Interface UserFormatModuleDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
JiraResourcedModuleDescriptor<UserFormat>, com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor<UserFormat>, com.atlassian.plugin.Resourced
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UserFormatModuleDescriptor
extends JiraResourcedModuleDescriptor<UserFormat>

A module descriptor that produces a UserFormat that can be used to format a user for display. The provided user formats are tied to a "type".

There can be many user formats for a specific "type", but only one of them will be used when formatting the user name.

Administrators configure which user format to use for a specific type in UI.

See Also:

Method Summary
 String getType()
          Gets the user format "type" that this descriptor applies to.
 String getTypeI18nKey()
          Gets an i18n key to display a user friendly description for the type that this descriptor applies to.
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.plugin.JiraResourcedModuleDescriptor
getHtml, getHtml, getI18nBean, writeHtml
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor
destroy, destroy, equals, getCompleteKey, getDescription, getDescriptionKey, getI18nNameKey, getKey, getMinJavaVersion, getModule, getModuleClass, getName, getParams, getPlugin, getPluginKey, hashCode, init, isEnabledByDefault, isSystemModule, satisfiesMinJavaVersion
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.plugin.Resourced
getResourceDescriptor, getResourceDescriptors, getResourceDescriptors, getResourceLocation

Method Detail


String getType()
Gets the user format "type" that this descriptor applies to.

The user format "type" for this descriptor.


String getTypeI18nKey()
Gets an i18n key to display a user friendly description for the type that this descriptor applies to.

An i18n key to display a user friendly description for the type.

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