Class AbstractPermissionManager

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
JiraManager, PermissionManager
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultPermissionManager, MockAbstractPermissionsManager, MockPermissionManager

public abstract class AbstractPermissionManager
extends Object
implements PermissionManager

An abstract PermissionManager that implements a lot of the common functionality to all PermissionManagers.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addPermission(int permissionsId, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue scheme, String parameter, String securityType)
          Adds a permission to the system
 Collection<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.Group> getAllGroups(int permissionId, Project project)
          Retrieve all groups that are used in the permission globally and in the project.
protected  PermissionSchemeManager getPermissionSchemeManager()
protected  ProjectManager getProjectManager()
 Collection<Project> getProjectObjects(int permissionId, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Retrieve a list of project objects this user has the permission for
 Collection<Project> getProjects(int permissionId, ApplicationUser user)
          Retrieve a list of project objects this user has the permission for
 Collection<Project> getProjects(int permissionId, ApplicationUser user, ProjectCategory projectCategory)
          Returns the list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for.
 Collection<org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue> getProjects(int permissionId, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Retrieve a list of projects this user has the permission for
 Collection<org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue> getProjects(int permissionId, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue category)
          Retrieve a list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for
 Collection<Project> getProjects(int permissionId, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, ProjectCategory projectCategory)
          Returns the list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, ApplicationUser user)
          Checks to see if this user has the specified permission.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue projectOrIssue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Checks to see if this has permission to see the specified entity
Check Permissions scheme(s) if the entity is project
Check Permissions scheme(s) and issue level security scheme(s) if the entity is an issue
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue entity, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, boolean issueCreation)
          Does the same as PermissionManager.hasPermission(int,org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue,User) except the entity is a project GenericValue.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
          Checks to see if this user has permission to see the specified issue.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Checks to see if this user has permission to see the specified issue.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, Project project, ApplicationUser user)
          Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, Project project, ApplicationUser user, boolean issueCreation)
          Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, Project project, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, Project project, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, boolean issueCreation)
          Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.
 boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Checks to see if this user has the specified permission
It will check only global permissions as there are no other permissions to check
protected  boolean hasProjectPermission(Long permission, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue entity, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, boolean issueCreation)
          Return true if the supplied user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied entity
 boolean hasProjects(int permissionId, ApplicationUser user)
          Can this user see at least one project with this permission
 boolean hasProjects(int permissionId, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Can this user see at least one project with this permission
protected  boolean isGlobalPermission(int permissionId)
 void removeGroupPermissions(String group)
          Remove all permissions that have used this group
 void removeUserPermissions(ApplicationUser user)
          Remove all permissions that have been assigned to this user
 void removeUserPermissions(String username)
          Remove all permissions that have used this username
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractPermissionManager()
Method Detail


public void addPermission(int permissionsId,
                          org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue scheme,
                          String parameter,
                          String securityType)
                   throws CreateException
Adds a permission to the system

Specified by:
addPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - Permissions value
scheme - If null permission is global otherwise it is added to the scheme
parameter - Used for e.g. group name
securityType - e.g. GroupDropdown.DESC
CreateException - if permission creation fails


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Checks to see if this user has the specified permission
It will check only global permissions as there are no other permissions to check

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - permission id
user - user
true if user is granted given permission, false otherwise
See Also:
GlobalPermissionManager.hasPermission(int, User)


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             ApplicationUser user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks to see if this user has the specified permission. It will check only global permissions as there are no other permissions to check.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - permission id
user - user, can be null - anonymous user
true if user is granted given permission, false otherwise
See Also:
GlobalPermissionManager.hasPermission(int, User)


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue projectOrIssue,
                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Checks to see if this has permission to see the specified entity
Check Permissions scheme(s) if the entity is project
Check Permissions scheme(s) and issue level security scheme(s) if the entity is an issue

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - , not a global permission
projectOrIssue - not null must be Project or Issue
user - User object, possibly null if JIRA is accessed anonymously
True if there are sufficient rights to access the entity supplied


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             Issue issue,
                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks to see if this user has permission to see the specified issue.

Note that if the issue's generic value is null, it is assumed that the issue is currently being created, and so the permission check call is deferred to the issue's project object, with the issueCreation flag set to true. See JRA-14788 for more info.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - Not a global permission
issue - The Issue (cannot be null)
user - User object, possibly null if JIRA is accessed anonymously
True if there are sufficient rights to access the entity supplied


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             Issue issue,
                             ApplicationUser user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks to see if this user has permission to see the specified issue.

Note that if the issue's generic value is null, it is assumed that the issue is currently being created, and so the permission check call is deferred to the issue's project object, with the issueCreation flag set to true. See JRA-14788 for more info.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - Not a global permission
issue - The Issue (cannot be null)
user - User object, possibly null if JIRA is accessed anonymously
True if there are sufficient rights to access the entity supplied


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             Project project,
                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - A non-global permission, i.e. a permission that is granted via a project context
project - The project that is the context of the permission check.
user - The person to perform the permission check for
true if the user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied project


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             Project project,
                             ApplicationUser user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - A non-global permission, i.e. a permission that is granted via a project context
project - The project that is the context of the permission check.
user - The person to perform the permission check for
true if the user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied project


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             Project project,
                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                             boolean issueCreation)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - A non-global permission, i.e. a permission that is granted via a project context
project - The project that is the context of the permission check.
user - The person to perform the permission check for
issueCreation - Whether this permission is being checked during issue creation
true if the user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied project


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             Project project,
                             ApplicationUser user,
                             boolean issueCreation)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Checks whether the specified user has a specified permission within the context of a specified project.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - A non-global permission, i.e. a permission that is granted via a project context
project - The project that is the context of the permission check.
user - The person to perform the permission check for
issueCreation - Whether this permission is being checked during issue creation
true if the user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied project


public boolean hasPermission(int permissionsId,
                             org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue entity,
                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                             boolean issueCreation)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Does the same as PermissionManager.hasPermission(int,org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue,User) except the entity is a project GenericValue.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface PermissionManager
permissionsId - Not a global permission
entity - Not null.
user - User object, possibly null if JIRA is accessed anonymously
issueCreation - Whether this permission is being checked during issue creation
True if there are sufficient rights to access the entity supplied


protected boolean hasProjectPermission(Long permission,
                                       org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue entity,
                                       com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                       boolean issueCreation)
Return true if the supplied user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied entity

permission - A non-global permission, i.e. a permission that is granted via a context
entity - The entity that is the context of the permission check.
user - The person to perform the permission check for
issueCreation - Whether this permission is being checked during issue creation (passed through the PermissionSchemeManager to SchemeType.hasPermission( org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue, String, User, boolean))
true if the user has the specified permission in the context of the supplied entity


protected PermissionSchemeManager getPermissionSchemeManager()


public void removeGroupPermissions(String group)
                            throws RemoveException
Remove all permissions that have used this group

Specified by:
removeGroupPermissions in interface PermissionManager
group - The name of the group that needs to be removed, must NOT be null and must be a real group
RemoveException - if permission removal fails


public void removeUserPermissions(String username)
                           throws RemoveException
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Remove all permissions that have used this username

Specified by:
removeUserPermissions in interface PermissionManager
username - username of the user whose permissions are to be removed
RemoveException - if permission removal fails


public void removeUserPermissions(ApplicationUser user)
                           throws RemoveException
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Remove all permissions that have been assigned to this user

Specified by:
removeUserPermissions in interface PermissionManager
user - the user whose permissions are to be removed


public boolean hasProjects(int permissionId,
                           com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Can this user see at least one project with this permission

Specified by:
hasProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - must NOT be a global permission
user - user
true the given user can see at least one project with the given permission, false otherwise
IllegalArgumentException - if the passed in permission id matches a global permission


public boolean hasProjects(int permissionId,
                           ApplicationUser user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Can this user see at least one project with this permission

Specified by:
hasProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - must NOT be a global permission
user - user being checked
true the given user can see at least one project with the given permission, false otherwise


protected ProjectManager getProjectManager()


public Collection<Project> getProjectObjects(int permissionId,
                                             com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Retrieve a list of project objects this user has the permission for

Specified by:
getProjectObjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - must NOT be a global permission
user - user
a collection of Project objects


public Collection<Project> getProjects(int permissionId,
                                       ApplicationUser user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Retrieve a list of project objects this user has the permission for

Specified by:
getProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - must NOT be a global permission
user - user
a collection of Project objects


public Collection<org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue> getProjects(int permissionId,
                                                                  com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                  org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue category)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Retrieve a list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for

Specified by:
getProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - permission id
user - user
category - GenericValue representing category
a collection of GenericValue objects


public Collection<Project> getProjects(int permissionId,
                                       com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                       ProjectCategory projectCategory)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Returns the list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for.

Specified by:
getProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - permission id
user - user
projectCategory - the ProjectCategory
the list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for.


public Collection<Project> getProjects(int permissionId,
                                       ApplicationUser user,
                                       ProjectCategory projectCategory)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Returns the list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for.

Specified by:
getProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - permission id
user - user
projectCategory - the ProjectCategory
the list of projects associated with the specified category, that this user has the permissions for.


protected boolean isGlobalPermission(int permissionId)


public Collection<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.Group> getAllGroups(int permissionId,
                                                                       Project project)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Retrieve all groups that are used in the permission globally and in the project.

Specified by:
getAllGroups in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - permission id
project - project from which to retrieve groups
a collection of Groups


public Collection<org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue> getProjects(int permissionId,
                                                                  com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Description copied from interface: PermissionManager
Retrieve a list of projects this user has the permission for

Specified by:
getProjects in interface PermissionManager
permissionId - must NOT be a global permission
user - user
a collection of GenericValue objects

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