Interface VersionService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VersionService

Service for VersionService


Nested Class Summary
static class VersionService.AbstractVersionResult
static class VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult
static class VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult
static class VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult
static class VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult
static interface VersionService.ValidationResult
          Represents the results of performing a validation call for a single merge or delete operation.
static interface VersionService.VersionAction
static class VersionService.VersionResult
static class VersionService.VersionsResult
Field Summary
static VersionService.VersionAction REMOVE
          Indicates that the Version should be removed from affected issues.
Method Summary
 Version archiveVersion(VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult result)
          Takes a validation result and performs the archive operation.
 Version createVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult request)
          Using the validation result from validateCreateVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.Project, String, String, String, Long) a new version will be created.
 void decreaseVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
          Move a version to have a higher sequence number - ie make it later.
 void delete(JiraServiceContext context, VersionService.ValidationResult result)
          Deletes a version from a project.
 long getAffectsIssuesCount(Version version)
          Return the count of Issues that affect this version.
 long getFixIssuesCount(Version version)
          Return the count of Issues Fixed in this version.
 long getUnresolvedIssuesCount(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version)
          Return the count of Issues that are unresolved in this version.
 VersionService.VersionResult getVersionById(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long versionId)
          Used to retrieve a Version object by version id.
 VersionService.VersionResult getVersionById(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Project project, Long versionId)
          Used to retrieve a Version object by version id within project specified by Project object.
 VersionService.VersionResult getVersionByProjectAndName(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Project project, String versionName)
          Used to retrieve a Version object by version name within project specified by Project object.
 VersionService.VersionsResult getVersionsByProject(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Project project)
          Used to retrieve a Version collection within project specified by Project object.
 void increaseVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
          Move a version to have a lower sequence number - ie make it earlier.
 boolean isOverdue(Version version)
          Is the passed version overdue? This method does no permission checks on the passed version.
 void merge(JiraServiceContext context, VersionService.ValidationResult result)
          Merges a version into another, then removes the original version.
 void moveToEndVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
          Move a version to the end of the version sequence.
 void moveToStartVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
          Move a version to the start of the version list.
 void moveUnreleasedToNewVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version currentVersion, Version newVersion)
          Using the validation result from validateReleaseVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version, Date) a version will be released.
 void moveVersionAfter(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
          Move a version after another version.
 Version releaseVersion(VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult result)
          Using the validation result from validateReleaseVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version, Date) a version will be released.
 ServiceOutcome<Version> setReleaseDate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, Date releaseDate)
          Modify the release date of a version without performing a release/unrelease.
 ServiceOutcome<Version> setReleaseDate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, String releaseDate)
          Modify the release date of a version without performing a release/unrelease.
 ServiceOutcome<Version> setVersionDetails(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, String name, String description)
          Set the name and description of a version, if you have edit permission.
 Version unarchiveVersion(VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult result)
          Takes a validation result and performs the unarchive operation.
 Version unreleaseVersion(VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult result)
          Using the validation result from validateUnreleaseVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version, Date) a version will be unreleased.
 VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult validateArchiveVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version)
          This method should be called before archiving a version.
 VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult validateCreateVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Project project, String versionName, Date releaseDate, String description, Long scheduleAfterVersion)
          This method needs to be called before creating a version to ensure all parameters are correct.
 VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult validateCreateVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Project project, String versionName, String releaseDate, String description, Long scheduleAfterVersion)
          This method needs to be called before creating a version to ensure all parameters are correct.
 VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateDecreaseVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, long versionId)
          Validate Move a version to have a higher sequence number - ie make it later.
 VersionService.ValidationResult validateDelete(JiraServiceContext context, Long versionId, VersionService.VersionAction affectsAction, VersionService.VersionAction fixAction)
          Validates an attempt to delete a version from a project.
 VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateIncreaseVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, long versionId)
          Validate Move a version to have a lower sequence number - ie make it earlier.
 VersionService.ValidationResult validateMerge(JiraServiceContext context, Long versionId, Long swapVersionId)
          Validates an attempt to merge a version into another.
 VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateMoveToEndVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, long versionId)
          Validate Move a version to the end of the version sequence.
 VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateMoveToStartVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, long versionId)
          Validate Move a version to the start of the version list.
 VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateMoveVersionAfter(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, long versionId, Long scheduleAfterVersion)
          Validate Move a version after another version.
 ServiceOutcome<Version> validateReleaseDate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, String releaseDate)
          Validate the release date of a version without performing a release/unrelease.
 VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateReleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, Date releaseDate)
          This method needs to be called before releasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct.
 VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateReleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, String releaseDate)
          This method needs to be called before releasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct.
 VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult validateUnarchiveVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version)
          This method should be called before unarchiving a version.
 VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateUnreleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, Date releaseDate)
          This method needs to be called before unreleasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct.
 VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateUnreleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, String releaseDate)
          This method needs to be called before unreleasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct.
 ErrorCollection validateVersionDetails(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Version version, String name, String description)
          Validate the name and description of a version, if you have edit permission.

Field Detail


static final VersionService.VersionAction REMOVE
Indicates that the Version should be removed from affected issues.

Method Detail


ErrorCollection validateVersionDetails(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                       Version version,
                                       String name,
                                       String description)
Validate the name and description of a version, if you have edit permission.

user - the user who is performing the edit operation
version - the version that they want to edit
name - the new name for the version (must not be null or already in use)
description - the new description for the version
an ErrorCollection that contains the success or failure of the update
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null or duplicates an existing name


ServiceOutcome<Version> setVersionDetails(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                          Version version,
                                          String name,
                                          String description)
Set the name and description of a version, if you have edit permission.

user - the user who is performing the edit operation
version - the version that they want to edit
name - the new name for the version (must not be null or already in use)
description - the new description for the version
a ServiceOutcome that contains the success or failure of the update
IllegalArgumentException - if the name is null or duplicates an existing name


ServiceOutcome<Version> setReleaseDate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                       Version version,
                                       Date releaseDate)
Modify the release date of a version without performing a release/unrelease.

user - the user who is changing the release date
version - the version they want to modify
releaseDate - the new release date to use
a ServiceOutcome describing the success/failure of the edit, along with the new Version if successful


ServiceOutcome<Version> validateReleaseDate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                            Version version,
                                            String releaseDate)
Validate the release date of a version without performing a release/unrelease.

user - the user who is changing the release date
version - the version they want to modify
releaseDate - the new release date to use
a ServiceOutcome describing the success/failure of the edit, along with the new Version if successful


ServiceOutcome<Version> setReleaseDate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                       Version version,
                                       String releaseDate)
Modify the release date of a version without performing a release/unrelease.

user - the user who is changing the release date
version - the version they want to modify
releaseDate - the new release date to use
a ServiceOutcome describing the success/failure of the edit, along with the new Version if successful


VersionService.ValidationResult validateDelete(JiraServiceContext context,
                                               Long versionId,
                                               VersionService.VersionAction affectsAction,
                                               VersionService.VersionAction fixAction)
Validates an attempt to delete a version from a project. When deleting a version, we need to decide what to do with issues that reference the version in their Affects of Fix Version fields. The action taken is specified as a flag for each field.

context - The context for this service call.
versionId - The id of the version to be deleted.
affectsAction - Used to decide whether to move all the issues to a different 'affects' version or just remove them. See VersionKeys.REMOVE_ACTION, VersionKeys.SWAP_ACTION
fixAction - Used to decide wether to move all the issues to a different 'fix' version or just remove them. See VersionKeys.REMOVE_ACTION, VersionKeys.SWAP_ACTION
a VersionService.ValidationResult object which contains the version to delete, and the versions to swap to for Affects and Fix versions, or null if the action to be taken is VersionKeys.REMOVE_ACTION


void delete(JiraServiceContext context,
            VersionService.ValidationResult result)
Deletes a version from a project. When deleting a version, we need to decide what to do with issues that reference the version in their Affects of Fix Version fields. The action taken is specified as a flag for each field.

context - The context for this service call.
result - The result of validation, which contains the version to be deleted, and the swap versions for Affects and Fix fields


VersionService.ValidationResult validateMerge(JiraServiceContext context,
                                              Long versionId,
                                              Long swapVersionId)
Validates an attempt to merge a version into another. Merging is essentially the same as Deleting with the actions set to VersionKeys.SWAP_ACTION.

context - The context for this service call.
versionId - The original version to be merged and removed.
swapVersionId - The target version of the merge operation. Must be from the same project.
a VersionService.ValidationResult object which contains the version to delete, and the versions to swap to for Affects and Fix versions, or null if the action to be taken is VersionKeys.REMOVE_ACTION


void merge(JiraServiceContext context,
           VersionService.ValidationResult result)
Merges a version into another, then removes the original version.

context - The context for this service call.
result - The result of validation, which contains the version to be deleted, and the swap versions for Affects and Fix fields


VersionService.VersionResult getVersionById(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                            Project project,
                                            Long versionId)
Used to retrieve a Version object by version id within project specified by Project object. This method returns a VersionService.VersionResult. The version will be null if no version for the id specified can be found, or if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN, PROJECT_ADMIN or BROWSE project permission for the project. In both of these cases, the errorCollection in the result object will contain an appropriate error message.

user - The user trying to get a version
project - The project object containing requested version
versionId - The id of requested version
VersionResult object


VersionService.VersionResult getVersionById(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                            Long versionId)
Used to retrieve a Version object by version id. This method returns a VersionService.VersionResult. The version will be null if no version for the id specified can be found, or if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN, PROJECT_ADMIN or BROWSE project permission for the project. In both of these cases, the errorCollection in the result object will contain an appropriate error message.

user - The user trying to get a version
versionId - The id of requested version
VersionResult object


VersionService.VersionResult getVersionByProjectAndName(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                        Project project,
                                                        String versionName)
Used to retrieve a Version object by version name within project specified by Project object. This method returns a VersionService.VersionResult. The version will be null if no version for the versionName specified can be found, or if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN, PROJECT_ADMIN or BROWSE project permission for the project. In both of these cases, the errorCollection in the result object will contain an appropriate error message.

user - The user trying to get a version
project - The project object containing requested version
versionName - The name of requested version
VerionResult object


VersionService.VersionsResult getVersionsByProject(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                   Project project)
Used to retrieve a Version collection within project specified by Project object. This method returns a VersionService.VersionsResult. The versions collection will be empty if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN, PROJECT_ADMIN or BROWSE project permission for the project. In this case, the errorCollection in the result object will contain an appropriate error message.

user - The user trying to get a version
project - The project object containing requested version
VerionsResult object


VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult validateCreateVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                   Project project,
                                                                   String versionName,
                                                                   String releaseDate,
                                                                   String description,
                                                                   Long scheduleAfterVersion)
This method needs to be called before creating a version to ensure all parameters are correct. There are a number of required parameters, such as a project object and versionName. An error will be returned if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the project. The validation will also check if a version with the name provided already exists and throw an appropriate error.

Optional validation will be done for the release date, if provided. An error will be returned, if date format is valid.

The method will return a VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult which contains an ErrorCollection with any potential errors and all the version's details.

user - The user trying to create a version
project - The project object containing requested version
versionName - The name of created version
releaseDate - The release date for a version (optional)
description - The description for a version (optional)
scheduleAfterVersion - The version after which created version should be scheduled (optional)
CreateVersionValidationResult object


VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult validateCreateVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                   Project project,
                                                                   String versionName,
                                                                   Date releaseDate,
                                                                   String description,
                                                                   Long scheduleAfterVersion)
This method needs to be called before creating a version to ensure all parameters are correct. There are a number of required parameters, such as a project object and versionName. An error will be returned if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the project. The validation will also check if a version with the name provided already exists and throw an appropriate error.

Optional validation will be done for the release date, if provided. An error will be returned, if date format is valid.

The method will return a VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult which contains an ErrorCollection with any potential errors and all the version's details.

user - The user trying to create a version
project - The project object containing requested version
versionName - The name of created version
releaseDate - The release date for a version (optional)
description - The description for a version (optional)
scheduleAfterVersion - The version after which created version should be scheduled (optional)
CreateVersionValidationResult object


Version createVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                      VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult request)
Using the validation result from validateCreateVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.Project, String, String, String, Long) a new version will be created. This method will throw an RuntimeException if the version could not be created.

user - The user trying to get a version
request - The VersionService.CreateVersionValidationResult object containg all required data
created Version object


VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateReleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                     Version version,
                                                                     Date releaseDate)
This method needs to be called before releasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct. There is required parameter, version object. An error will be returned if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the project. The validation will also check if a version provided has a valid name and if is not released already.

The method will return a VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult which contains an ErrorCollection with any potential errors and all the version's details.

user - The user trying to release a version
version - The version to release
releaseDate - The version release date (optional)
ReleaseVersionValidationResult object


VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateReleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                     Version version,
                                                                     String releaseDate)
This method needs to be called before releasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct. There is required parameter, version object. An error will be returned if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the project. The validation will also check if a version provided has a valid name and if is not released already.

The method will return a VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult which contains an ErrorCollection with any potential errors and all the version's details.

user - The user trying to release a version
version - The version to release
releaseDate - The version release date (optional)
ReleaseVersionValidationResult object


VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateUnreleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                       Version version,
                                                                       Date releaseDate)
This method needs to be called before unreleasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct. There is required parameter, version object. An error will be returned if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the project. The validation will also check if a version provided has a valid name and if is released already.

The method will return a VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult which contains an ErrorCollection with any potential errors and all the version's details.

user - The user trying to unrelease a version
version - The version to release
releaseDate - The version release date (optional)
ReleaseVersionValidationResult object


VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult validateUnreleaseVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                       Version version,
                                                                       String releaseDate)
This method needs to be called before unreleasing a version to ensure all parameters are correct. There is required parameter, version object. An error will be returned if the user making the request does not have the ADMIN or PROJECT_ADMIN permission for the project. The validation will also check if a version provided has a valid name and if is released already.

The method will return a VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult which contains an ErrorCollection with any potential errors and all the version's details.

user - The user trying to unrelease a version
version - The version to release
releaseDate - The version release date (optional)
ReleaseVersionValidationResult object


Version releaseVersion(VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult result)
Using the validation result from validateReleaseVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version, Date) a version will be released. This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the provied data are invalid and version could not be released.

result - a ReleaseVersionValidationResult containg required data
a released version object


void moveUnreleasedToNewVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                Version currentVersion,
                                Version newVersion)
Using the validation result from validateReleaseVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version, Date) a version will be released. This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the provied data are invalid and version could not be released.

user - The user trying to release a version
currentVersion - The current version being released.
newVersion - The version to move issues to.


Version unreleaseVersion(VersionService.ReleaseVersionValidationResult result)
Using the validation result from validateUnreleaseVersion(User, com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version, Date) a version will be unreleased. This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the provied data are invalid and version could not be unreleased.

result - a ReleaseVersionValidationResult containg required data
a unreleased version object


VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult validateArchiveVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                     Version version)
This method should be called before archiving a version. It performs some basic validation of the version that was passed in. This includes a null check, checking that the version name isn't empty, and checking that the version is linked against a valid project.

The method also validates that the user passed in is either a global admin, or has project admin rights for the project that the version is linked to.

Finally, this method checks that the version that was passed in hasn't already been archived. If there's any errors, the validationResult will contain appropriate errors and wont be valid.

user - The user performing this operation
version - The version to be archived
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details on success


VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult validateUnarchiveVersion(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                       Version version)
This method should be called before unarchiving a version. It performs some basic validation of the version that was passed in. This includes a null check, checking that the version name isn't empty, and checking that the version is linked against a valid project.

The method also validates that the user passed in is either a global admin, or has project admin rights for the project that the version is linked to.

Finally, this method checks that the version that was passed is currently archived. If there's any errors, the validationResult will contain appropriate errors and wont be valid.

user - The user performing this operation
version - The version to be archived
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details on success


Version archiveVersion(VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult result)
Takes a validation result and performs the archive operation.

result - The result from the validation
The version that was archived. Ideally this version should have been retrieved from the store for consistency
IllegalStateException - if the result passed in is not valid.


Version unarchiveVersion(VersionService.ArchiveVersionValidationResult result)
Takes a validation result and performs the unarchive operation.

result - The result from the validation
The version that was unarchived. Ideally this version should have been retrieved from the store for consistency
IllegalStateException - if the result passed in is not valid.


boolean isOverdue(Version version)
Is the passed version overdue? This method does no permission checks on the passed version.

version - the version to check.
true if the passed version is overdue.


VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateMoveToStartVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                              long versionId)
Validate Move a version to the start of the version list.

user - The user trying to move a version
versionId -
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details on success


VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateIncreaseVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                           long versionId)
Validate Move a version to have a lower sequence number - ie make it earlier.

user - The user trying to move a version
versionId -
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details on success


VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateDecreaseVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                           long versionId)
Validate Move a version to have a higher sequence number - ie make it later.

user - The user trying to move a version
versionId -
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details on success


VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateMoveToEndVersionSequence(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                            long versionId)
Validate Move a version to the end of the version sequence.

user - The user trying to move a version
versionId -
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details on success


VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult validateMoveVersionAfter(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                                    long versionId,
                                                                    Long scheduleAfterVersion)
Validate Move a version after another version.

user - The user trying to move a version
versionId - version to reschedule
scheduleAfterVersion - id of the version to schedule after the given version object
a validation result, containing any errors or the version details and schedule after target on success


void moveToStartVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
Move a version to the start of the version list.

moveVersionValidationResult - Move Version Validation Result


void increaseVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
Move a version to have a lower sequence number - ie make it earlier.

moveVersionValidationResult - Move Version Validation Result


void decreaseVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
Move a version to have a higher sequence number - ie make it later.

moveVersionValidationResult - Move Version Validation Result


void moveToEndVersionSequence(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
Move a version to the end of the version sequence.

moveVersionValidationResult - Move Version Validation Result


void moveVersionAfter(VersionService.MoveVersionValidationResult moveVersionValidationResult)
Move a version after another version.

moveVersionValidationResult - Move Version Validation Result


long getFixIssuesCount(Version version)
Return the count of Issues Fixed in this version.

version -
A count of issues


long getAffectsIssuesCount(Version version)
Return the count of Issues that affect this version.

version -
A count of issues


long getUnresolvedIssuesCount(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                              Version version)
Return the count of Issues that are unresolved in this version. Used when releasing a version to get user confirmation about what to do with the unresolved issues.

user - the user trying to release the version
version - which version to check for unresolved issues
A count of issues

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