDraftWorkflowSchemeResource
 class TestProjectWorkflowSchemeResource
 class TestWorkflowSchemeEditorResource

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class RestFuncTest
          Base class for REST func tests.
 class TestAdminGadget
          Tests the "Admin Gadget".
 class TestAttachmentResource
          Func test for the attachment resource.
 class TestAttachTemporaryFileResource
          This is just a smoke test to make sure all the pieces work together.
 class TestBadJson
          Testing for the a 400 response for bad Json string
 class TestCommentResource
 class TestComponentResource
          Func tests for component resource.
 class TestCurrentUserPreferencesResource
 class TestCurrentUserResource
          Verification for Create, Update and Delete operations
 class TestDashboardResource
          Func tests for the /dashboard resource.
 class TestFieldResource
          Func tests for FieldResource.
 class TestFilterResource
 class TestGroupAndUserPickerResource
 class TestGroupPickerResource
          Func test for GroupPickerResource
 class TestGroupResourceFunc
 class TestIssueAttachmentsResource
          This doesn't use the REST client or webTester to attach files because it wants to do a REST style multipart/form-data request, so it uses http client.
 class TestIssueLinkTypeResource
 class TestIssuePropertyResource
 class TestIssueResource
          Func tests for IssueResource.
 class TestIssueResourceAssign
 class TestIssueResourceAttachments
          Func test case for issue resource attachments functionality.
 class TestIssueResourceComments
 class TestIssueResourceCreate
 class TestIssueResourceCreateMeta
 class TestIssueResourceCustomFields
          Func tests for custom fields.
 class TestIssueResourceDelete
          Func tests for issue delete in REST API.
 class TestIssueResourceEditMeta
 class TestIssueResourceFields
 class TestIssueResourceIssueLinks
          Functional tests for REST issue linking (JRADEV-1657).
 class TestIssueResourceNames
 class TestIssueResourceNoPrioritySet
 class TestIssueResourceNotify
          Func tests for issue watching use cases.
 class TestIssueResourceOperationalUpdate
 class TestIssueResourceOpsbar
 class TestIssueResourceSchema
 class TestIssueResourceSubtasks
          Func tests for parent/subtask linking in REST API.
 class TestIssueResourceTimeTracking
          Tests the time tracking field.
 class TestIssueResourceTransitions
 class TestIssueResourceUpdate
 class TestIssueResourceVotes
 class TestIssueResourceWatchers
          Func tests for issue watching use cases.
 class TestIssueResourceWorklog
 class TestIssueSecurityTypeResource
          Func tests for SecurityTypeResource.
 class TestIssueShape
          Test the broad shape of an issue (the right objects/properties appear, and are the right value) This does not use any JSON bean deserialization, so we avoid any bugs that mask themselves (e.g.
 class TestIssueTypeResource
          Func tests for IssueTypeResource.
 class TestLinkIssueResource
 class TestLogin
          Testing for the /auth/session login/logout resource
 class TestPermissionsResource
 class TestPriorityResource
          Func tests for PriorityResource.
 class TestProjectPropertyResource
 class TestProjectResource
          Func test for ProjectResource.
 class TestProjectRoleResource
 class TestRemoteIssueLinkResource
          Tests the remote issue links REST end point.
 class TestResolutionResource
          Func test for the resolution resource.
 class TestScreensResource
 class TestSearchResource
          Tests for the issue search functionality.
 class TestShareResource
 class TestSiteDarkFeaturesResource
          Func tests for SiteDarkFeaturesResource.
 class TestStatusResource
          Func tests for StatusResource.
 class TestSystemColumns
          Tests for default system columns
 class TestUserResource
          Tests for the user resource.
 class TestUserResourceForCreateUpdateDelete
          Verification for Create, Update and Delete operations
 class TestVersionResource
          Func test for VersionResource.
 class TestWorkflowSchemeResource
 class TestWorklogResource
          Func test for Worklog resource.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.charts

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.charts that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCharting

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.comment

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.comment that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAddComment
 class TestAddCommentFooterLink
 class TestAddCommentHeaderLink
 class TestCommentDelete
 class TestCommentVisibility
          NOTE: Adding a comment with visibility is tested in TestAddComment
 class TestEditComment

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.crowd.embedded

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.crowd.embedded that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestConcurrentAttributeUpdates
          Testing the behaviour of the crowd user attribues when we login with multiple concurrent clients Under the earlier implementation this would cause rows to be duplicated in the table.
 class TestCrowdServerConfiguration

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.customfield

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.customfield that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCascadingSelectCustomField
 class TestCustomFieldMultiUserPicker
 class TestCustomFields
 class TestCustomFieldsNoSearcherPermissions
          Test for JRA-13808
 class TestCustomFieldXss
 class TestDeleteCustomField
          Func test for Deleting Custom Fields.
 class TestEditCustomFieldDescription
 class TestManagedCustomFields
          Tests the Managed Configuration Entities API.
 class TestMultiCheckboxCustomFieldOptions
 class TestMultiGroupSelector
 class TestMultiSelectCustomFieldOptions
 class TestRadioSelectCustomFieldOptions
 class TestSelectCustomFieldOptions
 class TestTranslateCustomField
 class TestVersionCustomField
          Tests the version custom field
 class TestViewCustomFieldsIconPathHandling
          This test introduced to verify a fix for JRA-15536.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXsrfEditCustomFieldDefaultValue
          Responsible for verifying that editing a custom field's default value is not susceptible to xsrf attacks.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.dashboard

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.dashboard that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAddPortalPageSharing
          Test the sharing functionality of the AddPortalPage.
 class TestDashboardDeleteConfirm
 class TestDashboardRelatedEntitiesDelete
          Test that a dashboard and its permissions are handled correctly when groups, users or project are deleted.
 class TestEditPortalPage
          Test the EditPortalPage action on professional and enterprise
 class TestEditPortalPageSharing
          Test the EditPortalPage action on professional and enterprise for sharing
 class TestHead
 class TestManageDashboardChooseTab
          This Func test class tests the "Tab" that we show on the manage Dashborad screen., See JRA-15370.
 class TestManageDashboardPagePermissions
          Test to ensure that Manage Dashboard display only pages that you have permission to see.
 class TestManageDashboardPages
          Test to ensure that Manage Dashboard display correct information
 class TestReorderDashboardPages
          Test to ensure that PortalPage ordering works.
 class TestSearchDashboardPages
          A functional test of the simple dashboard page searching.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestDeleteSharedDashboardsByAdmins
          Responsible for verifying that an administrator is able to search for all the shared Dashboards in JIRA.
 class TestSharedDashboardSearchingByAdmins
          Responsible for verifying that an administrator is able to search for all the shared Dashboards in JIRA.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.dashboard.reports

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.dashboard.reports that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestConfigureReport
 class TestDeveloperWorkloadReport
          Tests DeveloperWorkloadReport (aka User Workload Report on the UI).
 class TestDeveloperWorkloadReportPermissions
          Tests DeveloperWorkloadReport (aka User Workload Report on the UI)
 class TestPieChartReport
 class TestSingleLevelGroupByReport
          Tests the single level group by report
 class TestSingleLevelGroupByReportByLabels
 class TestSingleLevelGroupByReportIrrelevantIssues
          Test how the statistics break down when you have fields hidden
 class TestVersionWorkloadReport
 class TestVersionWorkloadReportPermissions

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXssInConfigureReport
          Test case for XSS exploits in the ConfigureReport page

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestBulkDeleteIssuesNotifications
 class TestBulkHeaders
 class TestBulkWorkflowTransitionNotification
 class TestCurrentAssigneeNotifications
          A test that checks that the new assignee notifications of JRA-6344 are respected.
 class TestCustomFieldNotifications
 class TestEmailSubscription
          Test email subscriptions in JIRA.
 class TestHandlers
 class TestIssueDeleteNotifications

Test that issue notifications are being sent on issue delete to particular subscribers.

 class TestIssueEmailSubject
 class TestIssueNotifications
 class TestMailImageAttachments
 class TestMailServer
 class TestMentions
 class TestNonEnglishNotifications
 class TestNotificationEmails
          Test for notification e-mails.
 class TestOutgoingMailSettings
          Responsible for verifying that enabling or disabling outgoing is applied correctly.
 class TestSendBulkMail
 class TestSharedEmailSubscription
          Test email subscriptions to shared filters in JIRA.
 class TestShareEmails
 class TestSubscriptionsWithTimeZones
 class TestUserSignup

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.favourite

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.favourite that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAdjustFavourite
          Test the favourite/unfavourite functionality exposed by the AdjustFavourite action.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.fields

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.fields that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAssigneeField
          Tests the single-select control on the Assignee field.
 class TestCustomFieldSearcherVisibility
 class TestFieldConfigurationSchemes
 class TestFieldLayoutSchemes2
          See JRA-18855
 class TestFieldRenderers
          A test suite that exercises the renderer framework and implmentations.
 class TestFieldScreens
 class TestFieldScreensInvalidWorkflow
          Tests behaviour of the Screens page in case of invalid workflows.
 class TestResolutionDateField

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.filter

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.filter that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestDanglingGroups
 class TestEditFilterInvalidShares
          Test for invalid share permissions.
 class TestFavouriteAndMyFilters
          Test the Favourites and My view of the ManageFilter pages.
 class TestFilterActions
 class TestFilterHoldsItsSorting
          A test for JRA-15570.
 class TestFilterPageNavigation
          A func test for testing basic page navigation between Filter related pages.
 class TestFilterPicker
          Tests the FilterPicker web component.
 class TestFilterRelatedEntitiesDelete
          Test the deleting of entities realted to fitlers and ensure that shares disspear
 class TestFilterSortUserRename
          Test to ensure that a user's name is indexed rather than their full name.
 class TestFilterSubscription
          Func tests for the new cron editor
 class TestFilterSubscriptionXss
          Func tests for the new cron editor XSS protection.
 class TestFilterWarnings
 class TestPopularFilters
          Test that the Popular Filters tab runs.
 class TestPresetFiltersWebFragment
 class TestSearchFilters
          A func test for the Search Filters functionality in the brave new world of shared entities.
 class TestSearchFiltersShareType
          Test the search filters functionality when searching occurs with specific ShareTypes.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestChangeSharedFilterOwnerByAdmins
          Responsible for verifying that an administrator is able to search for all the shared filters in JIRA.
 class TestDeleteSharedFilterByAdmins
          Responsible for verifying that an administrator is able to search for all the shared filters in JIRA.
 class TestSharedFilterSearchingByAdmins
          Responsible for verifying that an administrator is able to search for all the shared filters in JIRA.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.hints

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.hints that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestHints
          Tests that hints are NOT displayed in AUI dialog screens opened in a non-dialog mode.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.i18n

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.i18n that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestI18n500Page
 class TestTranslateSubTasks

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.imports.project

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.imports.project that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractProjectImportTestCase
          Has some base methods for testing ProjectImport.
 class TestProjectImportResults
          Func tests the project import results screen and the errors leading up to that screen.
 class TestProjectImportSelectBackup
 class TestProjectImportSelectProject
          Tests the 2nd screen of the project import wizard.
 class TestProjectImportSummary
          Tests the validation errors that can be displayed on the project import summary page.
 class TestProjectImportUsersDoNotExistPage
 class TestProjectImportWithProjectKeyRename
          Func tests the project import results screen and the errors leading up to that screen.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCloneIssueWithSubTasks
          Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved.
 class TestCreateConcurrentIssues
 class TestCreateIssue
 class TestCreateIssueForEnterprise
 class TestCreateIssueViaDirectLink
 class TestDefaultTextRenderer
 class TestEditIssue
 class TestEditIssueFields
          Test system & custom fields on the edit issue page.
 class TestEditIssueForEnterprise
 class TestEditIssueOnIndexing
 class TestEnvironmentField
          Test for JRA-16224
 class TestInlineEditIssueFields
          Test inline editing of fields from the view issue page.
 class TestInlineIssueLinking
 class TestIssueActionErrors
 class TestIssueBrowseBadProjectRegex
 class TestIssueConstants
          Tests for issue constants (Issue type, priority, status, resolution).
 class TestIssueHeader
 class TestIssueOperations
 class TestIssueOperationsOnDeletedIssue
 class TestIssueOperationsWithLimitedPermissions
 class TestIssuePrintableView
 class TestIssueSecurityActions
 class TestIssueSecurityWithCustomFields
 class TestIssueSecurityWithGroupsAndRoles
          Tests that modifications to group or role membership will flush the cache by checking that the security level field has the correct values reflected.
 class TestIssueSecurityWithRoles
          Tests that issue security schemes with roles restrict unauthorized users from seeing issues
 class TestIssueTabPanels
          Responsible for verifying that the tab panels in the view issue page work as expected.
 class TestIssueViews
 class TestLabels
 class TestLabelsFormats
 class TestLinkIssue
 class TestManageLinkClosedIssues
 class TestMetaTagOrdering
 class TestNextPreviousPager
 class TestOpsBarStructure
 class TestSearchXmlCustomIssueView
          Tests XML Issue view for escaping chars, present nodes, etc.
 class TestSearchXmlView
 class TestTextFieldCharacterLengthValidator
 class TestViewIssue
 class TestViewIssueWithRest
          Test for the REST view of issues
 class TestVoters
 class TestWatchers
 class TestWikiRendererXSS
          Test the links generated by the wiki renderer against various types of XSS attacks.
 class TestXmlCustomIssueView
 class TestXmlIssueView
          Tests XML Issue view for escaping chars, present nodes, etc.
 class TestXmlIssueViewBackwardCompatibility
 class TestXmlIssueViewErrors
          This class tests the various error conditions encountered when trying to view an issue using the IssueViewURLHandler.
 class TestXmlIssueViewXss
          Test for XmlIssueView XSS security.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.assign

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.assign that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAssignIssue
          This func test replaces the old TestAssignIssue unit test.
 class TestAssignToCurrentUserFunction
          Enterprise only test!
 class TestAssignToMe
           Responsible for verifying the behaviour of the assign to me operation.
 class TestAssignUserProgress

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.clone

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.clone that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCloneIssueAttachments
          Tests the Issue Linking that happens in a Clone operation.
 class TestCloneIssueLinking
          Tests the Issue Linking that happens in a Clone operation.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.comments

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.comments that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCommentPermissions
          Tests Permissions to delete and edit Comments.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.history

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.history that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestRecentIssueHistory
          Test that the recent issue history action returns expected data

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.links

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.links that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestReindexOnLinkChange
          Tests that the update date gets set into Lucene after a link is deleted.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.move

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.move that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestDeleteHiddenFieldOnMove
          Tests for moving issues with custom fields between projects.
 class TestMoveIssue
 class TestMoveIssueAndRemoveFields
          Tests moving an issue such that it ends up in a project or Issue Type with hidden fields.
 class TestMoveIssueAssignee
          Tests that the assignee field is set appropriately on Move Issue.
 class TestMoveIssueAttachment
          Tests that attachments are moved successfully with an Issue move (single and Bulk).
 class TestMoveIssueForEnterprise
 class TestPromptUserForSecurityLevelOnBulkMove
          This test case was specifically written to test JRA-14350.
 class TestPromptUserForSecurityLevelOnMove
          Tests whether we prompt the user for a new Security Level correctly on various move operations.
 class TestRedirectToMovedIssues

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestIssueSecurityLevel
          Note that Issue Security Levels are only available in the Enterprise Edition.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXsrfIssue
 class TestXsrfSpecificLinks
          A test class that contains specific links for XSRF protection

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXssInCommentUserLink
          Test case for XSS exploits in user links rendered as part of comments using the Wiki Renderer.
 class TestXssOnCreateIssueDetailsPage
          Test case for XSS exploits in the CreateIssueDetails page

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.subtasks

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.subtasks that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestMoveSubtask

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.jelly

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.jelly that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestJellyAddComment
 class TestJellyCreateIssue
 class TestJellyLogin
 class TestJellyWorkflowTransition

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.license

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.license that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestLicenseFooters
 class TestLicenseMessages
          Uses the following xml files:


Most of other scenarios unit tested in: com.atlassian.jira.license.TestDefaultLicenseDetails

 class TestPersonalLicense
 class TestUserLimitedLicense
          Test that the user limited licenses such as Sprout Starter licences and Commercial Limited work.
 class TestViewLicense

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.misc

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.misc that implement FunctTestConstants
 class Test500Page
 class TestAddPermission
          Tests the AddPermission action.
 class TestAddPermissionNonStandardPermissionTypes
           Tests the AddPermission action.
 class TestAnnouncementBanner
          Tests the functionality of the announcement banner
 class TestBasic
          Test some basic operations in JIRA in German.
 class TestCustomCreateButtonName
          Load a data set where the active workflow has a modified 'create' issue link name.
 class TestDatabaseSetup
 class TestDateInputValidationOnCreateIssue
 class TestDefaultJiraDataFromInstall
          This functional test should run before all other functional tests.
 class TestEmptyStringDataRestore
          Tests JRA-11485.
 class TestForgotLoginDetails
 class TestFullContentShowsRoleEncoded
 class TestJiraLockedError
          Verify that going to the JiraLockedError page when JIRA is up and functional takes you to a useful page instead of getting a useless 404 from the NoopServlet
 class TestJohnsonFiltersWhileNotSetup
          Tests that when JIRA is not setup, the required error responses are sent for various request URL patterns.
 class TestLoginActions
 class TestMyJiraHome
 class TestOpenSearchProvider
 class TestPlatformCompatibility
          Ensure the application conform to Platform's specification.
 class TestReleaseNotes
 class TestRememberMeCookie
          Tests for SER-117 - ensuring the seraph.os.cookie does not contain characters that some application servers might not like (Tomcat 5.5.26 for example).
 class TestReplacedLocalVelocityMacros
          We moved local velocity macros in a global file: global.vm, because velocity does have some problems in multi-threaded environments when two user access the same local template at the same point in time.
 class TestReportProblem
 class TestResourceHeaders
 class TestSeraphAuthType
 class TestSessionIdInUrl
 class TestSetup
 class TestShowConstantsHelp
 class TestSignup
          Tests the Signup action
 class TestUnsupportedBrowser
          Tests the Unsupported Browser functionality
 class TestUserAgent
 class TestXSS
          This test case should be used to test for all sorts of XSS bugs.
 class TestXSSInFullName
          Test Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities when script entered in fullname

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestIssueNavigator
 class TestIssueNavigatorColumnLinks
          Functional tests for JRA-14552
 class TestIssueNavigatorEncoding
 class TestIssueNavigatorExcelView
 class TestIssueNavigatorFullContentView
 class TestIssueNavigatorPrintableView
 class TestIssueNavigatorRssView
 class TestIssueNavigatorWordView
 class TestIssueNavigatorXmlView
 class TestIssueNavigatorXmlViewTimeTracking
 class TestNavigationBarWebFragment
          Simple test case that checks the links on the top system navigation bar is visible with correct permissions.
 class TestSearchRequestViewSecurity
 class TestSearchXmlViewErrors
          This class tests the various error conditions encountered when trying to view a search request using the SearchRequestURLHandler.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractJqlFuncTest
          Some common methods for the tests which are testing Jql.
 class TestAdvancedSimple
          Test switching from the advanced JQL view to the basic editing view
 class TestAdvancedValidation
 class TestAllTextClause
          Tests the "text" clause in JQL, which searches across all system text fields and custom free text fields that the user can see.
 class TestClausesDependentOnProperties
          Tests specific clauses ability to be used when their system properties have been disabled.
 class TestContextColumns
          Some more tests for column context.
 class TestCurrentUser
 class TestCustomFieldAliases
 class TestCustomFieldDoesItFitMultiple
 class TestCustomFieldDoesItFitSingle
          Testing for "fitness" in the filter form of singular custom field clauses.
 class TestCustomFieldLiterals
          Tests the interpretations of different literals (operands) for each custom field clause.
 class TestCustomFieldOperatorUsage
          Tests the validity of all the operators against all the custom field clauses.
 class TestCustomFieldsDisabled
          Verify the behaviour of custom fields in JQL queries when they have been disabled.
 class TestDateField
          Test date fields such as Created.
 class TestEmptyNotEmptyLiterals
          Tests using the EMPTY and NOT EMPTY literals.
 class TestFilters
          Test saved filter behaviour with JQL.
 class TestInvalidSearchFilterSearchRequestView
          A test that verifies that a SearchRequestView (e.g.
 class TestIssueNavigatorCommentsRSSView
          Test of the Search Request View for Comments and using JQL.
 class TestJqlAttachmentsField
 class TestJqlParsing
          Tests the JQL parser and how it handles reserved words.
 class TestJqlSystemFunctions
          Test for JQL included JQL system functions.
 class TestJqlVoterAndWatcherFields
 class TestNavigatorViewsOrdering
 class TestQueriesInDocumentation
          Queries mentioned in our documentation on
 class TestQueryTooComplex
 class TestRandomQueries
          A collection of random, crazy JQL queries that don't fit in anywhere else.
 class TestRelativeDates
          Test realated to relative Date formats.
 class TestSearchConstrainedByConfiguration
          Tests if JQL searches do not bring back data when fields have been hidden or custom fields have been moved out of configuration.
 class TestSearchRequestURLsInvalidParameters
 class TestSearchValidationCanBeDisabled
 class TestSorting
 class TestSystemFieldDoesItFitMultiple
          Testing for "fitness" in the filter form of multiple system field clauses.
 class TestSystemFieldDoesItFitSingle
          Testing for "fitness" in the filter form of singular system field clauses.
 class TestSystemFieldDoesItFitSingleManipulateData
 class TestSystemFieldLiterals
          Tests the interpretations of different literals (operands) for each system field clause.
 class TestSystemFieldOperatorUsage
          Tests the validity of all the operators against all the system field clauses.
 class TestUserNameSearching
 class TestUserQueriesCaseInsensitive
          This test class test for User queries being case insensitive.
 class TestValidationDoesItFit
          JQL Func Test to ensure the IssueNavigator's behaviour when currently in Simple Mode and calling the IssueNavigator via URL and the value for a field is invalid and requires to display a validation error message.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractChangeHistoryFuncTest
 class TestChangeHistoryTimeZone
          Test change history in different timezones.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.assignee

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.assignee that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAssigneeWasSearching

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.changed

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.changed that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestChangedSearching

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.fixversion

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.fixversion that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestFixVersionWasSearching

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.priority

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.priority that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestPriorityWasSearching

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.reporter

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.reporter that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestReporterWasSearching

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestSearchChangesInStatus
          Responsible for verifying that a user is able to query all issues that have been in a specific status.
 class TestSearchChangesInStatusByASpecificUser
          Responsible for verifying that a user is able to query all issues that had status changes made by a specific user.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestSearchIssueStatusOnADate
          Responsible for verifying that a user is able to query all the issues that were in a particular status on an specified date.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status.daterange

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator.jql.changehistory.status.daterange that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestSearchIssueStatusAfterADate
          Responsible for verifying that a user is able to query all the issues that were in a particular status after a date.
 class TestSearchIssueStatusBeforeADate
          Responsible for verifying that a user is able to query all the issues that were in a particular status bafore a date.
 class TestSearchIssueStatusDuringADateRange
          Responsible for verifying that a user is able to query all the issues that were in a particular status before a date.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCreateIsueinPostFunction
          Verifying that issues can be created during a transition
 class TestPluginWikiRenderer
          Test that plugins that use wiki rendering are called before TokenRendererComponent
 class TestWebWork1PrepareActionInterface
          Test verifying that the PrepareAction interface is supported by JIRA action plugin module.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin.reloadable

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin.reloadable that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractCustomFieldPluginTest
          Base class for all custom field module testers
 class AbstractReloadablePluginsTest
          Base class for all reloadable plugin modules tests.
 class AbstractReloadableWorkflowComponentTest
          Abstract base class for workflow component (condition, function, validator) reloadability tests.
 class TestCustomFieldTypeModuleReloadability
          Test that the 'custom field type' plugin module type behaves correctly when reloaded.
 class TestCustomFieldTypeSearcherReloadability
          Test the reloadability of custom field searchers.
 class TestIssueTabPanelModuleTypeReloadability
          Test case verifying that the issue tab panel plugin module is fully reloadable, i.e.
 class TestReportModuleReloadability
           Test verifying that a report defined within a module can be enabled and disabled any number of times.
 class TestServletModuleReloadability
           Test case verifying that a servlet defined within a plugin module works as expected after the module has been enabled and disabled any number of times.
 class TestWebWork1ActionModuleReloadability
           Test case verifying that a webwork action plugin module is fully reloadable, i.e.
 class TestWorkflowConditionModuleReloadability
           Test that the 'workflow condition' plugin module type behaves correctly when going back and forth from disabled to enabled state any number of times.
 class TestWorkflowFunctionModuleReloadability
           Test that the 'workflow function' plugin module type behaves correctly when going back and forth from disabled to enabled state any number of times.
 class TestWorkflowValidatorModuleReloadability
           Test that the 'workflow validator' plugin module type behaves correctly when going back and forth from disabled to enabled state any number of times.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin.reloadable.disabling

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin.reloadable.disabling that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestComponentModuleTypeDisabling
           Responsible for verifying the disablement of component module types.
 class TestI18nResourceDisabling
           Test that top-level i18n 'resource' descriptors load / unload i18n keys correctly when going from 'enabled' to 'disabled' and then to 'enabled' back again.
 class TestRestModuleTypeDisabling
          Responsible for verifying that the rest resources defined within a plugin are disabled correctly.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin.reloadable.enabling

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.plugin.reloadable.enabling that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestComponentImportModuleTypeEnabling
          Responsible for verifying that a component imported from another plugin works as expected after both plugins have been enabled.
 class TestComponentModuleTypeEnabling
          Responsible for verifying that a component defined withing a plugin works as expected after the plugin has been enabled.
 class TestI18nReferenceLanguagePackEnabling
          Test the enabling of the language pack modules.
 class TestI18nResourceEnabling
           Test that the top-level i18n 'resource' plugin module type behaves correctly when going from 'never enabled' to 'enabled' state.
 class TestModuleTypeModuleEnabling
           Test that the 'module type' plugin module type behaves correctly when going from 'never enabled' to enabled state.
 class TestRestModuleEnabling
          Responsible for verifying that a rest endpoint defined withing a plugin works as expected after the module has been enabled.
 class TestViewProfilePanelModuleTypeEnabling
           Test case verifying that a view profile panel plugin module behaves correctly correct when going from 'never enabled' to enabled state.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.project

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.project that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestBrowseProjectAdministerProject
 class TestBrowseProjectsCreateProject
 class TestBrowseProjectSummaryScreen
 class TestBrowseVersionsAndComponentsPaging
 class TestComponentValidation
 class TestDeleteProject
 class TestEditProject
 class TestEditProjectLeadAndDefaultAssignee
          Func test for EditProjectLeadAndDefaultAssignee action.
 class TestEditProjectPCounter
          Test for JRA-20038.
 class TestMultipleProjectsWithIssueSecurityWithRoles
 class TestNotificationOptions
 class TestProjectCategory
 class TestProjectComponentQuickSearch
 class TestProjectKeyEditOnEntityLinks
 class TestProjectKeyEditOnSearch
 class TestProjectRoles
          Responsible for testing project roles.
 class TestProjectTabPanels
 class TestVersionValidation
 class TestViewProject
 class TestViewProjectRoleUsage

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAssignGroupsToProjectRole
          Responsible for verifying that a malicious user can not perform an XSS attack on the Assign Groups to Project Role page.
 class TestAssignUsersToProjectRole
          Responsible for verifying that a malicious user can not perform an XSS attack on the Assign Users to Project Role page.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.remote

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.remote that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestIssueService
          This is the "client" of a back end "integration" test.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.screens.tabs

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.screens.tabs that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractTestFieldScreenTabs
          Tests the functionality of Screen Tabs on an arbitrary "editing" screen.
 class TestFieldScreenTabsOnCreateIssue
          Tests the functionality of Screen Tabs on the Create Issue screen.
 class TestFieldScreenTabsOnEditIssue
          Tests the functionality of Screen Tabs on the Edit Issue screen.
 class TestFieldScreenTabsOnResolveIssue
          Tests the functionality of Screen Tabs on the Resolve Issue screen.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.screenshot

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.screenshot that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestScreenshotApplet

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestBackendActionResolution
          Holds tests that verify the resolution of non-web actions.
 class TestCorsAllowedResource
 class TestLogout
 class TestRedirectAfterLogin
          These tests were written in response to SER-127, and SER-128, which were header injection and phishing attacks on redirect after login.
 class TestSignupWithExternalUserManagement
          JRA-15966 When External User Management is enabled we should not let users auto signup with "public server mode".
 class TestWebActionResolution
          Holds the tests that verify the resolution of web actions when they are specified by an alias in a URL and that the appropiate role checks are applied.
 class TestWebResourceRetrievalDoesNotExposeProtectedResources
          Responsible for testing the retrieval of static web-resources does not expose protected resources.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXsrfLogOut
          Responsible for verifying XSRF protection of "log-out" functionality.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractXssFuncTest
          Some common methods for the tests which are testing Xss.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestClosedParent
          A FuncTest that covers JRA-14032 Ensure that ..
 class TestCreateSubTasks
 class TestCreateSubTasksContextPermission
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionParentPicker
          Responsible for verifying the step of picking the parent issue while the user is converting an issue to a sub-task.
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionSecurityLevel
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionStep1
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionStep2
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionSystemFields
          This test ensures that the correct systemfields are shown/hidden in the convert issue to subtask wizard.
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionVariousOperations
          This test ensures that an issue is inserted in the correct order in a subtask.
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionWithFields
 class TestReindexingSubtasks
 class TestSecurityLevelOfSubtasks
          Performs functional tests on Security Level field of subtasks.
 class TestSubTaskActions
 class TestSubTaskQuickCreation
 class TestSubtaskSecurity
          Test the subtask security to ensure a parent cant be seen if security dictates.
 class TestSubTaskToIssueConversionSecurityLevel
 class TestSubTaskToIssueConversionStep1

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask.move

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask.move that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestMoveSubTask
 class TestMoveSubTaskEnterprise
 class TestMoveSubTaskIssueType

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestWorklogAndTimeTracking
          Testing the interactions between the Worklog System Field and the Time Tracking System Field.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking.legacy

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking.legacy that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestCreateWorklog
          Functional tests for log work
 class TestDeleteWorklog
 class TestTimeTrackingAggregates
          Functional tests for log work
 class TestTimeTrackingDefaultUnit
          Responsible for executing tests that verify that the default unit of time can be altered.
 class TestTimeTrackingEntryValues
          Responsible for holding tests that verify that the time tracking fields validate and process data entry correctly.
 class TestTimeTrackingExcelReport
 class TestTimeTrackingLocalization
          Responsible for holding tests that verify that the time tracking field can accept and display localized data.
 class TestTimeTrackingReport
 class TestTimeTrackingReportPermissions
 class TestTimeTrackingToolTips
          Responsible for holding tests that verify that the tooltips shown in the View Issue Page for the Time Tracking fields are correct according to the selected format for time tracking.
 class TestTimeTrackingWithCustomNumberOfWorkingDays
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that a custom value can be set for the number of working days per week, and the number of working hours per day.
 class TestUpdateWorklog
 class TestWorkLogOperationVisibility
 class TestWorkLogTabPanel
 class TestWorkLogTabPanelVisibility

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking.modern

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking.modern that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField
          Definition of functional tests for the "log work" system field.
 class TestCreateWorklogOnCloseTransition
          Uses the tests defined in AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on Close transitions.
 class TestCreateWorklogOnCreateIssue
          Uses the tests defined in AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on the Create Issue screen.
 class TestCreateWorklogOnEditIssue
          Uses the tests defined in AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on the Edit Issue screen.
 class TestCreateWorklogOnResolveTransition
          Uses the tests defined in AbstractTestCreateWorklogAsField to test the "log work" system field on Resolve transitions.
 class TestTimeTrackingInputValidation
          Responsible for verifying that the time tracking field verifies that data entered in the Time Tracking field is is in the correct format.
 class TestTimeTrackingIsEditable
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the time tracking field's components (Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate) are displayed and editable for users with Work On Issues permission.
 class TestTimeTrackingIsEditableByUpdateIssueFieldFunction
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the UpdateIssueFieldFunction post-function can update the Time Tracking Estimates (Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate).
 class TestTimeTrackingIsOptional
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that JIRA enforces the optional setting on the time-tracking field.
 class TestTimeTrackingIsRequired
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that JIRA enforces the required rule on the time-tracking field.
 class TestWorklogSystemField
          Tests for the WorklogSystemField.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timezone

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timezone that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestIssueChangeHistory
 class TestTimeZoneManager

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.tpm.ldap

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.tpm.ldap that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractTpmLdapTest
          Provides some shared functionality for the Lab Manager LDAP func tests.
 class TestBrowseUserDirectories
 class TestCrowdDirectoryMaintenance
 class TestDelegatingLdapDirectoryMaintenance
 class TestLdapDirectoryMaintenance
          This is a test of the general admin UI for maintaining LDAP directories.
 class TestTpmDelegatingLdap
          To be run against Active Directory or Open LDAP in TPM.
 class TestTpmLdap
          To be run against Active Directory or Open LDAP in TPM.
 class TestTpmLdapAdvanced
          To be run against Active Directory or Open LDAP in TPM.
 class TestTpmLdapRename
          To be run against Active Directory or Open LDAP in TPM.
 class TestTpmLdapSetup
          This TestCase must be run first in the TPM LDAP test suite - it creates the LDAP Directory.
 class TestTpmLdapSyncPerformance10k
          This TestCase is basically a standalone test to test LDAP performance against active directory.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.upgrade

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.upgrade that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestUpgradeTasksReindexSuppression
          tests that the system property upgrade.reindex.allowed=false is set that no reindex takes place and that a warning message is displayed and cleared Unfortunately we can't test the in place upgrade - you will have to do this testing manually for now
 class TestUpgradeXmlData
          You can run this test to upgrade the JIRA's test XML.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.upgrade.tasks

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.upgrade.tasks that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestPluginStateMigration
          Tests that plugin state is successfully migrated from ApplicationProperties to the PluginState table
 class TestUpgradeTask552
 class TestUpgradeTask6038
          Responsible for verifying that references to change authors and assignee / reporter change values are forced to lowercase, as required for renameable user functionality.
 class TestUpgradeTask6039
          Responsible for verifying that references to users in various database fields are forced to lowercase so that they will match the user's key.
 class TestUpgradeTask6047
          Verify that the values in the username column in the table containing OAuth Service Provider Tokens are converted to lowercase if they are mixed case.
 class TestUpgradeTask606
          Checks blowing away the "jira.path.backup" property
 class TestUpgradeTask6085and6153
 class TestUpgradeTask6096
 class TestUpgradeTask6123
 class TestUpgradeTask6134
          Responsible for testing project roles.
 class TestUpgradeTask6137
          Responsible for verifying that references to deleted users that have been left in assignee and reporter fields are assigned a new username in the user key store so that they can be searched for.
 class TestUpgradeTask6140
          Responsible for testing project roles.
 class TestUpgradeTask6152
 class TestUpgradeTask6206
 class TestUpgradeTask6208
 class TestUpgradeTask641
 class TestUpgradeTask701
 class TestUpgradeTask707
 class TestUpgradeTask807
 class TestUpgradeTask813
          Responsible for verifying that we clean up all orphaned workflow drafts.
 class TestUpgradeTask849and6153
 class TestUpgradeTasks752To754
          Uprgade Tasks 752, 753 and 754 actually work together to help fix JRA-26441.
 class TestUpgradeWorkflowsWithWhitespacesInNames

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.user

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.user that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestAddUser
 class TestAutoWatches
 class TestDeleteGroup
          These tests cover the deletion of groups through the Group Browser
 class TestDeleteUserAndPermissions
 class TestDeleteUserSharedEntities
 class TestEditUserDetails
          Checks the set password and edit user details actions.
 class TestEditUserGroups
          Tests user group add/remove.
 class TestEditUserProjectRoles
 class TestExternalUserManagement
          Test case to test that certain behaviour is disabled in JIRA if we enable external usermanagment.
 class TestGlobalUserPreferences
          Test case to verify that the user counts are correct when updating global user preferences.
 class TestGravatarSupport
 class TestGroupSelector
 class TestGroupSelectorPermissions
          Tests the GroupCF permission type, which allows a select-list (or radiobutton, etc) custom field to specify a group, which is then granted certain permissions.
 class TestGroupToRoleMappingTool
 class TestMultiUserPicker
 class TestNonExistentUsers
          Tests to ensure that non existent users are handled correctly.
 class TestShareUserDefault
 class TestUpgradeTask602
          Checks the import and upgrade of users and groups for the migration to Embedded Crowd..
 class TestUserBrowser
 class TestUserDefaults
          Test the UpdateUserDefaults page
 class TestUserFormat
          Func test to ensure that all pluginised profile page links in JIRA are being displayed correctly.
 class TestUserGroupPicker
 class TestUserHistory
          Testing for MSSQL and the UserHistoryItem table.
 class TestUserHover
          Tests that the links on the view profile page works.
 class TestUserManagement
          Functional test case for user management pages.
 class TestUserNameIsEncoded
 class TestUserNavigationBarWebFragment
          Tests that the web fragment links on the user navigation bar is visible with correct permissions.
 class TestUserProfile
 class TestUserProperties
 class TestUserRememberMeCookies
 class TestUserSessions
 class TestUserVotes
 class TestUserWatches
 class TestViewGroup
          Test the view group page.
 class TestViewProfile
          Tests that the links on the view profile page works.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.user.rename

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.user.rename that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestUserRenameOnChangeHistory
 class TestUserRenameOnComments
 class TestUserRenameOnComponent
 class TestUserRenameOnDashboards
 class TestUserRenameOnFilters
 class TestUserRenameOnIssuePrintableView
          These tests essentially mirror those of TestUserRenameOnIssues, but checking the other views instead.
 class TestUserRenameOnIssues
 class TestUserRenameOnIssueXmlView
          These tests are identical to those in TestUserRenameOnIssuePrintableView, but checking the XML view instead.
 class TestUserRenameOnPermissions
 class TestUserRenameOnProfiles
          These tests essentially mirror those of TestUserRenameOnIssues, but using the usernames instead of the full names.
 class TestUserRenameOnProject
 class TestUserRenameOnProjectRoles
 class TestUserRenameOnSearch
 class TestUserRenameOnWorkflow

Uses of FunctTestConstants in

Classes in that implement FunctTestConstants
 class TestXsrfUserProfile
          Responsible for holding tests which verify that the User Profile preferences are not susceptible to XSRF attacks.

Uses of FunctTestConstants in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.workflow

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.workflow that implement FunctTestConstants
 class AbstractTestDraftWorkflowSchemeMigration
 class AbstractTestWorkflowSchemeMigration
 class TestAddWorkflowTransition
 class TestCustomWorkflow
 class TestCustomWorkflowScreenLocalization
          This func test verifies that the i18n of custom workflow screens is working.
 class TestDraftWorkflow
 class TestDraftWorkflowSchemeMigration
 class TestDraftWorkflowSchemeMultipleProjectsMigration
 class TestEditWorkflowDispatcher
 class TestExcludeResolutionOnTransitions
          Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved.
 class TestTransitionWorkflowScreen
          Tests related to the transition workflow screen.
 class TestWorkFlowActions
 class TestWorkflowBasedPermissions
          Loads data with a slightly customized permission scheme and a 'ChangeRequest' workflow XML with added attributes to restrict permissions per status.
 class TestWorkflowConditions
 class TestWorkflowDesigner
          The Workflow Designer is a (bundled) plugin We are testing it here because we can't figure out how to make tests work inside the actual plugin (integration tests get run as unit tests, or not at all, weird problems)
 class TestWorkflowEditing
          Test that workflow editing works ok.
 class TestWorkflowEditor
 class TestWorkflowGlobalPostFunctions
 class TestWorkflowMigration
 class TestWorkflowNameEditing
          Test that editing workflow name and description works in JIRA.
 class TestWorkFlowSchemes
 class TestWorkflowTransitionView
 class TestWorkflowWithOriginalStepTransitions
          Tests the workflow editor, bulk and normal workflow transitions with workflows that contain common workflow transition to that transitions back to the original step (step id of -1).

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