Interface TaskProgressSink

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeProgressSink, JohnsonEventProgressSink, LoggingProgressSink, ScalingTaskProgessSink, StatefulTaskProgressSink, StepTaskProgressSink, TimeBasedLogSink

public interface TaskProgressSink

Interface that can be used by tasks to indicate progress.


Field Summary
static TaskProgressSink NULL_SINK
          A simple sink that does nothing.
Method Summary
 void makeProgress(long taskProgress, String currentSubTask, String message)
          This method can be called to indicate that progress is being made by a task.

Field Detail


static final TaskProgressSink NULL_SINK
A simple sink that does nothing.

Method Detail


void makeProgress(long taskProgress,
                  String currentSubTask,
                  String message)
This method can be called to indicate that progress is being made by a task.

taskProgress - an amount that indicates what progress has been made.
currentSubTask - the name of the current sub task or null if there isnt one
message - an optional message about the progress or null

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