Interface Summary | |
Entity | Holds Entity Factory classes. |
EntityBuilder<E> | |
EntityConstants | |
EntityEngine | Provides methods for working with the DB via Atlassian EntityEngine. |
EntityEngine.SelectFromContext<E> | |
EntityEngine.WhereContext<E> | |
EntityEngine.WhereEqualAndContext<E> | |
EntityEngine.WhereEqualContext<E> | |
EntityEngine.WhereInContext<E> | |
EntityFactory<E> | An entity factory is able to convert a Generic Value for an entity into a domain object and back. |
EntityListConsumer<E,R> | |
NamedEntityBuilder<E> | |
SelectQuery<E> | |
SelectQuery.ExecutionContext<E> | |
ViewEntity | Holds Entity Factory classes for View Entities defined in the entity model. |
WithId | Entities implementing this interface are supposed to be uniquely identifiable by id. |
WithKey | Entities implementing this interface are supposed to be uniquely identifiable by key. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractEntityFactory<E> | An abstract EntityFactory that most implementations are expected to extend. |
ApplicationUserEntityFactory | |
CountEntityBuilder | Implementation of EntityBuilder to return a count. |
Delete | This class is used to create a Delete SQL statement to be executed by EntityEngine.delete(Delete.DeleteWhereContext) . |
Delete.DeleteFromContext | |
Delete.DeleteWhereContext | |
Delete.WhereClauseAwareDeleteContext | |
Entity.Name | Entity Names as defined in entitymodel.xml. |
EntityBuilders | |
EntityEngineImpl | |
EntityPagedList<E> | Wraps an ListIterator in a paged implementation. |
EntityPropertyFactory | |
EntityUtils | Has some utility methods for working with Entity Engine. |
GenericValueFunctions | Helpers for transforming GenericValues |
GenericValueFunctions.GetLongFunction | |
GenericValueFunctions.GetStringAsLongFunction | |
IdEntityBuilder | |
IssueLinkFactory | IssueLink EntityFactory |
IssueSecurityLevelEntity | Holds the field names for the IssueSecurityLevel Entity |
IssueSecurityLevelFactory | EntityFactory for IssueSecurityLevel |
IssueSecurityLevelFactory.Builder | |
IssueSecurityLevelPermissionFactory | EntityFactory for IssueSecurityLevelPermission |
IssueSecurityLevelPermissionFactory.Builder | |
MovedIssueKeyFactory | |
NoopEntityBuilder | No-op implementation of EntityBuilder such that you can just select GenericValues. |
PagedListIterator<E> | |
PredicatedPagedList<E> | Warps a Predicate around the EntityPagedList |
ProjectCategoryFactory | ProjectCategory EntityFactory |
ProjectCategoryFactory.Builder | |
RemoteIssueLinkFactory | RemoteIssueLink EntityFactory |
Select | Select is the entry point to building up a SelectQuery which can be run in OfBiz Entity Engine. |
Select.ExecutableContext<E> | Provides the implementation for contexts that can run the select |
Select.LimitContext<E> | |
Select.OrderByContext<E> | |
Select.SelectColumnsContext | |
Select.SelectColumnsFromContext<E> | |
Select.SelectSingleColumnContext<E> | |
Select.WhereClauseAwareContext<E> | Marker for contexts that can accept a where clause |
Select.WhereContext<E> | |
SelectQueryImpl<E> | |
StringEntityBuilder | |
Update | This class is a fluent builder to create an Update SQL statement to be executed by Entity Engine. |
Update.IntoContext | |
Update.SetContext | |
Update.WhereContext | |
ViewEntity.Name | View Entity Names as defined in entitymodel.xml. |
WorklogEntityFactory |