Uses of Class

Packages that use WebTestCaseWrapper

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests
 class AbstractAtlassianWebTestCase
          This super class provides extensions to JWebUnit useful in acceptance tests.
 class AbstractTestIssueNavigatorColumnsView
 class AbstractTestIssueNavigatorView
 class AbstractTestIssueNavigatorXmlView
 class JIRAWebTest
          Deprecated. This is a legacy class that evolved as a result of a 'stuff every util into the base class' approach. It is probably one of the fattest classes in the JIRA code base. It has been replaced by FuncTestCase that attempts to separate its various responsibilities into multiple helper classes. Always use FuncTestCase for new func tests and attempt to migrate old tests to use it whenever possible.

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin
 class TestAdminSectionVisibility
          Tests the admin/sys-admin visibility of pages in the admin section.
 class TestDataExport
          Tests that the data export does what it should (i.e.
 class TestEventTypes
 class TestGeneralConfiguration
          Func test of editing application properties.
 class TestGlobalPermissions
 class TestImportExport
          Test to see that importing an xml file into JIRA and then exporting from it results in an XML file Uses the following xml files: TestImportExport.xml TestImportExport2.xml
 class TestIntegrityChecker
          Ensure that all the correct integrity checks are shown in the UI.
 class TestPermissionSchemes
 class TestTaskAdmin
          Tests TaskAdmin function

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.index

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.index
 class TestIndexAdmin
          Tests admin reindex page

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.issuetypes

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.issuetypes
 class TestIssueTypeSchemeMigration
 class TestIssueTypeSchemes
          Functional test issue type schemes

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.scheme

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.scheme
 class TestSchemeComparisonTool
 class TestSchemeMergeTool
 class TestSchemePurgeTool

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.trustedapps

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.admin.trustedapps
 class TestTrustedApplicationClientVersion0
          Works as a client, tests that requests can be made securely.
 class TestTrustedApplicationClientVersion1
          Works as a client, tests that requests can be made securely using the newer protocol version.
 class TestTrustedApplications

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.attachment

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.attachment
 class TestEditAttachmentSettings

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bulk

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.bulk
 class BulkChangeIssues
 class TestBulkChangeIssues
 class TestBulkDeleteIssues
 class TestBulkEditIssues
 class TestBulkEditUserGroups
 class TestBulkMoveIssues
 class TestBulkMoveIssuesForEnterprise
 class TestBulkMoveWithMultiContexts
 class TestBulkOperationCustomField
 class TestBulkOperationIssueNavigator
 class TestBulkOperationsIndexing
 class TestBulkWorkflowTransition
 class TestEditNestedGroups

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.comment

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.comment
 class TestAddComment
 class TestCommentDelete
 class TestEditComment

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.customfield

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.customfield
 class TestCascadingSelectCustomField
 class TestCustomFields
 class TestCustomFieldsNoSearcherPermissions
          Test for JRA-13808
 class TestMultiCheckboxCustomFieldOptions
 class TestMultiGroupSelector
 class TestMultiSelectCustomFieldOptions
 class TestRadioSelectCustomFieldOptions
 class TestSelectCustomFieldOptions

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.dashboard.reports

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.dashboard.reports
 class TestDeveloperWorkloadReport
          Tests DeveloperWorkloadReport (aka User Workload Report on the UI).
 class TestDeveloperWorkloadReportPermissions
          Tests DeveloperWorkloadReport (aka User Workload Report on the UI)
 class TestVersionWorkloadReportPermissions

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in
 class TestMailServer

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.fields

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.fields
 class TestFieldConfigurationSchemes
 class TestFieldRenderers
          A test suite that exercises the renderer framework and implmentations.
 class TestFieldScreens

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.filter

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.filter
 class TestFilterActions
 class TestFilterSubscription
          Func tests for the new cron editor
 class TestPresetFiltersWebFragment

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue
 class TestCloneIssueWithSubTasks
          Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved.
 class TestCreateIssue
 class TestCreateIssueForEnterprise
 class TestCreateIssueViaDirectLink
 class TestEditIssue
 class TestEditIssueForEnterprise
 class TestInlineIssueLinking
 class TestIssueConstants
          Tests for issue constants (Issue type, priority, status, resolution).
 class TestIssueOperations
 class TestIssueOperationsOnDeletedIssue
 class TestIssuePrintableView
 class TestIssueSecurityActions
 class TestIssueSecurityWithGroupsAndRoles
          Tests that modifications to group or role membership will flush the cache by checking that the security level field has the correct values reflected.
 class TestIssueSecurityWithRoles
          Tests that issue security schemes with roles restrict unauthorized users from seeing issues
 class TestIssueViews
 class TestLinkIssue
 class TestSearchXmlCustomIssueView
          Tests XML Issue view for escaping chars, present nodes, etc.
 class TestViewIssue
 class TestWatchers
 class TestXmlCustomIssueView
 class TestXmlIssueViewBackwardCompatibility
 class TestXmlIssueViewErrors
          This class tests the various error conditions encountered when trying to view an issue using the IssueViewURLHandler.

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.assign

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.assign
 class TestAssignToCurrentUserFunction
          Enterprise only test!

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.move

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.issue.move
 class TestMoveIssue
 class TestMoveIssueAndRemoveFields
          Tests moving an issue such that it ends up in a project or Issue Type with hidden fields.
 class TestMoveIssueForEnterprise
 class TestRedirectToMovedIssues

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.license

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.license
 class TestLicenseFooters

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.misc

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.misc
 class TestAddPermissionNonStandardPermissionTypes
           Tests the AddPermission action.
 class TestAnnouncementBanner
          Tests the functionality of the announcement banner
 class TestBasic
          Test some basic operations in JIRA in German.
 class TestCvsIntegration
 class TestDateRangePicker
 class TestDefaultJiraDataFromInstall
          This functional test should run before all other functional tests.
 class TestPerforcePlugin
          Not included in AcceptanceTest as these tests cannot be fully automated yet.
 class TestShowConstantsHelp
 class TestUpgradeTask606
          Checks blowing away the "jira.path.backup" property
 class TestXSSInFullName
          Test Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities when script entered in fullname

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.navigator
 class TestGenericProjectConstantsSearcher
 class TestIssueNavigatorExcelView
 class TestIssueNavigatorFullContentView
 class TestIssueNavigatorPrintableView
 class TestIssueNavigatorRssView
 class TestIssueNavigatorWordView
 class TestIssueNavigatorXmlView
 class TestIssueNavigatorXmlViewTimeTracking
 class TestNavigatorPages
 class TestReturnToSearch

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.project

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.project
 class TestBrowseVersionsAndComponents
 class TestBrowseVersionsAndComponentsPaging
 class TestProjectCategory
 class TestProjectComponentQuickSearch
 class TestViewProject

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask
 class TestCreateSubTasks
 class TestCreateSubTasksContextPermission
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionSecurityLevel
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionStep1
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionStep2
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionSystemFields
          This test ensures that the correct systemfields are shown/hidden in the convert issue to subtask wizard.
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionVariousOperations
          This test ensures that an issue is inserted in the correct order in a subtask.
 class TestIssueToSubTaskConversionWithFields
 class TestReindexingSubtasks
 class TestSecurityLevelOfSubtasks
          Performs functional tests on Security Level field of subtasks.
 class TestSubtaskSecurity
          Test the subtask security to ensure a parent cant be seen if security dictates.
 class TestSubTaskToIssueConversionSecurityLevel
 class TestSubTaskToIssueConversionStep1

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask.move

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.subtask.move
 class TestMoveSubTask
 class TestMoveSubTaskIssueType

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking.legacy

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.timetracking.legacy
 class TestTimeTrackingAggregates
          Functional tests for log work
 class TestTimeTrackingExcelReport
 class TestTimeTrackingNavagableFields
          Functional tests for log work
 class TestTimeTrackingReport
 class TestTimeTrackingReportPermissions
 class TestWorkLogTabPanel

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.user

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.user
 class TestDeleteGroup
          These tests cover the deletion of groups through the Group Browser
 class TestDeleteUserAndPermissions
 class TestEditUserDetails
          Checks the set password and edit user details actions.
 class TestEditUserGroups
          Tests user group add/remove.
 class TestEditUserProjectRoles
 class TestExternalUserManagement
          Test case to test that certain behaviour is disabled in JIRA if we enable external usermanagment.
 class TestGlobalUserPreferences
          Test case to verify that the user counts are correct when updating global user preferences.
 class TestGroupSelectorPermissions
          Tests the GroupCF permission type, which allows a select-list (or radiobutton, etc) custom field to specify a group, which is then granted certain permissions.
 class TestGroupToRoleMappingTool
 class TestUpgradeTask602
          Checks the import and upgrade of users and groups for the migration to Embedded Crowd..
 class TestUserGroupPicker
 class TestUserManagement
          Functional test case for user management pages.
 class TestUserPickerGroupSearcher
 class TestUserProperties

Uses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.workflow

Subclasses of WebTestCaseWrapper in com.atlassian.jira.webtests.ztests.workflow
 class AbstractTestDraftWorkflowSchemeMigration
 class AbstractTestWorkflowSchemeMigration
 class TestCustomWorkflow
 class TestDraftWorkflow
 class TestDraftWorkflowSchemeMigration
 class TestDraftWorkflowSchemeMultipleProjectsMigration
 class TestExcludeResolutionOnTransitions
          Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved.
 class TestTransitionWorkflowScreen
          Tests related to the transition workflow screen.
 class TestWorkFlowActions
 class TestWorkflowBasedPermissions
          Loads data with a slightly customized permission scheme and a 'ChangeRequest' workflow XML with added attributes to restrict permissions per status.
 class TestWorkflowConditions
 class TestWorkflowEditing
          Test that workflow editing works ok.
 class TestWorkflowEditor
 class TestWorkflowMigration
 class TestWorkflowNameEditing
          Test that editing workflow name and description works in JIRA.
 class TestWorkFlowSchemes
 class TestWorkflowTransitionView

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