Package com.atlassian.jira.sharing

Interface Summary
SharedEntity Classes that implement this interface are able to Shared and Favourited.
SharedEntityAccessor<S extends SharedEntity> Provides an abstraction for accessing SharedEntity objects.
SharedEntityAccessor.Factory Factory to retrieve a SharedEntityAccessor for a given SharedEntity
SharedEntityAccessor.RetrievalDescriptor Used when getting a Collection of shared entities.
ShareManager Interface for managing SharePermission objects.
SharePermission Represents a JIRA share from the database.
SharePermissionReindexer Responsible for re-indexing SharedEntities when a SharePermission gets removed.
SharePermissionStore Store interface for the persistence of SharePermissions
ShareTypeValidatorUtils Utility class to validate a set of SharePermission or ShareTypeSearchParameter for an entity .

Class Summary
CachingSharePermissionStore Cache is key on entityId:type.
DefaultShareManager Default implementation of the ShareManager.
DefaultShareTypeValidatorUtils Default implementation of ShareTypeValidatorUtils.
IndexableSharedEntity<S extends SharedEntity> Represents a SharedEntity in a lightweight way that can be used for indexing.
OfBizSharePermissionStore OfBiz implementation of SharePermissionStore
SharedEntity.Identifier Utility class for identifying a SharedEntity.
SharedEntity.SharePermissions Encapsulates the permissions that a SharedEntity has.
SharedEntity.TypeDescriptor<S extends SharedEntity> The name and type of a SharedEntity.
SharedEntityColumnDefinition Implementation details of a SharedEntityColumn which is used for sorting Shared Entity search results.
SharePermissionDeleteUtils This is an adapter class that can be called when an entity, like groups and projects and roles, is deleted to allow the other associated SharePermissions to be deleted as well.
SharePermissionImpl Simple Bean implementation of SharePermission.
SharePermissionUtils Some utility functions for dealing with SharePermission instances.

Enum Summary
SharedEntityColumn Simple enumeration that represents the standard columns in a SharedEntity.

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