Interface SearchRequestAppender<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SearchRequestAppender<T>

This interface describes operations for appending clauses to existing SearchRequest queries.


Nested Class Summary
static interface SearchRequestAppender.Factory<T>
Method Summary
 SearchRequest appendExclusiveMultiValueClause(Iterable<? extends T> values, SearchRequest searchRequest)
          Append a multi-value clause to the given SearchRequest, specifying that the given values should not be included.
 SearchRequest appendInclusiveSingleValueClause(T value, SearchRequest searchRequest)
          Append a single AND clause to the given SearchRequest, specifying that the given single value should be included.

Method Detail


SearchRequest appendInclusiveSingleValueClause(T value,
                                               SearchRequest searchRequest)
Append a single AND clause to the given SearchRequest, specifying that the given single value should be included.

value - The value used to populate the new clause.
searchRequest - The existing query to be used as the basis for the new query. Will not be modified.
A new SearchRequest containing the modified query, or null if the new clause cannot be added.


SearchRequest appendExclusiveMultiValueClause(Iterable<? extends T> values,
                                              SearchRequest searchRequest)
Append a multi-value clause to the given SearchRequest, specifying that the given values should not be included.

values - The values used to populate the new clause
searchRequest - The existing query to be used as the basis for the new query. Will not be modified.
A new SearchRequest containing the modified query, or null if the new clause cannot be added.

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