Class DefaultSimpleLinkManager

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webfragment.DefaultSimpleLinkManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultSimpleLinkManager
extends Object
implements SimpleLinkManager

Default implementation of the SimpleLinkManager This actually uses combines SimpleLinkFactory lists with WebItemModuleDescriptor links and WebSectionModuleDescriptor sections, respecting weights.


Constructor Summary
DefaultSimpleLinkManager(JiraWebInterfaceManager webInterfaceManager, SimpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptors simpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptors, JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext, VelocityRequestContextFactory velocityRequestContextFactory, com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.WebResourceUrlProvider webResourceUrlProvider)
Method Summary
 List<SimpleLink> getLinksForSection(String section, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section.
 List<SimpleLink> getLinksForSection(String section, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper, boolean addIconCachingPrefix)
          Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section.
 List<SimpleLink> getLinksForSectionIgnoreConditions(String section, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section, without filtering links using the conditions specified for the links.
 List<SimpleLinkSection> getNotEmptySectionsForLocation(String location, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location, that have either web-items or other web-sections within them.
 SimpleLinkSection getSectionForURL(String topLevelSection, String URL, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Recursively search through our sections within sections within sections within ...
 List<SimpleLinkSection> getSectionsForLocation(String location, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location.
 boolean shouldLocationBeLazy(String location, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser, JiraHelper jiraHelper)
          This determines whether a location should be loaded lazily if possible.
 boolean shouldSectionBeLazy(String section)
          This determines whether a section should be loaded lazily if possible.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultSimpleLinkManager(JiraWebInterfaceManager webInterfaceManager,
                                SimpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptors simpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptors,
                                JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext,
                                VelocityRequestContextFactory velocityRequestContextFactory,
                                com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.WebResourceUrlProvider webResourceUrlProvider)
Method Detail


public boolean shouldLocationBeLazy(@Nonnull
                                    String location,
                                    com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                    JiraHelper jiraHelper)
This determines whether a location should be loaded lazily if possible. This loops through all sections for the location and then retrieves all SimpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptor for those sections and sees whether any of the factories say they should be lazy. If any say true, return true.

Specified by:
shouldLocationBeLazy in interface SimpleLinkManager
location - The location to check for
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
true if any of the underlying factories for this location say they should be lazy, false otherwise


public boolean shouldSectionBeLazy(String section)
This determines whether a section should be loaded lazily if possible.

Specified by:
shouldSectionBeLazy in interface SimpleLinkManager
section - The section to check for
true if any of the underlying factories for this section say they should be lazy, false otherwise


public List<SimpleLink> getLinksForSection(@Nonnull
                                                   String section,
                                                   com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                   JiraHelper jiraHelper)
Description copied from interface: SimpleLinkManager
Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section.

Specified by:
getLinksForSection in interface SimpleLinkManager
section - The section to generate the list for
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
The list of links for the given section


public List<SimpleLink> getLinksForSection(@Nonnull
                                                   String section,
                                                   com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                   JiraHelper jiraHelper,
                                                   boolean addIconCachingPrefix)
Description copied from interface: SimpleLinkManager
Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section. Additionally it adds caching prefix to icon url, if addIconCachinPrefix is true

Specified by:
getLinksForSection in interface SimpleLinkManager
section - The section to generate the list for
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
addIconCachingPrefix - Diecides if relative icon URL will be automatically prefixed
The list of links for the given section


public List<SimpleLink> getLinksForSectionIgnoreConditions(@Nonnull
                                                                   String section,
                                                                   com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                   JiraHelper jiraHelper)
Description copied from interface: SimpleLinkManager
Gets a list of SimpleLink for the given section, without filtering links using the conditions specified for the links. This will effectively return a list of links without running any security checks.

Specified by:
getLinksForSectionIgnoreConditions in interface SimpleLinkManager
section - The section to generate the list for
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
The list of links for the given section


public List<SimpleLinkSection> getSectionsForLocation(@Nonnull
                                                              String location,
                                                              com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                              JiraHelper jiraHelper)
Description copied from interface: SimpleLinkManager
Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location.

Specified by:
getSectionsForLocation in interface SimpleLinkManager
location - The location to generate the list for
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
The list of sections for the give location


public List<SimpleLinkSection> getNotEmptySectionsForLocation(@Nonnull
                                                                      String location,
                                                                      com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                                                      JiraHelper jiraHelper)
Description copied from interface: SimpleLinkManager
Gets a list of SimpleLinkSection for the given location, that have either web-items or other web-sections within them.

Specified by:
getNotEmptySectionsForLocation in interface SimpleLinkManager
location - The location to generate the list for
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
The list of sections for the give location


public SimpleLinkSection getSectionForURL(@Nonnull
                                          String topLevelSection,
                                          String URL,
                                          com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User remoteUser,
                                          JiraHelper jiraHelper)
Description copied from interface: SimpleLinkManager
Recursively search through our sections within sections within sections within ... To find a section that contains a link that matches this URL

Specified by:
getSectionForURL in interface SimpleLinkManager
topLevelSection - The top level section from where to start searching!
URL - The URL for the action e.g. We check if this URL contains a web-item's path which is usually something shorter like /secure/project/ViewProjects.jspa
remoteUser - The user that we are generating the list for
jiraHelper - The context under which the list is being generated
Returns null if no section found

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