
Interface Summary
XsrfCheckResult The result of the XSRF checks
XsrfDefaults This represents the default values from jira-application properties for controlling XSRF
XsrfInvocationChecker Checks that a web-request (either WebWork action or HttpServlet) has been invoked with the correct XSRF token.
XsrfTokenGenerator Interface for generating anti-XSRF tokens for web forms.

Class Summary
DefaultXsrfInvocationChecker This class will check that a web-request (either WebWork action or HttpServlet) has been invoked with the correct XSRF token.
SimpleXsrfTokenGenerator Simple implementation of XsrfTokenGenerator that stores a unique value in a cookie.
XsrfDefaultsImpl An implementation of XsrfDefaults
XsrfTokenAdditionRequestFilter This request Filter will set a XSRF token into the session IF there is a user AND they dont already have a token.
XsrfVulnerabilityDetectionSQLInterceptor SQL Interceptor that detects changes to the database that aren't xsrf protected

Exception Summary
XsrfFailureException This is thrown when a request fails an XSRF check.

Annotation Types Summary
RequiresXsrfCheck The annotation used to indicate that a method needs XSRF protection checking

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