Package com.atlassian.jira.webtest.framework.impl.selenium.core

Class Summary
AbstractLocatorBasedPageObject Abstract Selenium page object based on a single locator.
AbstractSeleniumPageObject Utility base class that contains many DSL-style methods based on the SeleniumContext, accessible to subclasses.
DefaultTimeouts Encapsulates JIRA Selenium timeouts.
SeleniumConditions For simpler instantiation of Selenium conditions.
SeleniumContext Encapsulates all key control objects involved in the Selenium test, for easy passing around.
SeleniumContextAware Base class for all objects in the Selenium framework aware of and using SeleniumContext.
SeleniumGlobalPages Implementation of GlobalPages.
SeleniumPageObjectFactory Selenium implementation of PageObjectFactory.
SeleniumQueries Selenium TimedQuery factory.
SeleniumWaits Convenience method for performing waits.

Enum Summary
SeleniumBrowserType Browser mapping between framework API and atlassian-selenium API.

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