Package com.atlassian.jira.event

Interface Summary
JiraEvent The base event class for all events fired within JIRA.
JiraListener The basic interface that all Listeners must implement.
ListenerManager Responsible for maintaining a event listeners.

Class Summary
AbstractEvent An abstract implementation of a JiraEvent
AbstractWorkflowEvent Author: jdoklovic
ClearCacheEvent Thrown when JIRA should clear and reinit all of its caches.
ComponentManagerShutdownEvent Raised when the ComponentManager is about to be shutdown
ComponentManagerStartedEvent Raised when the ComponentManager has started
DashboardViewEvent Published when the dashboard page is viewed.
DraftWorkflowCreatedEvent Author: jdoklovic
DraftWorkflowDeletedEvent Author: jdoklovic
DraftWorkflowPublishedEvent Author: jdoklovic
EventListeners Utility class for operating on event listeners.
HasEventListenerFor Hamcrest matcher that determines if a given class is capable of handling an event.
JiraEventExecutorFactory This is a thread pool for async events.
JiraListenerHandlerConfigurationImpl Provides the listener handlers for atlassian-events that JIRA requires.

Raised when JIRA finishes the upgrade process.

ListenerFactory The base factory used to create Listeners.
ProjectCreatedEvent Event that is triggered when a project is created.
ProjectDeletedEvent Event that is triggered when a project is deleted.
WorkflowCopiedEvent Author: jdoklovic
WorkflowCreatedEvent Event indicating a workflow has been created.
WorkflowDeletedEvent Author: jdoklovic
WorkflowImportedFromXmlEvent Event indicating a workflow has been imported via an XML file.
WorkflowUpdatedEvent Event indicating a workflow has been updated.

Exception Summary
ListenerException The exception that should be thrown for all errors within Listeners.

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