Package com.atlassian.jira.webtest.framework.impl.selenium.condition

Class Summary
AbstractLocatorBasedTimedCondition Abstract implementation of the TimedCondition based on a Selenium locator.
AbstractLocatorBasedTimedConditionBuilder<B extends AbstractLocatorBasedTimedConditionBuilder<B,T>,T extends AbstractLocatorBasedTimedCondition> Abstract builder for AbstractLocatorBasedTimedCondition.
AbstractSeleniumTimedCondition Abstract implementation of the TimedCondition in the Selenium world.
AbstractSeleniumTimedConditionBuilder<B extends AbstractSeleniumTimedConditionBuilder<B,T>,T extends AbstractSeleniumTimedCondition> abstract builder for AbstractSeleniumTimedCondition.
AttributesMatchCondition A TimedCondition that is true, if a given set of attributes matches predefined values.
ContainsTextCondition Condition that an element specified by given locator must contain a particular text in the current test context.
ContainsValueCondition Condition that an element specified by given locator must contain a particular value in the current test context.
ExecuteScriptCondition Condition that a script result must evaluate to a predefined expected value.
HasClassCondition Condition that an element specified by given locator must contain a particular CSS class.
IsInWindowCondition Condition that the current test context is in a particular browser window.
IsPresentCondition Condition that an element specified by given locator must be present.
IsVisibleCondition Condition that an element specified by given locator must be present and visible in the current test context.
ValueChangedCondition Condition that a value of given locator has changed.

Enum Summary
ElementType Represents the value type of the target element.

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