Interface FilterOperationsAction

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractViewIssueColumns, EditFilter, FilterSubscription, IssueNavigator, ManageFilters, ManageSubscriptions, SaveAsFilter, SaveFilter, ViewIssueColumns, ViewSearchRequestIssueColumns, ViewSharedFilters, ViewUserIssueColumns

public interface FilterOperationsAction

Implemented by actions that wish to display and customise filter operations.


Method Summary
 FilterOperationsBean getFilterOperationsBean()
          Return the filter operations beans that describes the operations that should be displayed for this action.
 boolean isFilterValid()
          Tells if the filter state is valid and can bee saved or run.

Method Detail


FilterOperationsBean getFilterOperationsBean()
Return the filter operations beans that describes the operations that should be displayed for this action.

the filter operation bean for the actions.


boolean isFilterValid()
Tells if the filter state is valid and can bee saved or run. If there is no filter relevant to the action, return true.

false only if there is a filter that is invalid; no relevant filter results in true.

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