Class DefaultProjectImportManager

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.imports.project.DefaultProjectImportManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultProjectImportManager
extends Object
implements ProjectImportManager


Constructor Summary
DefaultProjectImportManager(BackupXmlParser backupXmlParser, org.ofbiz.core.entity.DelegatorInterface genericDelegator, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, IssueManager issueManager, IssueLinkManager issueLinkManager, CustomFieldManager customFieldManager, AutomaticDataMapper automaticDataMapper, ProjectImportValidators projectImportValidators, ProjectImportPersister projectImportPersister, UserUtil userUtil, GroupManager groupManager, ProjectRoleManager projectRoleManager, ProjectManager projectManager, ProjectRoleAndActorStore projectRoleAndActorStore, AttachmentStore attachmentStore)
Method Summary
 void autoMapAndValidateCustomFields(ProjectImportData projectImportData, MappingResult mappingResult, BackupProject backupProject, I18nHelper i18nBean)
          Performs an automatic mapping of the custom fields from the backup system to the current systems custom field's and validates that all mappings are possible.
 void autoMapAndValidateIssueTypes(ProjectImportData projectImportData, MappingResult mappingResult, BackupProject backupProject, I18nHelper i18nBean)
          Performs an automatic mapping of the IssueTypes from the backup system to the current systems issue types and validates that all mappings are possible.
 void autoMapCustomFieldOptions(ProjectImportData projectImportData, BackupProject backupProject)
          Performs an automatic mapping of the custom field options from the backup system to the current systems values.
 void autoMapProjectRoles(ProjectImportData projectImportData)
          Performs an automatic mapping of the project roles from the backup system to the current systems values.
 void autoMapSystemFields(ProjectImportData projectImportData, BackupProject backupProject)
          Performs an automatic mapping of the system fields from the backup system to the current systems system field values The fields that are mapped are: Priority Resolution Status IssueLinkTypes Projects IssueSecurityLevels
 void createMissingUsers(UserMapper userMapper, ProjectImportResults projectImportResults, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
          Creates all the Missing users that we have details for.
 void doImport(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, ProjectImportData projectImportData, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation, ProjectImportResults projectImportResults, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval, I18nHelper i18n, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User importAuthor)
          This will perform the project import based on the mappings provided.
 BackupOverview getBackupOverview(String pathToBackupXml, TaskProgressSink taskProgressSink, I18nHelper i18n)
          Parses through the provided JIRA XML backup file and creates a BackupOverview.
 ProjectImportData getProjectImportData(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation, TaskProgressProcessor taskProgressProcessor)
          Parses through the provided JIRA XML backup file and creates a MappingResult.
 void importProject(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, ProjectImportMapper projectImportMapper, BackupProject backupProject, ProjectImportResults projectImportResults, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
          This will create or update a project and all its versions, components, and project role membership.
 void importProjectRoleMembers(Project project, ProjectImportMapper projectImportMapper, ProjectImportResults projectImportResults, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
 void validateCustomFieldValues(ProjectImportData projectImportData, MappingResult mappingResult, BackupProject backupProject, TaskProgressProcessor taskProgressProcessor, I18nHelper i18n)
          Parses the partitioned custom field value XML and gets the custom fields to validate that they can handle the values.
 void validateFileAttachments(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, ProjectImportData projectImportData, MappingResult mappingResult, BackupProject backupProject, BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation, TaskProgressProcessor taskProgressProcessor, I18nHelper i18n)
          Parses the partitioned file attachment XML and validates that the referenced file attachment exists in the user provided attachment directory.
 void validateSystemFields(ProjectImportData projectImportData, MappingResult mappingResult, ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions, BackupProject backupProject, TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval, I18nHelper i18nBean)
          Validates that all mappings are possible.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultProjectImportManager(BackupXmlParser backupXmlParser,
                                   org.ofbiz.core.entity.DelegatorInterface genericDelegator,
                                   ApplicationProperties applicationProperties,
                                   IssueManager issueManager,
                                   IssueLinkManager issueLinkManager,
                                   CustomFieldManager customFieldManager,
                                   AutomaticDataMapper automaticDataMapper,
                                   ProjectImportValidators projectImportValidators,
                                   ProjectImportPersister projectImportPersister,
                                   UserUtil userUtil,
                                   GroupManager groupManager,
                                   ProjectRoleManager projectRoleManager,
                                   ProjectManager projectManager,
                                   ProjectRoleAndActorStore projectRoleAndActorStore,
                                   AttachmentStore attachmentStore)
Method Detail


public BackupOverview getBackupOverview(String pathToBackupXml,
                                        TaskProgressSink taskProgressSink,
                                        I18nHelper i18n)
                                 throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Parses through the provided JIRA XML backup file and creates a BackupOverview.

If the optional parameter taskProgressSink is provided, then it is used to send information about the progress of this operation. This is used for the "Long Running Task" progress bar.

Specified by:
getBackupOverview in interface ProjectImportManager
pathToBackupXml - must be a valid path, on disk, to a valid JIRA XML backup file.
taskProgressSink - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
i18n - used to internationalize the error messages
a BackupOverview populated with the information gleaned from the JIRA XML backup.
IOException - if there is a problem reading/finding the file
SAXException - if something goes wrong with processing the XML


public ProjectImportData getProjectImportData(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                                              BackupProject backupProject,
                                              BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation,
                                              TaskProgressProcessor taskProgressProcessor)
                                       throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Parses through the provided JIRA XML backup file and creates a MappingResult. The result will contain an initialProjectImportMapper and the paths to the partitioned XML files (created for the provided BackupProject).

Specified by:
getProjectImportData in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
backupProject - is the selected project that is used to inform creation of a mapper and a subset of XML data files.
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info from the backup file.
taskProgressProcessor - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
ProjectImportData which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
IOException - if something goes wrong handling the backup or partitioned XML files
SAXException - if something goes wrong with processing the XML


public void createMissingUsers(UserMapper userMapper,
                               ProjectImportResults projectImportResults,
                               TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
                        throws AbortImportException
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Creates all the Missing users that we have details for. This

Specified by:
createMissingUsers in interface ProjectImportManager
userMapper - The UserMapper which is used to determine missing users.
projectImportResults - used to collect the statistics of what was created during the import, if it was a success, and any errors that may have occurred.
taskProgressInterval - used to show task progress to the user while this long running task is happening.
AbortImportException - if the import is aborted due to too many errors.


public void importProjectRoleMembers(Project project,
                                     ProjectImportMapper projectImportMapper,
                                     ProjectImportResults projectImportResults,
                                     TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
                              throws AbortImportException


public void importProject(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                          ProjectImportMapper projectImportMapper,
                          BackupProject backupProject,
                          ProjectImportResults projectImportResults,
                          TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval)
                   throws AbortImportException
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
This will create or update a project and all its versions, components, and project role membership.

If the project does not exist then it will be created with default schemes and the details from the ExternalProject from the backup file.

If the project exists then the details will be updated to match that of the ExternalProject.

This will also have the side-effect of populating the ProjectImportMapper.getProjectMapper() and the ProjectImportMapper.getVersionMapper() and ProjectImportMapper.getComponentMapper().

Specified by:
importProject in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportOptions - Contains user inputted options related to the project import.
projectImportMapper - contains the project, version, and component mappers. If the external projects id is not mapped then this method will try to create the project.
backupProject - contains the project details used to clobber an existing project or as the details for the new project
projectImportResults - used to collect the statistics of what was created during the import, if it was a success, and any errors that may have occurred.
taskProgressInterval - used to show task progress to the user while this long running task is happening.
AbortImportException - if the import is aborted due to errors.


public void doImport(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                     ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                     BackupProject backupProject,
                     BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation,
                     ProjectImportResults projectImportResults,
                     TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval,
                     I18nHelper i18n,
                     com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User importAuthor)
              throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
This will perform the project import based on the mappings provided. Calling this method will create a projects issues and all issue related data.

Specified by:
doImport in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
projectImportData - contains a projectImportMapper that has been through the automatic mapping and validation process and the paths, on disk, to the partitioned xml files.
backupProject - contains the import project details.
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info from the backup file.
projectImportResults - used to collect the statistics of what was created during the import, if it was a success, and any errors that may have occurred.
taskProgressInterval - used to show task progress to the user while this long running task is happening.
i18n - used to internationalize the error messages
importAuthor - the user who is performing the project import, this is used as the author of the change item marker for created issues @throws IOException if something goes wrong handling the partitioned XML files @throws SAXException if something goes wrong with processing the XML @throws IOException if something goes wrong handling the backup or partitioned XML files
IOException - IOException
SAXException - if something goes wrong with processing the XML
IndexException - if there is a problem re-indexing JIRA.


public void validateCustomFieldValues(ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                      MappingResult mappingResult,
                                      BackupProject backupProject,
                                      TaskProgressProcessor taskProgressProcessor,
                                      I18nHelper i18n)
                               throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Parses the partitioned custom field value XML and gets the custom fields to validate that they can handle the values. Sets the map of custom field MessageSets in the MappingResult. This will also use the custom field options validator to validate the values of the custom fields that use the built in options.

Specified by:
validateCustomFieldValues in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
mappingResult - this was the result containing the path to the partitioned XML files and the ProjectImportMapper
backupProject - the selected project to import
taskProgressProcessor - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
i18n - used to internationalize the error messages
IOException - if something goes wrong handling the partitioned XML files
SAXException - if something goes wrong with processing the XML


public void validateFileAttachments(ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                                    ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                    MappingResult mappingResult,
                                    BackupProject backupProject,
                                    BackupSystemInformation backupSystemInformation,
                                    TaskProgressProcessor taskProgressProcessor,
                                    I18nHelper i18n)
                             throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Parses the partitioned file attachment XML and validates that the referenced file attachment exists in the user provided attachment directory.

If any files do not exist a warning will be added to the file attachment message set in the mapping result.

NOTE: this validation only happens if ProjectImportOptions.getAttachmentPath() is non-null meaning that the user wants to restore attachments.

Specified by:
validateFileAttachments in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportOptions - User options for the project import, including the pathToBackupXML, attachmentPath, and "overwriteProjectDetails" flag.
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
mappingResult - this was the result containing the path to the partitioned XML files and the ProjectImportMapper
backupProject - the selected project to import
backupSystemInformation - system-wide info from the backup file.
taskProgressProcessor - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
i18n - used to internationalize the error messages
IOException - if something goes wrong handling the partitioned XML files
SAXException - if something goes wrong with processing the XML


public void autoMapAndValidateIssueTypes(ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                         MappingResult mappingResult,
                                         BackupProject backupProject,
                                         I18nHelper i18nBean)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Performs an automatic mapping of the IssueTypes from the backup system to the current systems issue types and validates that all mappings are possible. Any errors or warninigs will be reported through MappingResult.getIssueTypeMessageSet().

Specified by:
autoMapAndValidateIssueTypes in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
mappingResult - this was the result containing the path to the partitioned XML files,the ProjectImportMapper, and the MessageSets
backupProject - the selected project to import
i18nBean - used to internationalize the error messages


public void autoMapAndValidateCustomFields(ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                           MappingResult mappingResult,
                                           BackupProject backupProject,
                                           I18nHelper i18nBean)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Performs an automatic mapping of the custom fields from the backup system to the current systems custom field's and validates that all mappings are possible. Any errors or warnings will be reported through the MappingResult.getCustomFieldMessageSet().

Specified by:
autoMapAndValidateCustomFields in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
mappingResult - this was the result containing the path to the partitioned XML files,the ProjectImportMapper, and the MessageSets
backupProject - the selected project to import
i18nBean - used to internationalize the error messages


public void autoMapCustomFieldOptions(ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                      BackupProject backupProject)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Performs an automatic mapping of the custom field options from the backup system to the current systems values. This should only ever happen if the custom fields have been mapped and validated.

Specified by:
autoMapCustomFieldOptions in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
backupProject - the selected project to import


public void autoMapProjectRoles(ProjectImportData projectImportData)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Performs an automatic mapping of the project roles from the backup system to the current systems values.

Specified by:
autoMapProjectRoles in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.


public void autoMapSystemFields(ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                BackupProject backupProject)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Performs an automatic mapping of the system fields from the backup system to the current systems system field values The fields that are mapped are:

Specified by:
autoMapSystemFields in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
backupProject - the selected project to import


public void validateSystemFields(ProjectImportData projectImportData,
                                 MappingResult mappingResult,
                                 ProjectImportOptions projectImportOptions,
                                 BackupProject backupProject,
                                 TaskProgressInterval taskProgressInterval,
                                 I18nHelper i18nBean)
Description copied from interface: ProjectImportManager
Validates that all mappings are possible. Any errors or warnings will be reported through the field's MessageSet on the MappingResult. The fields that are validated are:

Specified by:
validateSystemFields in interface ProjectImportManager
projectImportData - which holds the initial projectImportMapper and the partitioned XML file paths for the project XML data that was partitioned from the main XML backup.
mappingResult - this was the result containing the path to the partitioned XML files,the ProjectImportMapper, and the MessageSets
projectImportOptions - Contains user inputted options related to the project import.
backupProject - the selected project to import
taskProgressInterval - Used to provide progress feedback, can be null.
i18nBean - used to internationalize the error messages

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