Interface SearchRequestFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SearchRequestFactory

Factory for constructing SearchRequests. The resulting SearchRequests are not persisted.


Method Summary
 SearchRequest createFromParameters(SearchRequest oldSearchRequest, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User searchUser, ActionParams parameterMap)
          Takes a user and a raw map of request parameters that are used to create an object representation of the search request.
 SearchRequest createFromQuery(SearchRequest oldSearchRequest, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User searchUser, Query query)
          Takes a user, a SearchQuery and an original search request that are used to create an object representation of the search request.

Method Detail


SearchRequest createFromParameters(SearchRequest oldSearchRequest,
                                   com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User searchUser,
                                   ActionParams parameterMap)
Takes a user and a raw map of request parameters that are used to create an object representation of the search request.

oldSearchRequest - The original SearchRequest, if provided will be cloned as the basis for the new search request. The search requests Query will always be populated from the passed in parameters. If this is the same as the oldSearchRequest then the new search requests modified flag will be false. This can be null.
searchUser - The user that is searching
parameterMap - The raw request parameters that will be passed through the SearchInputTransformer.populateFromParams(User,com.atlassian.jira.issue.transport.FieldValuesHolder,com.atlassian.jira.issue.transport.ActionParams) and SearchInputTransformer.getSearchClause(User,com.atlassian.jira.issue.transport.FieldValuesHolder) methods to create a search clause. The parameters will also be used to create an OrderBy clause via the SearchSortUtil.getOrderByClause(java.util.Map) call. Must not be null.
a new SearchRequest based off given parameters.


SearchRequest createFromQuery(SearchRequest oldSearchRequest,
                              com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User searchUser,
                              Query query)
Takes a user, a SearchQuery and an original search request that are used to create an object representation of the search request.

oldSearchRequest - The original SearchRequest, if provided will be cloned as the basis for the new search request. The search requests Query will always be populated from the passed in parameters. If this is the same as the oldSearchRequest then the new search requests modified flag will be false. This can be null.
searchUser - The user that is searching
query - the query that defines the search requests where and order by clauses.
a new SearchRequest based off given parameters.

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