Interface IssueService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IssueService

This is used to perform create, update, delete, and transition operations in JIRA with Issue's. This services methods will make sure that when dealing with Issue's that all of JIRA's business rules are enforced. This means that permissions and data validation will be checked, proper events will be fired, and notifications will be triggered.

NOTE: This service is in flux and may be changed in the next few versions. This is an important service to have in JIRA and it is important to get it right, we therefore reserve the right to change it as we receive feedback. Please feel free to use the service but just keep in mind you may need to update your code if/when this changes.


Nested Class Summary
static class IssueService.AssignValidationResult
          A simple object that holds the information about validating an update issue operation.
static class IssueService.CreateValidationResult
          A simple object that holds the information about validating a create issue operation.
static class IssueService.DeleteValidationResult
          A simple object that holds the information about validating a delete issue operation.
static class IssueService.IssueResult
          A simple object that holds the information about an issue operation.
static class IssueService.IssueValidationResult
          A simple base object that holds the information about performing an issue operation.
static class IssueService.TransitionValidationResult
          A simple result object that holds the information required to make a successful issue transition.
static class IssueService.UpdateValidationResult
          A simple object that holds the information about validating an update issue operation.
Method Summary
 IssueService.IssueResult assign(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.AssignValidationResult assignResult)
          This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore and will transition it through workflow.
 IssueService.IssueResult create(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.CreateValidationResult createValidationResult)
          This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore.
 IssueService.IssueResult create(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.CreateValidationResult createValidationResult, String initialWorkflowActionName)
          This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore.
 ErrorCollection delete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.DeleteValidationResult deleteValidationResult)
          This method will delete an issue from JIRA.
 ErrorCollection delete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.DeleteValidationResult deleteValidationResult, EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption, boolean sendMail)
          This method will delete an issue from JIRA.
 IssueService.IssueResult getIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long issueId)
          This method will retrieve the issue with the provided issue id if the current user has permission to view the issue.
 IssueService.IssueResult getIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, String issueKey)
          This method will retrieve the issue with the provided issue id if the current user has permission to view the issue.
 boolean isEditable(Issue issue, com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
          Returns true if the issue can be edited by the current user.
 IssueInputParameters newIssueInputParameters()
          Constructs a new IssueInputParameters object with no initial values.
 IssueInputParameters newIssueInputParameters(Map<String,String[]> actionParameters)
          Constructs a new IssueInputParameters object with initial values provided by the input Map.
 IssueService.IssueResult transition(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.TransitionValidationResult transitionResult)
          This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore and will transition it through workflow.
 IssueService.IssueResult update(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.UpdateValidationResult updateValidationResult)
          This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore.
 IssueService.IssueResult update(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueService.UpdateValidationResult updateValidationResult, EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption, boolean sendMail)
          This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore.
 IssueService.AssignValidationResult validateAssign(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long issueId, String assignee)
          This method will check permissions to see if a user has the permission in relation to the provided issue, and that the assignee is assignable.
 IssueService.CreateValidationResult validateCreate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
          This method will validate parameters and check permissions and if all checks pass it will create an Issue that can be passed to the create(User, CreateValidationResult) method.
 IssueService.DeleteValidationResult validateDelete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long issueId)
          This method will check permissions to see if a user has the Permissions.DELETE_ISSUE permission in relation to the provided issue.
 IssueService.CreateValidationResult validateSubTaskCreate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long parentId, IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
          This method does the same as validateCreate(User, IssueInputParameters) and it allows you to specify a parentId such that the created issue will be a subtask of the provided parent id.
 IssueService.TransitionValidationResult validateTransition(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long issueId, int actionId, IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
          This method will validate parameters and check the transition conditions and if all checks pass it will construct a new instance of the Issue and will update it with the new parameters.
 IssueService.UpdateValidationResult validateUpdate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user, Long issueId, IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
          This method will validate parameters and check permissions and if all checks pass it will construct a new instance of the Issue and will update it with the new parameters.

Method Detail


IssueService.IssueResult getIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                  Long issueId)
This method will retrieve the issue with the provided issue id if the current user has permission to view the issue.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueId - the database ID of the issue.
a result containing an Issue for the provided id if the user has the Permissions.BROWSE permission for the issue, the issue will be null if the issue does not exist or the user does not have permission. The result also contains an error collection that will contain any error messages that may have been generated when performing the operation.


IssueService.IssueResult getIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                  String issueKey)
This method will retrieve the issue with the provided issue id if the current user has permission to view the issue.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueKey - the key (e.g. TST-1) of the issue.
a result containing an Issue for the provided id if the user has the Permissions.BROWSE permission for the issue, the issue will be null if the issue does not exist or the user does not have permission. The result also contains an error collection that will contain any error messages that may have been generated when performing the operation.


IssueService.CreateValidationResult validateSubTaskCreate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                          Long parentId,
                                                          IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
This method does the same as validateCreate(User, IssueInputParameters) and it allows you to specify a parentId such that the created issue will be a subtask of the provided parent id.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
parentId - the id of the parent Issue for this subtask.
issueInputParameters - this represents the issue values we want to validate. It contains access to a raw map of "web" style input parameters. These parameters are used to allow the fields to attain the user inputted values. If you would like to specify some seed values for the field values holder that will be passed to the JIRA fields, then you should set your map on this input values. Also, if you want to specify which fields have been provided for user input, set the provided fields on this input, if not set this method will use the system defaults. Fields not in the provided fields collection will not be validated but they will have their defaults set.
a result object containing a fully populated and validated MutableIssue if all validation passes and the user has permission to create such an issue in the provided project, otherwise the issue will be null. The result also contains an error collection that will contain any error messages that may have been generated when performing the operation. It also contains a populated FieldValuesHolder that can be used by the fields to re-render the user inputted values.


IssueService.CreateValidationResult validateCreate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                   IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
This method will validate parameters and check permissions and if all checks pass it will create an Issue that can be passed to the create(User, CreateValidationResult) method.

This method will validate that the provided parameters are valid for the fields that are specified by the configured create screen for the provided project/issue type, unless over-ridden with the provided fields collection in the IssueInputParameters. Any fields that are not included on the create screen or provided fields will be populated with their default values and have those values validated. If any validation fails then this method will return a null Issue. Whether the methods validation is a success or a failure the fieldValuesHolder in the result will be populated with the data that is needed for the fields to render the inputted raw parameters.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueInputParameters - this represents the issue values we want to validate. It contains access to a raw map of "web" style input parameters. These parameters are used to allow the fields to attain the user inputted values. If you would like to specify some seed values for the field values holder that will be passed to the JIRA fields, then you should set your map on this input values. Also, if you want to specify which fields have been provided for user input, set the provided fields on this input, if not set this method will use the system defaults. Fields not in the provided fields collection will not be validated but they will have their defaults set.
a result object containing a fully populated and validated MutableIssue if all validation passes and the user has permission to create such an issue in the provided project, otherwise the issue will be null. The result also contains an error collection that will contain any error messages that may have been generated when performing the operation. It also contains a populated FieldValuesHolder that can be used by the fields to re-render the user inputted values.


IssueService.IssueResult create(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                IssueService.CreateValidationResult createValidationResult)
This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore. This method will only do so if the current user has the create permission within the specified project. The issue will be created and indexed and placed into the correct initial workflow step. All workflow post-functions associated with the workflows initial action will be executed. This method will fire the EventType.ISSUE_CREATED_ID event, thus triggering any notifications that may need to be sent.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
createValidationResult - contains the issue to store. This should have been created by one of the validateCreate methods. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
the a result object containing the persisted Issue if all went. If there was an error creating the issue then the issue will be null and the error collection will contain details of what went wrong.


IssueService.IssueResult create(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                IssueService.CreateValidationResult createValidationResult,
                                String initialWorkflowActionName)
This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore. This method will only do so if the current user has the create permission within the specified project. The issue will be created and indexed and placed into the correct initial workflow step. All workflow post-functions associated with the workflows initial action will be executed.

This method should only be used if you have a very complicated custom workflow where you have defined more than one initial action. In this case the auxilarySubmitButtonValue will indicate to the workflow manager which initial action should be executed. This method will fire the EventType.ISSUE_CREATED_ID event, thus triggering any notifications that may need to be sent.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
createValidationResult - contains the issue to store. This should have been created by one of the validateCreate methods. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
initialWorkflowActionName - indicates which initial action to execute.
the a result object containing the persisted Issue if all went. If there was an error creating the issue then the issue will be null and the error collection will contain details of what went wrong.


IssueService.IssueResult update(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                IssueService.UpdateValidationResult updateValidationResult)
This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore. Use this method to perform the default behavior for updating an issue in JIRA. This method will only update the issue if the current user has the edit permission within the specified project. The issue will be saved and re-indexed.

This method will fire the EventType.ISSUE_UPDATED_ID event, thus triggering any notifications that may need to be sent.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
updateValidationResult - that contains the issue to update, this should have been created via the validateUpdate(User, Long, IssueInputParameters) method. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
the a result object containing the persisted Issue if all went. If there was an error updating the issue then the issue will be null and the error collection will contain details of what went wrong.


IssueService.UpdateValidationResult validateUpdate(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                   Long issueId,
                                                   IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
This method will validate parameters and check permissions and if all checks pass it will construct a new instance of the Issue and will update it with the new parameters. This object can then be passed to the update(User, UpdateValidationResult) method.

This method will validate that the provided parameters are valid for the fields that are specified by the configured edit screen for the issues project/issue type. Any fields that are not included on the edit screen will not be validated or populated.

If any validation fails then this method will return a null Issue. Whether the methods validation is a success or a failure the fieldValuesHolder will be populated with the data that is needed for the fields to render the inputted raw parameters.

The issue must also be in a open workflow state for this call to succeed.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueId - the unique identifer for the issue to update, this must be an issue that exists in JIRA with a valid project/issue type.
issueInputParameters - this represents the issue values we want to validate. It contains access to a raw map of "web" style input parameters. These parameters are used to allow the fields to attain the user inputted values. If you would like to specify some seed values for the field values holder that will be passed to the JIRA fields, then you should set your map on this input values. Also, if you want to specify which fields have been provided for user input, set the provided fields on this input, if not set this method will use the system defaults. Fields not in the provided fields collection will not be validated but they will have their defaults set.
a result that can be passed to the update(User, UpdateValidationResult) method which contains an MutableIssue populated with the updated values and the error collection that contains any validation errors that may have occurred. It also contains a populated FieldValuesHolder that can be used by the fields to re-render the user inputted values.


IssueService.IssueResult update(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                IssueService.UpdateValidationResult updateValidationResult,
                                EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption,
                                boolean sendMail)
This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore. This method will only update the issue if the current user has the edit permission within the specified project. The issue will be saved and re-indexed.

This method should be used if you want to exert more control over what happens when JIRA updates an issue. This method will allow you to specify if an event is dispatched and if so which event is dispatched, see EventDispatchOption. This method also allows you to specify if email notifications should be send to notify users of the update.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
updateValidationResult - contains the issue to update, this should have been created via the validateUpdate(User, Long, com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueInputParameters) method. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
eventDispatchOption - specifies if an event should be sent and if so which should be sent.
sendMail - if true mail notifications will be sent, otherwise mail notifications will be suppressed.
the a result object containing the persisted Issue if all went. If there was an error updating the issue then the issue will be null and the error collection will contain details of what went wrong.


IssueService.DeleteValidationResult validateDelete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                   Long issueId)
This method will check permissions to see if a user has the Permissions.DELETE_ISSUE permission in relation to the provided issue. If the current user does not have permission then an error will be added to the service contexts error collection.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueId - the unique identifier of the issue to delete
a result that can be passed to the delete(User, com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.IssueService.DeleteValidationResult) method which contains an MutableIssue and the error collection that contains any validation errors that may have occurred.


ErrorCollection delete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                       IssueService.DeleteValidationResult deleteValidationResult)
This method will delete an issue from JIRA. This will happen only if the current user has the Permissions.DELETE_ISSUE permission. This will clean up all issue associations in JIRA and will de-index the issue.

This method will dispatch the EventType.ISSUE_DELETED_ID event and will generate email notifications.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
deleteValidationResult - contains the issue to delete, this should have been created via the validateDelete(User, Long) method. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
If there was an error deleting the issue then the error collection will contain details of what went wrong.


ErrorCollection delete(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                       IssueService.DeleteValidationResult deleteValidationResult,
                       EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption,
                       boolean sendMail)
This method will delete an issue from JIRA. This will happen only if the current user has the Permissions.DELETE_ISSUE permission. This will clean up all issue associations in JIRA and will de-index the issue.

This method should be used if you want to exert more control over what happens when JIRA deletes an issue. This method will allow you to specify if an event is dispatched and if so which event is dispatched, see EventDispatchOption. This method also allows you to specify if email notifications should be send to notify users of the deletion.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
deleteValidationResult - contains the issue to delete, this should have been created via the validateDelete(User, Long) method. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
eventDispatchOption - specifies if an event should be sent and if so which should be sent.
sendMail - if true mail notifications will be sent, otherwise mail notifications will be suppressed.
If there was an error deleting the issue then the error collection will contain details of what went wrong.


boolean isEditable(Issue issue,
                   com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user)
Returns true if the issue can be edited by the current user. This is determined by looking at both the user's permissions and the workflow step the issue is in.

issue - the issue you want to edit
user - the user who will be performing the edit
true if the user has permission and the issue is in an editable workflow step


IssueService.TransitionValidationResult validateTransition(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                           Long issueId,
                                                           int actionId,
                                                           IssueInputParameters issueInputParameters)
This method will validate parameters and check the transition conditions and if all checks pass it will construct a new instance of the Issue and will update it with the new parameters. This object can then be passed to the transition(User, TransitionValidationResult) method.

This method will validate that the provided parameters are valid for the fields that are specified by the configured workflow transition screen for the issues project/issue type. Any fields that are not included on the screen will not be validated or populated. If the transition has no view then the issue fields will not be validated.

If any validation fails then this method will return a null TransitionResult. Whether the methods validation is a success or a failure the fieldValuesHolder will be populated with the data that is needed for the fields to render the inputted raw parameters.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueId - the unique identifier for the issue to update, this must be an issue that exists in JIRA with a valid project/issue type.
actionId - is the id of the workflow action that you would like to transition the issue through.
issueInputParameters - this represents the issue values we want to validate. It contains access to a raw map of "web" style input parameters. These parameters are used to allow the fields to attain the user inputted values. If you would like to specify some seed values for the field values holder that will be passed to the JIRA fields, then you should set your map on this input values. Also, if you want to specify which fields have been provided for user input, set the provided fields on this input, if not set this method will use the system defaults. Fields not in the provided fields collection will not be validated but they will have their defaults set.
a TransitionResult that contains a MutableIssue populated with the updated values and some additional parameters that are used when transitioning the issue through workflow and the error collection that contains any validation errors that may have occurred. It also contains a populated FieldValuesHolder that can be used by the fields to re-render the user inputted values.


IssueService.IssueResult transition(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                    IssueService.TransitionValidationResult transitionResult)
This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore and will transition it through workflow. Use this method to perform the default behavior for updating and transitioning an issue in JIRA. The issue will be saved and re-indexed, the comment, if provided, will be added and the transition will be made.

This method will fire the event associated with the workflow transition, thus triggering any notifications that may need to be sent.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
transitionResult - contains the issue to transition, with any updates that need to be persisted and the action id which is the id of the workflow action that you would like to transition the issue through. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
result containing the updated transitioned issue and any errors that may have occurred.


IssueService.AssignValidationResult validateAssign(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                                   Long issueId,
                                                   String assignee)
This method will check permissions to see if a user has the permission in relation to the provided issue, and that the assignee is assignable. If validation fails then an error will be added to the service contexts error collection.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
issueId - the unique identifier for the issue to update, this must be an issue that exists in JIRA with a valid project/issue type.
assignee - is the id of the user to assign the issue to.
an AssignValidationResult that contains an MutableIssue populated with the updated values and the error collection that contains any validation errors that may have occurred. It also contains a populated FieldValuesHolder that can be used by the fields to re-render the user inputted values.


IssueService.IssueResult assign(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user,
                                IssueService.AssignValidationResult assignResult)
This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore and will transition it through workflow. Use this method to perform the default behavior for updating and transitioning an issue in JIRA. The issue will be saved and re-indexed, the comment, if provided, will be added and the transition will be made.

This method will fire the event associated with the workflow transition, thus triggering any notifications that may need to be sent.

user - who the permission checks will be run against (can be null, indicating an anonymous user).
assignResult - contains the issue and assigneeId for the assignment. The result must have ServiceResult.isValid() return true. If false this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
result containing the updated transitioned issue and any errors that may have occurred.


IssueInputParameters newIssueInputParameters()
Constructs a new IssueInputParameters object with no initial values.

IssueInputParameters is used as input to many of the methods in IssueService.

a new IssueInputParameters object with no initial values.
See Also:


IssueInputParameters newIssueInputParameters(Map<String,String[]> actionParameters)
Constructs a new IssueInputParameters object with initial values provided by the input Map.

This is often used to pass HTTP Parameters with Issue values eg:

IssueInputParameters is used as input to many of the methods in IssueService.

actionParameters - Parameters as received by a HTTP Request
a new IssueInputParameters object with initial values provided by the input Map.
See Also:

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