Uses of Interface

Packages that use StartupCheck

Uses of StartupCheck in com.atlassian.jira.appconsistency.db

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.appconsistency.db that implement StartupCheck
 class Build178SchemaCheck
 class BuildVersionCheck
          This is a database check that verifies that user is not running old version of JIRA on the data in the database created by more recent version of JIRA.
 class MinimumUpgradableVersionCheck
          This is a database check that verifies that the data is not too old to be upgraded by this version of JIRA.
 class PostgresSchemaConfigCheck
          A checker that will print a log message if the database is Postgres and the schema name contains upper case.
 class PublicSchemaConfigCheck
          A DatabaseCheck that looks in the entityengine.xml for an anticipated misconfiguration, the combination of setting schema-name to PUBLIC (upper case) on a database other than HSQL.

Uses of StartupCheck in com.atlassian.jira.config.database

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.config.database that return StartupCheck
 StartupCheck DatabaseConfig.testConnection(com.atlassian.config.bootstrap.AtlassianBootstrapManager bootstrapManager)
          Tests the connection using the given bootstrapManager.

Uses of StartupCheck in com.atlassian.jira.startup

Classes in com.atlassian.jira.startup that implement StartupCheck
 class FailedStartupCheck
          Represents a generic failed StartupCheck.
 class JiraHomeStartupCheck
          This StartupCheck will check that there is a valid jira.home configured that we can get an exclusive lock on.
 class SystemPluginsEnabledStartupCheck
          Checks that all system plugins have been enabled.

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.startup that return StartupCheck
 StartupCheck RunningStartupState.getFailedStartupCheck()
 StartupCheck JiraStartupState.getFailedStartupCheck()
          Returns the first StartupCheck that failed, if any.
 StartupCheck JiraDatabaseConfigChecklist.getFailedStartupCheck()
          Returns the StartupCheck that failed, if any or null if none.
 StartupCheck StartupStateTemplate.getFailedStartupCheck()
          Returns the first startup check that failed, or null.
static StartupCheck JiraStartupChecklist.getFailedStartupCheck()
          Returns the StartupCheck that failed, if any.

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.startup that return types with arguments of type StartupCheck
protected<StartupCheck> RunningStartupState.getStartupChecks()
protected abstract<StartupCheck> StartupStateTemplate.getStartupChecks()
          Template method that returns an immutable list of startup checks to perform.
protected<StartupCheck> BootstrappingStartupState.getStartupChecks()

Methods in com.atlassian.jira.startup with parameters of type StartupCheck
 void RunningStartupState.setFailedStartupCheck(StartupCheck startupCheck)
 void JiraStartupState.setFailedStartupCheck(StartupCheck startupCheck)
          Sets the first StartupCheck that failed.
 void StartupStateTemplate.setFailedStartupCheck(StartupCheck failedStartupCheck)
          Sets the first startup check that failed.
static void JiraStartupChecklist.setFailedStartupCheck(StartupCheck startupCheck)
          Allows an external operation to declare that the startup failed, and give the message to be displayed in JIRA's "JIRA is locked" web page.

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