Package com.atlassian.jira.user

Interface Summary
AutoGroupAdder Marker interface for a component which self registers an AutoGroupAdder listener.
ExternalEntityStore This interface is to be implemented in order to provide ability to create user records in the external entities for JIRA-Crowd integration.
SecureUserTokenManager Provides the ability to generated and multiple secure tokens for a given user and type.
UserAdminHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Admin pages
UserHistoryManager The manager responsible for storing and retreiving UserHistoryItem objects.
UserHistoryStore Store interface for UserHistoryItem objects.
UserIssueHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Issue objects
UserProjectHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Project objects
UserPropertyManager The manager allows the caller to get the PropertySet associated with a user.
UserQueryHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to store and retrieve history items UserHistoryItem of the type JQL_QUERY.

Class Summary
AutoGroupAdderImpl Registers an AutoGroupAdderListener.
CachingExternalEntityStore A caching wrapper around the delegateEntityStore.
CachingUserHistoryStore Caching implementation of UserHistoryStore.
DefaultUserAdminHistoryManager A convenience wrapper around the UserHistoryManager to work directly with admin pages and perform permission checks.
DefaultUserHistoryManager Default implementation of the UserHistoryManager.
DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager A convenience wrapper around the UserHistoryManager to work directly with issues and perform permission checks
DefaultUserProjectHistoryManager Convienience wrapper for the UserHistoryManager that deals directly with Projects.
DefaultUserQueryHistoryManager Default implementation of UserQueryHistoryManager
OfbizExternalEntityStore This exists to create entities in the ExternalEntity table which is used to generate system id's for usernames that exist in external systems.
OfBizUserHistoryStore OfBiz implementation of UserHistoryStore
SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore Session based caching implementation of UserHistoryStore.
UserUtils A static helper class for User operations.

Enum Summary
SecureUserTokenManager.TokenType Token will be usable only for types of requests specified via this enum

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