Package com.atlassian.jira.plugin.jql.function

Interface Summary
ClauseSanitisingJqlFunction An additional interface which can be implemented by JqlFunction classes in order to indicate to the JqlOperandResolver that their arguments are able to be sanitised if necessary.
JqlFunction Functions in JQL can be used to provide values for search criteria.
JqlFunctionModuleDescriptor A module descriptor for a JQL function handler that produces a JqlFunction.

Class Summary
AbstractDateFunction Function that produces the end of the month as the value.
AbstractIssueTypeFunction Base class for issue type functions.
AbstractJqlFunction A useful base implementation of the JqlFunction interface, that provides sensible default behaviour for the AbstractJqlFunction.init(JqlFunctionModuleDescriptor), AbstractJqlFunction.getFunctionName() and AbstractJqlFunction.isList() methods.
AbstractUserBasedFunction This is an abstract parent to user based functions that rely on returning a list of a list of QueryLiteral based on either the current user or a user passed as a parameter.
AbstractUserCapabilityFunction This is an abstract parent to user based functions that rely on returning a list of a list of QueryLiteral based on either the current user or a user passed as a parameter.
AbstractVersionsFunction An abstract class for the versions system field flag functions
AllReleasedVersionsFunction Function that produces released versions for any specified projects (or all released versions if no project is specified).
AllStandardIssueTypesFunction Function that produces all the standard issue types
AllSubIssueTypesFunction Function that produces all the sub-task issue types.
AllUnreleasedVersionsFunction Function that produces released versions for any specified projects (or all released versions if no project is specified).
CascadeOptionFunction A function that allows the user to select children of a specific parent option for cascading select fields.
ComponentsLeadByUserFunction This function returns a list of components lead by a user.
CurrentLoginFunction Return the date of the last login for the current user.
CurrentUserFunction Creates a value that is the current search user.
EarliestUnreleasedVersionFunction Function that produces the last released version for any specified projects.
EchoFunction Simple function that simply echos its input parameters as its output parameters.
EndOfDayFunction Function that produces the end of the day as the value.
EndOfMonthFunction Function that produces the end of the month as the value.
EndOfWeekFunction Function that produces the end of the week as the value.
EndOfYearFunction Function that produces the end of the year as the value.
IssueHistoryFunction A handler for the "issueHistory" function.
JqlFunctionModuleDescriptorImpl Implementation of JqlFunctionModuleDescriptor.
LastLoginFunction Return the date of the last login for the current user.
LatestReleasedVersionFunction Function that produces the last released version for any specified projects.
LinkedIssuesFunction Returns the issue ids of issues linked to the specified issue which the user can see.
MembersOfFunction Performs the validation and value generation for the MembersOf function.
NowFunction Function that produces the current date as the value.
ProjectsLeadByUserFunction This function returns a list of projects lead by a user.
ProjectsWhereUserHasPermissionFunction This function returns a list of projects where the user has the requested permission.
ProjectsWhereUserHasRoleFunction This function returns a list of projects where the user has the requested permission.
StartOfDayFunction Function that produces the end of the day as the value.
StartOfMonthFunction Function that produces the end of the month as the value.
StartOfWeekFunction Function that produces the end of the week as the value.
StartOfYearFunction Function that produces the end of the year as the value.
VotedIssuesFunction Returns the issue ids of the voted issues for the current user.
WatchedIssuesFunction Returns the issue ids of the watched issues for the current user.

Enum Summary

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