Package com.atlassian.jira.plugin.projectpanel.fragment.impl

Class Summary
AbstractFragment This abstract class implements the standard way of rendering this fragment's HTML in AbstractFragment.getHtml(BrowseContext) method and base Velocity parameters creation via AbstractFragment.createVelocityParams(BrowseContext) method.
AbstractIssuesFragment A common base class for fragments which display issues on project tab panels.
AbstractMultiFragment Base class for all fragments which are multi-purpose i.e.
AbstractUrlFragmentUtil<T> A utility class for building the urls required by the fragments
ActivityStreamFragment Displays activity stream fragment for a project.
CreatedVsResolvedFragment Displays created vs resolved chart fragment for a project.
DueIssuesFragment The fragment which displays the earliest issues due
DueVersionsFragment Displays the top 3 versions which are unreleased and not archived for a project.
IssueFiltersFragment Shows shortcuts to a list of pre-defined issue searches.
NoIssuesFragment Shown when there are no issues in the project.
ProjectDescriptionFragment The fragment which displays the description of a project.
ProjectGetStarted Displays a fake activity stream fragment for a project.
RecentIssuesFragment The fragment which displays the most recently updated issues
ReleaseNotesMenuFragment Release Notes Link for a version
StatusSummaryFragment Displays a break down based on issue status.
UnresolvedIssuesByAssigneeFragment Fragment to display unresolved issues by assignee in the Issues Project Tab Panel
UnresolvedIssuesByComponentFragment Fragment to display unresolved issues by components in the Issues Project Tab Panel
UnresolvedIssuesByFixVersionFragment Fragment to display unresolved issues by fix version in the Issues Project Tab Panel
UnresolvedIssuesByIssueTypeFragment Displays a breakdown of all the unresolved issues in the instance, grouped by issue type.
UnresolvedIssuesByPriorityFragment Displays a breakdown of all the unresolved issues in the instance, grouped by priority.

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