Package com.atlassian.jira.sharing.index

Interface Summary
DefaultSharedEntityIndexer.EntityDocument Holds a Document and an identifying Term so we can delete any pre-existing document.
DirectoryFactory The DirectoryFactory allows a different Lucene Directory to be used
QueryFactory Build a Lucene query for shared entities.
SharedEntityDocumentFactory Build a Document for a SharedEntity
SharedEntityFieldFactory Build a Field from a SharedEntity
SharedEntityIndexer Responsible for actually indexing a SharedEntity.
SharedEntityIndexManager Responsible for managing indexing of all shared entities

Class Summary
DefaultSharedEntityIndexer default implementation
DefaultSharedEntityIndexManager Default IndexManager for shared entities
DefaultSharedEntitySearcher<S extends SharedEntity> Default implementation of SharedEntitySearcher.
IndexPathDirectoryFactory An implementation that uses the IndexPathManager as its way of getting a Directory
IsSharedFieldFactory Responsible for building a Field that allows searching whether SharedEntity has been shared or not.
IsSharedQueryFactory Creates a query to retrieve all entities that have been shared in any way.
MemoryDirectoryFactory An implementation of DirectoryFactory that uses a RAMDirectory This is for testing only
PermissionQueryFactory Create a permission query.
SharedEntityFieldFactory.Default Default builders.
SharedEntitySearchContextToQueryFactoryMap Determines which QueryFactory to be used for a given SharedEntitySearchContext

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