Interface JiraLauncher

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveServicesLauncher, BootstrapContainerLauncher, ChecklistLauncher, ClusteringChecklistLauncher, ClusteringLauncher, ClusterPassivationLauncher, ComponentContainerLauncher, DatabaseChecklistLauncher, DatabaseLauncher, DefaultJiraLauncher, FailedPluginsLauncher, JiraPassivatedSchedulerLauncher, JiraSchedulerLauncher, PluginSystemLauncher, PluginUpgradeLauncher, SystemInfoLauncher, UpgradeLauncher

public interface JiraLauncher

JIRA used to have context-listeners that did things on startup. These have been converted from ServletContextListener to JiraLauncher. Instead of contextInitialized and contextDestroyed they now implement start() and stop(). This allows us to decouple JIRA creation from context creation and gives us further flexibility about when exactly bits of the start up occur.


Method Summary
 void start()
          Called during JIRA "startup".
 void stop()
          Called when JIRA is shutting down.

Method Detail


void start()
Called during JIRA "startup". Despite no longer being multitenant, it is still a good idea to chunk this. The order is defined in DefaultJiraLauncher The logic for ordering all of this will be handled by the DefaultJiraLauncher.

See Also:


void stop()
Called when JIRA is shutting down. Just like startup this can . The logic of what exactly happens when is encapsulated in the DefaultJiraLauncher.

See Also:

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