Interface WorkflowsRepository

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WorkflowsRepository

Provides a collection like interface over the underlying JiraWorkflow persistance implementation. All the methods on this abstraction take in or retrieve JiraWorflow objects. The repository is responsible to fetch these objects from the underlying persistance implementation based on a given criteria, objects should be able to be added and removed from the repository as well. See Repository Pattern Definition and the "Domain Driven Design" book for more information.


Method Summary
 boolean contains(String workflowName)
          Returns true if this repository contains a workflow with the specified name.

Method Detail


boolean contains(String workflowName)
Returns true if this repository contains a workflow with the specified name.

workflowName - The name of the workflow whose presence in this repository is to be tested.
true if this repository contains a workflow with the specified name.

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