Class MailAttachmentsManagerAsAbsoluteLinks

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.mail.util.MailAttachmentsManagerAsAbsoluteLinks
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MailAttachmentsManagerAsAbsoluteLinks
extends Object
implements MailAttachmentsManager

MailAttachmentsManager implementation which does not store any attachments and always returns absolute path to images and avatars.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.jira.mail.util.MailAttachmentsManager
Constructor Summary
MailAttachmentsManagerAsAbsoluteLinks(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, AvatarService avatarService, UserManager userManager)
Method Summary
 Iterable<javax.mail.BodyPart> buildAttachmentsBodyParts()
          Builds bodyPart for each image (including avatars) added to this manager
 int getAttachmentsCount()
          Returns the number of attachments added to this manager
 String getAvatarUrl(ApplicationUser user)
          Returns a link to access user avatar in email message.
 String getAvatarUrl(String username)
          Returns a link to access user avatar in email message.
 String getAvatarUrl(TemplateUser templateUser)
          Returns a link to access user avatar in email message.
 String getImageUrl(String path)
          Tries to add image specified by path to email attachments.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MailAttachmentsManagerAsAbsoluteLinks(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties,
                                             AvatarService avatarService,
                                             UserManager userManager)
Method Detail


public String getAvatarUrl(TemplateUser templateUser)
Description copied from interface: MailAttachmentsManager
Returns a link to access user avatar in email message. If avatar can be attached to email, the cid link is returned, otherwise avatar URL is returned and no image is attached. (E.g. If Gravatar is enabled)

Specified by:
getAvatarUrl in interface MailAttachmentsManager
cid link or Avatar URL


public String getAvatarUrl(String username)
Description copied from interface: MailAttachmentsManager
Returns a link to access user avatar in email message. If avatar can be attached to email, the cid link is returned, otherwise avatar URL is returned and no image is attached. (E.g. If Gravatar is enabled)

Specified by:
getAvatarUrl in interface MailAttachmentsManager
cid link or Avatar URL


public String getAvatarUrl(ApplicationUser user)
Description copied from interface: MailAttachmentsManager
Returns a link to access user avatar in email message. If avatar can be attached to email, the cid link is returned, otherwise avatar URL is returned and no image is attached. (E.g. If Gravatar is enabled)

Specified by:
getAvatarUrl in interface MailAttachmentsManager
cid link or Avatar URL


public String getImageUrl(String path)
Description copied from interface: MailAttachmentsManager
Tries to add image specified by path to email attachments. Returns image cid link if succeeds or unchanged path if specified path cannot be added as attachment

Specified by:
getImageUrl in interface MailAttachmentsManager


public int getAttachmentsCount()
Description copied from interface: MailAttachmentsManager
Returns the number of attachments added to this manager

Specified by:
getAttachmentsCount in interface MailAttachmentsManager
number of attachments


public Iterable<javax.mail.BodyPart> buildAttachmentsBodyParts()
Description copied from interface: MailAttachmentsManager
Builds bodyPart for each image (including avatars) added to this manager

Specified by:
buildAttachmentsBodyParts in interface MailAttachmentsManager
Added attachments as list of BodyParts

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