Interface SearchContextVisibilityChecker
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AlwaysVisibleSearchContextVisibilityChecker, ComponentSearchContextVisibilityChecker, IssueTypeSearchContextVisibilityChecker, StatusSearchContextVisibilityChecker, VersionSearchContextVisibilityChecker
public interface SearchContextVisibilityChecker
A utility class for checking if values are visible under a given SearchContext
- Since:
- v4.0
Set<String> FilterOutNonVisibleInContext(SearchContext searchContext,
Collection<String> ids)
- Filters out any ids in the given collection that are not visible under the
- Parameters:
- the context to check to see if the domain object represented by the id is visible underids
- the collection of ids to filter
- Returns:
- a new set which contains ids from the input collection that are visible under the given
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