Package com.atlassian.jira.jql.operand

Interface Summary
JqlOperandResolver Responsible for validating Operands and extracting the QueryLiteral values from them.
OperandHandler<T extends Operand> Knows how to perform validation on and get expanded values from Operands.
PredicateOperandHandler Return the values from the Operand
PredicateOperandResolver Responsible for validating Operands and extracting the String values from them.

Class Summary
DefaultJqlOperandResolver Default implementation of the JqlOperandResolver interface.
DefaultPredicateOperandResolver Default implementation of the PredicateOperandResolver
EmptyOperandHandler Handles the EmptyOperand.
FunctionOperandHandler Adapter to convert the plugin point JqlFunction into OperandHandler.
PredicateOperandHandlerRegistry Has the standard handlers for dealing with history predicates
QueryLiteral Used to communicate literal values, Strings or Longs, as input into the Operands.

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